What's a more logical historical belief, Muhammad was a child rapist and girls hit puberty at 9 or the concept of age-of-consent and purity were different at some point in some cultures between 650-2017 so when discribing Abu Bakr's daughter he married to Muhammad as "pure and definitely a virgin"?
What's a more logical historical belief...
Vestigial cultural norm obviously. Every man likes fresh meat, this has always been. Koran is just some feudalistic mumbo jumbo about betrothing 9 year olds or whatever. No more bizarre than virgin Mary's.
>Every man likes fresh meat, this has always been
Nobody wants to fuck a 9 year old. If you do I would never want myself or anyone else within 500 feet of you
Um, no, sweetie, quite a few wouldn't mind that, especially considering the fact that literally everyone wants to fuck 12-13-year-olds, but have to pretend they don't.
Muslims used to have enough shame to not want to admit/discuss Mohammad's pedophilia.
Now they're proud of it.
>literally everyone wants to fuck 12-13-year-olds, but have to pretend they don'
No, once again, I don't want to be near you. I hope you die before you do something horrible to someone
I have bad news for you, friendo. There is something wrong with you. You are not normal. You might want to see a doctor about that before it gets out of hand.
In the West, people started to have a negative attitude towards marriage and sex with very young boys and girls only at the beginning of the 20th century. You could easily have sex with a 7 years old child in the late 19th-century United States.
What make you think that Aisha couldn't have hit puberty at 9? A significant number of girls are now entering puberty around the age of 8. Plus, classical Islamic law holds that it is illegal to have sex with a prepubescent children.
> Muhammad was a child rapist and girls hit puberty at 9
why does these conditions both have to be in effect at the same time?
>the concept of age-of-consent and purity were different at some point in some cultures between 650-2017
age of consent yes, purity no. Purity would always mean that she's a virgin i.e. that she's never had a dick inside her before and that would be the same in pretty much all cultures over that time period.
> so when discribing Abu Bakr's daughter he married to Muhammad as "pure and definitely a virgin"?
not sure what this is meant to mean.
if you're trying to say that aisha wasn't actually 9 when muhammad fucked her but they just claimed that she was 9 in order to make it clear that she was a virgin, that seems tenuous given that there are sahih hadiths where aisha herself says that she was 9 when the marriage was consummated. so unless you want to throw out hadiths as a resource entirely you ought to accept that.
Why do people act like it was some kind of expected norm or quirk of the times to fuck a 9 year old in the 7th century.
In the 8th century the Byzantines required boys to be 15 and girls to be 14 before they could get married. It has never been normal in any society to fuck a 9 year old.
Have any of you ever seen a 9 year old? They're like overgrown toothy babies. Why would you want to fuck one.
>It has never been normal in any society to fuck a 9 year old.
This is the most historically illiterate post I have ever seen on this board.
I'm with him. I wish you were stillborn.
What made you think Mohammad didn't fuck 1 year old girls? It's not forbidden in the quran, now, is it.
>What made you think Mohammad didn't fuck 1 year old girls?
What makes you think tat he did?
>It's not forbidden in the quran, now, is it.
It is forbidden in all Sunni schools of Islamic jurisprudence that I know about. Can't say the same abouth the Shia ones though.
*that he did
Lusting after a baby girl feeding at her mother's teat.
Lusting after a baby girl crawling on the floor.
When you look at a 1 year old and say "she's going to be my wife one day", you're a pedophile.
This tacit admission that Mohammad fucked a 9 year old girl (go look at a 4th grade class, and see how young this is) belies the truth.
That he did "everything but" for years.
That was the cultural norm for most of human history. When a girl gets her first period at roughly age 12-13, they can have kids and thus be married.
That's a modern lie. But like I said above, people like you lost your shame, and hide behind your pedo "prophet" to make yourselves feel better.
Every time I see the "in the past it was widely acceptable for girls to get married and have sex at [age]" the figure gets lower and lower
That's a whole lot of assuming going on there.
>These rules were not necessarily followed unanimously nor did all cultures across Europe evolve toward nuclear families, but by the latter half of the Middle Ages the nuclear household was dominant over most of Northwestern Europe[30] and where in the old indigenous religions, women married between 12 and 15 years of age (coinciding with puberty) and men married in their middle twenties, as Christianity expanded men married increasingly earlier and women married increasingly later[31]
>About 1140, Gratian established that according to canon law the bonds of marriage should be determined by mutual consent and not consummation, voicing opinions similar to Isaac's opinion of forced marriages; marriages were made by God and the blessing of a priest should only be made after the fact. Therefore, a man and a woman could agree to marry each other at even the minimum age of consent- fourteen years for men, twelve years for women- and bring the priest after the fact.
Marriage ages picked up in the early modern era, climbing as high as 25 for owmen.
To answer OP's question, the logic is simple. In his context he didn't commit rape, and nobody would have seen his behavior as particularly peculiar. If he did it today he'd be a scumbag and a criminal. Just like any fucking number of other behaviors in history.
Why do people find marrying little girls more offensive than the rampant rape and murder that happened historically? Why will people gladly praise groups that went from place to place massacring people but the second one fucked a little girl he's a reprehensible monster? Why are the Romans cool for practicing crucifixion, having a national hero who was a fratricide, or carrying off an entire neighboring village's wives against their will, but one kiddydiddler is off limits? Why is leaving your unwanted baby out in a frozen market square to die in the middle of winter with the dismissive assumption that someone will take it if they want it not worse than someone marrying that child 9 years later?
Genuinely curious how people actually match their beliefs up with historical reality, do you judge everyone by the standards you'd judge a man today? Even if we can agree pedophilia isn't good, the degree to which it's taboo seems to outweigh all other taboos to an extreme, including infanticide. I assume, since it's always Mohammed and not one of the no doubt myriad childfuckers of history, that it's just a /pol/ vendetta using convenient history to fistpump their agenda.
Assigning moral judgements to past events is stupid in and of itself and serves only as mental masturbation or to push an agenda.
She was literally said to have participitated in a war with full battle regalia. Do you really think she was 9 years old?
You take your modern sensibilities for granted
Again, Islam does not forbid marrying a 1 year old girl.
If that is okay with you, follow Mohammad into hell.
They also defend his beheading 800 men and boys of a peaceful Jewish tribe that had coexisted next to them for many years, just to loot them.
Muslims will defend any atrocity done in the name of their demon god.
She said she was in her hadith. Is she a liar now too?
You see a 57 year old man fucking a 9 year old girl, and you think that's okay.
Again that means absolute nothing to my post. Grow the fuck up and learn to have an adult conversation.
You pedophiles will defend anything.
Good post
t. Shlomo Shekelstein
What's wrong with pedophilia?
>Is she a liar now too?
According to Shias, yes
Pedo is 12 and under.
Hebe is 13 and above, being a lover of teenage girls is normal male behavior.
>Pedo is 12 and under.
You can lust after an 8 year old child and not be a pedophile since a lot of children hit puberty at 8.
Marriage != sex
People like Mohammad married young girls to secure alliances and make sure that their wives are pure, he didn't actually stick his dick in her when she was 9.
Wanting to marry someone != lusting after them. Marriage for love is a modern invention.
12-13 is fit for child bearing nothing with a 9 years old
The only people who make this distinction are pedos, pedo.
>and nobody would have seen his behavior as particularly peculiar
They absolutely would have. In the Byzantine Empire while Mohammed was alive the age of "womanhood" was 15
Byzantine Empire was an exception that proves the rule. In all other regions his behavior would be considered normal. In 1890, you could legally have sex with a 7 years old child in the United States FFS.
The jews, as their tribe leader, were treated as the old testament says, do more research on the banu quraydha genocide, retard
>"“Asma died in 73 A.H. (After Hijra or Emigration to Medina) at the age of one hundred years. She was ten years older than her sister Aisha.” This would make Asma 28 years of age in 1 A.H. and Aisha 18 years old. Then in year 2 A.H. year of the consummation of her marriage to The Holy Prophet Aisha should have 19 years old""
End this meme now
>koran is some feudalistic mumbo jumbo
oooh, hard man. i'd like to hear you say that to the lads at abrakebabra.
1.7 billion people - supposedly - regard this man's life as perfect. they must do, otherwise they ought not to be figured into that number, and should in fact be crucified.
>they must do
yes. otherwise the entire religion makes a mockery of itself. if you don't accept the basics, you are an apostate. if you are an apostate, you are to be killed.
that little nuspeech 'no.' to seem all decisive and 'snappy' is completely out of place here, by the way.
>you are to be killed.
again, no.
The problem with you retards is that you don't research something hard enough then instead you keep spouting shitposts while acting holier-than-thou and know-it-all
the simple facts that the verses "let there be no compulsion in religion" and "you have your religions and we have our religion" exist in the quran tells you to shut the hell up and do more research.
This. I'm sure if I was born in their culture it would seem more normal, but the shit is weird as fuck to me.