BTC Sub 200$ What Should I Do?

Should I cash out?

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Just wait that Americans go to bed. Then price will go up again. They are the weak hands.


Lol if there's no reason for it keep buying.

>no reason
>the chosen currency of man-baby, neckbeard lolbertardians
That's always a reason

Except it continuously dropped since last night.

t. American

This. Gotta wait for China power hour for gains.


i'm a free thinker bro disconnected from any government or creed

Ofc that's why i gained 25% while you were sleeping. And lost 30% while you all are awake.

SELL its going back to $900 get out NOW.

Cringe'd irl

Buy coins with good fundamentals. They will never go away even if bitcoin crashed to 0. Ethereum and Monero are always here to stay.

i was being sarcastic faggot

you think you're joking but it will go back to sub 1000 levels soon

Yeah, nah

$600 is the floor of this crash


> price goes down
> sells


buy high, sell low

it's the Veeky Forums creed


being an educator, and realizing how dumb kids are, because, well, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree...

for the love of God, DO NOT fucking listen to this.

Since most of you mother fuckers on here are not contributing ANY advice worth any value, you have a couple choices:

1.) if you're at a significant loss, hold it, delete your blockfolio, and step away from your computer and return back to your life. Technically, you have not lost any money until you actually SELL. Yes it will be painful to watch, but unfortunately you're going to have to be patient and wait it out. In the mean time while you're being patient, work up MORE capital so you can buy back in once it hits the floor. This will cover your losses on the way back up.

2.) If you made a small profit already, transfer 30%-50% in to USDT. This way if it goes down, you now have capital to buy at a much lower rate to not only make up for the value that you still have in ETH, but to profit by being able to buy more than you previous had IF it the price goes down substantially.
(This is what I am going to do, since my 100+ coins were mined last year)

Overall, I cannot speculate where the floor is. Part of me says $150 and another part of me says $80. I say this because:

$80 was where it flat lined a bit before the huge boom to 150's then to ATH.

On the way up to ATH, it also accumulated NEW money from normies, so if some of them are holding with iron hands, then its quite plausible the new floor would be about $150 before it rallied to ATH.

I hope this helps you mother fuckers. Get your emotions out of this bullshit. You have to pretend that you're in a new universe where emotions and time are irrelevant.

best of luck to all.


Those who can't; teach.

learn to meme.

not really $600 as there will be too much buyers but it will touch $650 as the absolute bottom as it was the support line before the bitcoin bubble. Make your buy orders here lads.

I know it's a meme, but I feel like there's that percentage who are actual retards.

MAYBE later this year, when HF happens.
Otherwise? Nope, 1600$ at best.

It's fun taking money from people like you. Here's a hint - you lost the money when the price down.

>when you sell after the price goes down.

Dude come on, not for this stuff. I understand the concerns for more dangerous things.
I remember /b/ a few years ago with those lifehack memes:
this is actually dangerous and people can die if they try it

You just don't fucking get it do you. If you buy Coin A at $100 and then it goes to $20, you're down $80 regardless of if you sell or not. Not only that, but you're choosing to lock up your remaining capital in the hopes of it going back to $100, just so you can break even. If you weren't so fucking attached to whether the color next to your position being green you probably would see coins B,C, and D mooning and could make your $80 back three times over instead of being a dumbass bagholder.


Not trying to be a reddit white knight here, quite honestly, I find all this shit hilarious-- even those memes.

So many retards were pulled into this shit due to shilling, and I bet those same retards would take any advice people dish out especially the buy high, sell low meme.

but anyway, if others feel like you do, then hey, maybe I am being an ignoramus.

crypto market is 100% speculative. Based on your advice, I would rather tell them to sell at a loss and take the remaining capital the casino. At least then they can physically see someone take away what was left of what they had.


If I can see the 50-100% gaines on all the daily shitcoin pump and dumps, we would all be fucking millionairs on here.

On a good day, even professional day traders can't foresee 100% of that shit, and a skill like that takes time to develop. Telling retarded NEETS that shit is the dumbest thing ever. All you're doing is pointing out the obvious.

It's like telling a person playing roulette after the ball lands black, "hey you know, you should've put it on black that turn". Yeah no fucking shit Sherlock.

yea itll be a few small rallies on the way down but theyll be negligible compared to the drop this weekend. buy back in when the market starts to recover in a few days then be ready to do it all again a few days later