Why do ameriburgers love to worship this event so much? Can i get a quick rundown?
Why do ameriburgers love to worship this event so much? Can i get a quick rundown?
>Why do texans love to worship this event
The same reason Serbs worship Kosovo.
longstanding propaganda that became ingrained in American culture, considering it fed into the Mexican American war which gained us so much of our present territory
also Texans have an abnormally high sense of patriotism and identity from their state
It's a symbolic event of national pride.
We fetishize revolution and muh independence so a bunch of American Manley men Davey Crockett types willingly defending against a siege against their dirty spic oppressors and doing rather well for themselves as they fought to the last man in the name of nationalism poo pushes every patriotic button there is.
Because they have no culture so must glorify the inglorious
American here, I don't get it either. It didn't accomplish anything, so you can't say it was like Thermopylae. The Greeks at Thermopylae had a huge K/D ratio and also bought essential time to evacuate Athens. The Texans at the Alamo didn't kill that many Mexicans, and stalling them didn't help accomplish some other goal in the war.
The only thing I can think is that it involved a lot of cool people; Jim Bowie, Davey Crockett, and William Traviss to name a few.
>Texans have an abnormally high sense of patriotism and identity
Not our fault you live in a shit state. We were our own country, as was Hawaii, and we both have similar national pride.
>our own country
>begs to be annexed after only ten years of independence
whew great nation you had there. How does it feel to be in the company of other great immortal states like Weimar Germany, Formosa and the CSA?
Texfags are so delusional
>dirty spic oppressors
Weren't the Texans pissed because the Mexicans wouldn't allow slavery?
Speaking as a midwesterner, we don't give a flying fuck. It's only Texans who care.
Still better company than whatever non formerly independent state you're from.
Because Marty Robbins made a pretty good song out of it.
Respect their culture shitlord!
Lol I watched a History Channel (pre-shit period, 90s and early 2000s) docu once that there's evidence that when the commanders died, and the weaker wall collapsed, the Texans made a run for it but they were cut down by Mexican Cazadores who were like light infantry skirmishers who blocked their retreat.
Only Texashits give a fuck.
the alamo isn't even U.S. history
Despite it's reputation as a cosmopolitan liberal hell hole, New York has alot of State patriotism as well.
>New York City has a lot of state (city) pride
I lived there for several years and they even thought their fucking water was superior. Also upstate fucking hates city people from what I saw. During college football season, all of the south undergoes intense state pride
>they even thought their fucking water was superior.
I mean, it is good water. Don't know what to tell you.
The water is superior you dolt.
Texas isn't unique in being independent: Hawai'i, California, and the Thirteen Colonies were all independent and sovereign at one time or another. The original Thirteen Colonies, post-independence were individual and sovereign for twelve years—until the Constitution cemented them into one nation—two years longer than Texas was independent.
New Yorkers just think they live in the center of the world and don't really pay any attention to anything outside their city. They are some of the most ignorant people I've ever met.
New York is a shithole. Big and relevant, but still a shithole. The streets are unreally filthy and everything smells like piss, I swear I haven't seen any other city in America being littered with such filth outside of perhaps New Orleans.
It kinda showed that Mexico was pretty each to take really. Thermopylae was a strategic chock-point while Alamo was an unfortified church and they still stalled them up until they decided to go close range. From there, the other guys realized that if they didn't stand still they can easily just take Texas.
I always thought it was just a case of Americans lionizing and glorifying pretty much anything that happens within their borders. I mean dear god look at the amount of focus that a bunch of backwoods retards shooting at each other over a fucking pig gets.
At first I was like "Now way, what about..."
but then you said New Orleans and that was the city I was gonna say. Lol. Such a pile of trash.
>begs to be annexed after only ten years of independence
America and Texas shared the same values, and Texas needed protection from Mexico due to their extremely small population at the time. They were joining a union to advance their values, not destroying their own nation.
State shit flinging thread hahahahha.
Btw Texas fags, Vermont was a country longer than Texas. They couldn't go alone, none of us can now, even California.
The only reason it took a whole decade before Texas got annexed was because Americans were worried that letting another slave state in would destabilize the country.
Your "values" helped start the Civil War.
Eh, the Mexican government turned a blind eye towards slavery in Texas as it saw it as a necessary evil as a hedge against Native American raids (the whole reason Anglos were brought into Texas in the first place). The primary reason Texas split was that Mexico tried to centralize and did so by moving Texas' seat of government unrealistically far away (for the time) which was something Tejanos and Texans alike could not abide as it effectively removed representation in government. Most people forget that most major players in the Texan Revolution were not Anglo, but Tejano.
Isn't "texas" the product of an american fifth column?
>Your "values" helped start the Civil War.
The Civil War was the only way to end slavery in the United States and it was completely inevitable regardless of whether Texas was annexed or not.
Nah. Most volunteers were Tejano, not Texan.
And then whites stole their land and deported men who fought for their Independence
It's pretty much just Texans. No one else cares.
Wake Island was a much cooler last stand anyway.