Why is Egypt so underrated historically.Its probably because they were straight white males even if it's a little unfair

Why is Egypt so underrated historically.Its probably because they were straight white males even if it's a little unfair


Just because ancient Egypt was white doesn't mean we should gloat about it

>not white


Ancient Egyptians looked no different than modern ones(more specifically the copts). Look at the climate they're indigenous too, you really think they'd look like pasty ass scandis that burn in the sun easily.
>inb4 retards say they were just really tanned
Tanned whites are Southern Europeans; Egyptians look completely different than them


Looks albino

There are Somali and Ethiopians who look just like that

>didn't read.wmv

Lincoln was Egyptian?

Gerogians, Armenians, Levantines, North Africans, and Iranians are also caucasians

Duhhhh he was white

She wasn't native Egyptian, idiot.

Yea the only ones most wouldn't consider white North African you you memester

>naming white ethnicities

>Georgians; Armenians, Levantine(Jews, arameans, arabs), and Iranians

>"im retarded"

>"I have nothing to say"

Egypt starts from ~3100 BC. Do all pharaohs look like that?

They are. If you think they aren't, then your whole concept of color coded humans is retarded.