Can i get a quick rundown on Morocco?
Can i get a quick rundown on Morocco?
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west sahara is rightful morrocan clay
Magnificent like Morocco
Stackin that cheddah like nacho
Freestyle felon oops upside your fuckin melon
Morocco is located in a curious geographical position such that one suspects it might be an interesting country. Sadly, that is a mistaken suspicion.
The urban areas are pretty cool. The rural areas are dumb hickass farmers.
Hilariously enough, a 98% Muslim country is the United States' oldest formal ally.
>Roman Empire
>Becomes part of Muslim Caliphate and converted to Islam
>Later becomes known for its piracy and slave trade
>Avoids Ottoman control
>First nation to recognise America
>Barbary Wars against it by America to stop its raiding
>Pacified mostly but still carries out slavery
>1900's Spain takes control of its northern coast
>1911 France takes over Morocco in something called Agadir Crisis which almost started a war
>Fights over it ww2, the king helps Morocco's Jews and accepts Jewish refugees, hiding them
>Morocco is a French and Spainish colony until independence in 1955
>Actually somewhat successful African country today
It's a lot more interesting than any of it's neighbors.
Great architecture and landscapes
I went there last summer.
Beautiful country. Would recommend.
It's a Maghrebi country, and they're probably among most stable Muslim countries, hell countries in the region.
Modern Morocco?
>Spain engages in an extremelly bloody counter-producent war in the early 20th century
>takes Morocco
>60 years later or so cold war happens
>UN and Americca support a pacific morrocan uprising (America mostly to have a puppet state against the communist supported neighboors more at the east of north africa)
>this was known as the Marcha Verde
>modern day Morocco is ruled by a corrupt king or something like that
How is Morocco more interesting than Spain?
>we zijn strijderz g
the homeland of latinos
the "european" component of latinos is actually moorish aka north african.
t.Hadadim El Abuja Kareem
So this is how moors looked?
thats so silly it sounds like /pol/tard altenate reality
i bet you never left the americas
Latinos have literally 0% middle eastern or moor
Some latinos do. The current President of Brazil is an example.
Some middle eastern immigrants do who largely are christian
pic related is a berber (looks like a typical latino)
Morisco former Muslims who converted or were coerced into converting to Christianity
Estimates of Morisco populations at the time of expulsion vary, many estimates being based on the number of recorded expulsion edicts (around 275,000). However, modern studies estimate around one million Moriscos present in Spain at the beginning of the 16th century.[2]
Recent genetic studies of North African admixture among modern-day Spaniards have found high levels of North African (Berber) and Sub-Saharan African admixture among Spanish and Portuguese populations as compared to the rest of southern and western Europe
disproportionate amounts of Conversos and Moriscos settled in Latin America, and in the later centuries of the Spanish Empire, the migrants arriving in Cuba and Puerto Rico were disproportionately Andalusian.
Andalusians, for obvious historical reasons, have a lot of Berber ancestry.
>presence of Moriscos and Muslims in the Spanish Americas,
>Moriscos made it to South America and became instrumental in forming the gaucho culture of that area.
Dude just go on youtube and watch videos of latinos of different countries showing their ancestry DNA tests.
moroccans lost iberia and converted to christianity and went on to populate latin america. most latinos, mestizos descend from berbers
throughout history moroccans excelled as pirates and their descendants practiced in the caribbeans
t.Mahmahoud Abdul Omar
What remains of the Moors
t. Otman Ačemřař
>Sub-Saharan Africa
I'll give you that but it's not saying much
Go there, buy a fast car and ask a morrocan to drive you through
my latina gf looks just like her. so she is from berbers?
>the rural areas are dumb hickass farmers
What is "every single country and civilization that ever existed" for 500?
Incorrect. al Maghrebi are Arabs that caused too much shit in Medina so they were dispersed from there and went on raiding trips devastating North Africa. They finally settled down along the Barbary Coast of Africa that the native Berbers lived in.
then why are latinos behaviorally and physically indistinguishable from moors?
are your eyes OK? they look different
its the mix of R1b and local amerindians
spaniards didn't completely kill the natives like north america
so pic related is a latino or moor?
>Barbary wars were against the Morrocans
They were against the Algerians and the Morrocans even aided the Americans in the war
looks like a north african
One of the most cancerous groups living in Europe, after Gyppos
And I don't even understand why. I've been to the Maghreb and they're some of the chillest Muslims in the world. But their diaspora is absolute cancer. 2nd generation are the fucking worst.
Perfidious hon hons and an idiot kaiser nearly bring the world to war three years early.
>>First nation to recognise America
That was Ragusa/Dubrovnik. Sorry.
looks like Lopez from the bodega
What's the deal with Western Sahara?
Useless wasteland wanted by Morocco because "muh irredentism"
Total bullshit.
It's rightful spanish clay you dip
Same with latin america, it's generally the dregs of society who say "fuck it" and give up and leave to somewhere else that hates them.
What the fuck are you saying ? She isn't berber at all, who is it?
thats a moor. looks like their spawn: the latino
moriscios were forbidden to immigrate to the americas under limpieza de sangre.
They believe in the ethnic genocide of their people
Seems to have transmitted to the Portuguese too.
Mexicans have European paternal lineage admixed with maternal Native American.
>we wuz white
Forbidden Passages: Muslims and Moriscos in Colonial Spanish America
frequent royal decrees prohibited Moriscos or Iberian Muslims, many of whom had been forcibly baptized at the beginning of the sixteenth century, from settling in Spanish America. But these laws, like so many others during the period, faced uneven enforcement. The extensive legislation prohibiting Morisco emigration has led many historians to assume
"De los Prohibidos": Muslims and Moriscos in Colonial Spanish America
Crescent over another horizon : Islam in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Latino USA
some latinos identify with white, but latino behavior and looks match closely with the moors, their ancestors
also, spanish were like welsh before the moors
Everyone can see you're shitposting. If you aren't you just crazy in the head and it's useless replying to you.
why the morisco self-hate?
This is so bullshit that it doesn't even bring a reaction. It's like if I started saying to a Japanese guy that he is Indian or something.
so you want to ignore historical facts () and evidence () just to satisfy your bias towards whites?
> In the total population sample, paternal ancestry was predominately European (64.9%), followed by Native American (30.8%) and African (4.2%).
You're insane.
You brought none.You just said that all the colonizers in America that came from Spain during a spam of 300 years were a tiny minority that couldn't go to America by law and lived mostly in Valencia which didn't belong to Castile (the kingdom in charge of the colonies).Muslim we wuzing is quite pathetic
>Another autosomal DNA study has confirmed that the European ancestry is dominant throughout in the Brazilian population, regardless of complexion, "pardos" included.
>A new portrayal of each ethnic contribution to the DNA of Brazilians, obtained with samples from the five regions of the country, has indicated that, on average, European ancestors are responsible for nearly 80% of the genetic heritage of the population. The variation between the regions is small, with the possible exception of the South, where the European contribution reaches nearly 90%.
>tiny minority
modern studies estimate around one million Moriscos present in Spain at the beginning of the 16th century
>that couldn't go to America by law
But these laws, like so many others during the period, faced uneven enforcement
pic related are Portuguese people admixed with Blacks.
>brazilians are white
They are from Cape Verde, 1000s of miles away from Brazil.
Ever since, I landed in Cuba and La Republica Dominicana, I saw faces that reminded me of my homeland (morocco). Many times people addressed in Spanish thinking that I was Latina.
All those who read the History of the New World know that emigration of Moriscos (Moors), Jews and Renegades was forbidden since 1522 (Spain), but some went to fight in Peru. Visiting La Habana and Santo Domingo, I had the opportunity to visit houses is the colonial zones or the old parts if you prefer that were typically Andalucians, hence Moorish. Knowing that part of Spain was under Arab and Moorish rule for 800 years, one can argue that the Moorish and Arab architectures were suited for the climate. Knowing also that such emigration was forbidden to tornazidos (renegades according to the Inquisition), Jews and Moriscos, some emigrants might have been slaves, mercenaries and conversos to fight the first nations of the new world.
>modern studies estimate around one million Moriscos present in Spain at the beginning of the 16th century
There were 300k moriscos.If all emigrated to America(impossible) they would still be smaller in number compared to Spaniards.Most moriscos lived in the crown of ARAGON which didn't have any rights in America.In Castile there were 20k moriscos so even if all 20k emigrated their genetic impact would be ridicously small
Pal no genetic study supports your none sense.In fact no historian other than muslim we wuzer takes your dumb theory seriously
any latino doubting their morisco heritage should take an educational trip to their moorish homeland
Recent genetic studies of North African admixture among modern-day Spaniards have found high levels of North African (Berber) and Sub-Saharan African admixture among Spanish and Portuguese populations as compared to the rest of southern and western Europe
disproportionate amounts of Conversos and Moriscos settled in Latin America, and in the later centuries of the Spanish Empire, the migrants arriving in Cuba and Puerto Rico were disproportionately Andalusian.
assuming you are right: why do latinos look and act like moroccans and not like northern spanish
this is the same difference between northern italians and sicilians (moors)
latinos have more in common with sicilians and moors than they do with northern spanish
>Recent genetic studies of North African admixture among modern-day Spaniards have found high levels of North African (Berber) and Sub-Saharan African admixture among Spanish and Portuguese populations as compared to the rest of southern and western Europe
Not really.And you not bringing a source makes this even dumber
>disproportionate amounts of Conversos and Moriscos settled in Latin America
No they didn't.I alredy explained you that most moriscos were not in Castile you thick dumbfuck
>Cuba and Puerto Rico were disproportionately Andalusian
And Andalusians have fewer admixture with NA than Galicians.
You are a dumb we wuzer.You clearly have no clue about the politics of the period.
>why do latinos look and act like moroccans and not like northern spanish
How do they act like Moroccans you dumb fuck?
>latinos have more in common with sicilians and moors than they do with northern spanish
Simply false.Just by looking at sheer ancestry and traditions your meme we wuz theory falls apart.
Which latinos to be more exact? Mexicans? Cubans? Peruvians? Not all latinos are the same you know? Also what does it mean to act "moroccan"?
>being a belligerent, aggressive asshole
you proved the point that latinos are moors
>Also what does it mean to act "moroccan"?
Being catholics that speak a latin language and eat pork that have similar festivities with Spain makes one act Moroccan
I am being aggresive because you just ignore all the arguments given and just spam your stupid we wuz quotes and theories which clearly don't match with the political situation of the country
Iberia stands out among other southern European populations as having the highest levels of ancestry originating both in North Africa as well as in Sub-Saharan Africa which is largely ascribed to the long Islamic presence in the Iberian peninsula and possibly African slavery.
Moors, Muslim conquerors from North Africa. New evidence suggests the Moors left their traces on the genetics, as well as the architecture and culture, of Spain.
from North Africa and three from Spain. They found much higher levels of gene flow from Africa to Europe than earlier studies had indicated.
Evidence of North African descent was highest in the Iberian Peninsula and the Canary Islands,
The analysis showed that North Africans must have migrated to Spain at least 240 to 300 years ago.
But aren't Moroccans muslims that speak a semitic language?
>Iberia stands out among other southern European populations as having the highest levels of ancestry originating both in North Africa as well as in Sub-Saharan Africa which is largely ascribed to the long Islamic presence in the Iberian peninsula and possibly African slavery.
Do you realise that Spain was colonized by Phoenicians and Carthaginians? The region always had a big NA admixture.But is not nearly as big as you claim.And again you are assuming (again) that the muslims all came from Morocco which is not true.
As I said you are a clueless we wuz moron
>But aren't Moroccans muslims that speak a semitic language?
Not for this dude
>Also what does it mean to act "moroccan"?
>be loud, aggressive, belligerent, maniacal, recidivists
>claim to be descendent of northern spanish who are the exact opposite
into latino crime stats much? into sicilian crime stats much? into moorish crime stats much?
Why do Spanish people deny much of their Arab origins?
It is so sad to see how mad they get when someone even mentions it and how much they have to claim they are "white", when everybody sees the opposite.
I can't tell if he is baiting us just for the fun of it or if he is a racist because of posts like these who doesn't want latinos to be associated with Europeans or both.
So you're just going to ignore the DNA stuff? Believe what you want if it makes you comfortable lmao. People like you are so weird.
or maybe he is a northern Spanish who is tired of moorish latinos larping as Castillians
sorta like northern Italians and moorish sicilians
latinos would claim to be castillian since there is a prestige in it, also discrimination and stigma in being morisco... who woulda thought?
Evidence of North African descent was highest in the Iberian Peninsula and the Canary Islands,
The analysis showed that North Africans must have migrated to Spain at least 240 to 300 years ago.
You don't even know what a morisco was.
>a moor larping as spaniard
wtf does that have to do with DNA? DNA testing shows where your ancestry comes from. If it were North African it would show North African.
If you want to think everyone here is a subhuman go ahead I don't give a fuck. Keep sperging about your bullshit theory.
continuation: Just to clarify, I don't think North African people are inferior. It's the insecure spaniard who think this.
Why are Moroccans worst?
Moroccans are the worst kind of immigrants, absolute scum.
Moroccans are the worst sort of sand nigger species.
Moroccans are technically the worst muzzies (germany)
Moroccans in the Netherlands are the worst social group of all. crime is comitted by them. 30% of the prison population is Moroccan.
I am convinced Moroccans are the worst people on earth.
Moroccans and Tunisians are the absolute worst ones dragging everything
But Moroccans are numerous in Belgium. If there's robberies, violence and harassment occurring in the streets you have a 80% chance it was a group of Moroccan pseudoniggers
You claim that moriscos were in Andalucia when they were mostly in Valencia and Aragon.You don't know shit pal
you are stupid. latinos are quiet and peaceful. we look nothing like north africans.
>latinos are quiet and peaceful
What happened in Morocco between the Byzantines pulling out and the Umayyads coming in? Wikipedia and Google aren't helping.
Vandals screeching autistically like the Germans they were shitting everywhere while the god fearing berbers settled in the atlas and other parts running from the spergs.
>Byzantines pulling out and the Umayyads coming in
morocco has always been a whore house