Seriously who gives a fuck about jews? Neither Stalin or Hitler killed enough of them.
>inb4 didn't happen
Probably true but i want it to have happened, even though most of the evidence is very minimal.
Seriously who gives a fuck about jews? Neither Stalin or Hitler killed enough of them.
>inb4 didn't happen
Probably true but i want it to have happened, even though most of the evidence is very minimal.
If the Holocaust really happened then how come there are still Jews?
Give me one reason why the jews didn't deserve to be put in camps, kicked out of the country, or killed that isn't "omg have you seen Schindler's List everything in that movie is 100% accurate"
They weren't all in Germany and most of them could easily survive 3 or 4 gassings, but ignore the arguments from lolocaust believers that a single drop of zyklon b could kill 6 trilliong people
Not even giving you a (you).
>still gave me a reply
oh wow just wow i cant even how dare you contradict my worldview, don't you know that
all this is true?
>they weren't all in Germany
But most of the jews who supposedly died in the lolocaust were in Poland and Ukraine, so ...
If holocaust happened, why there are still holes?
My favorite was the screencap of some jew claiming the Hlinka Guard (Slovak nazis) were driving around the camp on motorcycles and throwing battle axes at jews who drank milk from the wrong bottle.
>were all in Poland and Ukraine
Righful German clay, just ignore the soviets doing anything, remember goyim 11 billion soviets died in the german death camps while only 100 germans died of syphillis on Soviet Prisons
If we use the modern definition of Holocaust as just the 6 million from late 1941 to 1945, then no sad
If we're talking about the gypsies that died, then yes
oh fuck thats a good point
Even better desu, if I were german i would be proud
>rightful german clay
>never once part of the HRE
>really made me think user
Crimeans were never Germanics, just Slavics, altaics, gothic or Turks (tatars are Turkish in most circles
>never Germanics
>just Gothic
Goths were Germanic you braindead fuck.
I wouldn´t be surprised, tbeh.
You'd be proud of your fellow tax paying citizens with the same culture as you dying?
Whats that? Are you complaining? What country are you from, degenerate? You belong to Germany now and there is no other reason for us invading your country except we're dicks lol
You've never been around gypsies have you?
>goths were Germanics
The fuck am I reading, did you read daddy Wilhelm's propaganda
>tax paying
>same culture as you
I actually kek'd IRL