What lead to the decline of the labor movement? Why does it seem so timid today? How can we bring it back? What is the future of the labor movement?
>Workers of the world, Unite!
What lead to the decline of the labor movement? Why does it seem so timid today? How can we bring it back? What is the future of the labor movement?
>Workers of the world, Unite!
Blair killed it
Corbyn will rape this horse then make that a law as well as a campaign pledge and HE IS A MAN OF HIS PRINCIPLES
Very few people in the first world work in manual labour in the first world anymore. A labour movement based around dull, jaded office workers wouldn't work. Labour movements are cancerous anyway.
im a trades worker and most of the people I work with are completely ignorant about politics or movements of any sort
that being said, fug commies
>that being said, fug commies
Why? Isn't communism in the interests of the working class?
Postmodernity has destroyed every single intermediary institution between the individual and the State, every single form of civic organization.
It wasn't just labour unions, the John Birch Society declined too, and religious organizations, parent-teacher associations, military veterans' organizations and and fraternal organizations.
I don't think they can be brought back.
i'm paid based on the work that I can produce. being a lazy union hourly worker would be detrimental to my pay.
So basically the labor movement died because it couldn't transition to the interests white collar workers?
How did postmodernism do this? I've seen the argument that capitalism did it but never postmodernism.
the labor movement was a product of its time - terrible working conditions
white collar workers don't have too much to complain about in regard to shit work practices
I have no idea, I just consider unfair to blame capitalism, when capitalism (and also modernism) and civic organizations coexisted for a century.
Capitalism has solved all the problems in the first world that caused workers to be upset
Hardly anyone is a laborer any more
Fuck labor.
Labour movement died down because Workers have representation and rights now, there's no point in pushing your luck.
Also back to >>>/leftypol/
Th guy who opened the manifesto launch today referred to the people listening to him as "comrades". These LARPing faggots are beyond cringe worthy.
no, it died because governments where it took hold allowed their industry to escape to other countries
there's no reason why the west has to restrict itself to meme "industries" like finance and marketing instead of using government power to focus its wealth to actually make more, better things and use the profits from them for the service of the people
>Productivity at an all time high
> Wage growth at an all time low
Sure looks like the workers have it good.
No, it's in the interest of a jewish urban elite. Everywhere it got implemented the workers got dicked.
capitalism is very good at PR
everyone believes they can make it, on their own effort
which is somewhat true in western societies since they use foreign labour for shit jobs
this is the general attitude
dont be a cleaner or a shopclerk because that sucks, you dont have to be that anyway because if you finish some uni you can spend your life in an office being a codemonkey or a good for nothing manager (with good pay)
Nowadays there is a new meme amongst corporations. They will employ "freelancers" en masse that essentially function as their regular employees but are counted as a bussiness. Sure they have more freedom when it comes to working hours and choice of work but since the pressure is so high they will try to outcompete one and another for regular work under less benefits (insurance, unemployment, disease and pension no longer covered by the company).
Honestly, capitalism removed the necessity for it in the West.
All the real workers are in China and China is too authoritarian for any labor organization to exist.
What? No, it's not in the interests of a Jewish urban elite. Jews in capitalist countries live much better than Jews in communist countries did.
Finance and marketing aren't meme industries. They are part of the higher-level functioning of the economy. Basically, they're like a sort of higher brain for the economy, a place where information flows. They help the rest of the economy to be organized at a higher level than it would be otherwise.
It declined due to liberal subversion of socialist movements, splitting of the socialist movements, as well as because specialized labor is nowadays made to believe they are middle class, as well as most other well payed workers.
In the 19th and early 20th century there was no unified socialist praxis or ideology, it was a generalized movement of idealists, made up of anarchists, communists, trade unionists, labor guilds etc. With the creation of a concrete and defined ideology and praxis socialist parties started to form with the express goal of enforcing communism, and they were dedicated to their revolutionary work, while many of the people, both workers and ideologues in the old decentralized movement were fighting for better wages/shorter hours, not for the abolition of the market system itself or to get in power, and didn't support these socialist parties, as well as many simply disagreeing ideologically. A good example is the distinction that exists today between anarchists and communist, which didn't exist back then, due to the Marx-Bakunin split. Many of the ideologues however joined/created their own parties. Another, subsequent split came after this, in the early 20th century, when these same reformists created their own parties and made themselves distinct from the general socialist movement of the time by calling themselves DEMOCRATIC socialists, because they wanted to bring socialist reforms trough parliament and trough the established capitalist democratic system rather than trough then's socialist meaning of democracy, where it was the assertion of the majority's (workers) will on the minority (capitalists) trough violent and revolutionary means.
Labor parties dumped working class interests in exchange for the spoiled upper class university retards that have co-opted it. Consequently labor governments are getting savaged at the polls all over the world.