He is easily among the top five worst Presidents in history. Fuck him and all the terrible precedents he set. He is a disgrace to the once noble South.
This man is proof that intelligence and education do not a good President make
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally nothing wrong.
ok bro
>Noble South
I'm sorry you feel that way OP.
I think your opinion would change if you actually read a biography of the man.
He's literally the best president if you aren't little bitch who wants the US to be a little bitch country for eternity.
>single-handedly win WW1
I fail to see the problem
>War Measures Act
This alone is why I dislike him. Violating the constitution so blatantly isn't something to be proud of.
Meant Espionage Act, my bad.
>implying that the Eternal Hun wasn't infiltrating the US
Only autists cling to muh constitution
>muh Constitution
The Constitution is not the 10 commandments, it wasn't handed down by god and it's not always right to follow it to the letter.
I'm glad none of you went to prison for having an opinion different from the President or for making a patriotic movie
If something was against the law then you could just not do it
It's a fact that few people have been convicted using the law, and most of those convictions weren't morally wrong
>it should be against the law because it is against the law
Great job showing your terrible reading comprehension
You didn't give a justification for the law, your argument was basically that it is against the law.
I'm saying that none of the people who have been prosecuted were forced somehow into breaking the law. They were whistleblowers and whistleblowers are more often than not trash
He wasn't incompetent, he was actively malicious.
>He is easily among the top five worst Presidents in history. Fuck him and all the terrible precedents he set. He is a disgrace to the once noble South.
said no legitimate historian, ever
>le uncited argument from authority
Changed my mind, I'll tell ya what.
>hurr why would I listen to experts in the field? Them and doctors are all in cahoots with communists
Great job, sweetcheeks! Admitting that you don't know everything is the first step towards maturity.
>Expert in the field
The number of men who've actually been President is extraordinarily small. How could anybody be an "expert" on it? The job is too big for any 1 person. That's why he has a cabinet of people to do stuff for him.
Wrong. Probably believe there are more than two genders. Think the Quran preaches peace and communism hasn't been tried yet and/or can work.
Mouth breathing invalids of the most un-American degree.
Only good post in this thread, including mine.
>Hahaha this war mongering fascist unconstitutional cocksucker is so based for making America badass! Now we kick everybody's asses! Fuck American values, they make us WEAK!
>Defending you allies is the same thing as invading Poland for no reason
An oversimplification, you did not account for the events leading up to both occurrences.
With those in mind, the Invasion of Poland is easily in league to Woodrow entering America in WWI. Not quite as bad, because Germany lost in both counts, thus historical information tends to be biased, making what we know about the Poland invasion worse.
>No actual argument
>Just a subtle implication that them dirty poles had it coming for some completely unknown reason
I saw statements that Poland was killing ethnic Germans before Germany invaded. Whether this is true or not cannot be confirmed, but I keep it in mind as a possibility.
Meanwhile it is confirmed that Wilson attacked on a false flag to send American men to their death to die in Europe for no fucking reason, aside money.
>Claims I have no argument
>His argument amounts to "an inherently evil act committed in the name of good is somehow better than an inherently evil act committed in the name of evil"
>I saw statements that Poland was killing ethnic Germans before Germany invaded
And those statements are literal Nazis propaganda. There is no evidence at all that ethnic Germans were being persecuted in Poland. A very large number of those ethnic germans actively found against Hitler's invasion, including a close relative of Otto von Bismarck himself.
>Meanwhile it is confirmed that Wilson attacked on a false flag to send American men
[citation desperately needed]
The entrance of America into ww1 was an attempt to extort American political authority in a way it hadn't been before, not to combine with your compatriots who live in another country
>Literally comes in late at steamrolls through exhausted krauts.
America was a mistake.
Defending your allies against attack is something that every country that wants to be relevant on the global stage must do. The Central Powers used their U-boats to sink American ships, killing American passengers and crew. That is a direct attack against America's ability to trade with the rest of the world. The Central powers committed outright genocide against the Armenians. And the Central powers were conspiring with Mexico to attack the USA. Any of these reasons alone would be ample justification for war. But combined? They are a moral imperative for war.
how the fell was wilson fascist?
I'm sorry, "Liberal" Fascist. Fascism is still fascism, and Wilson was one.
Hang him along the likes of Stalin and Mao as history's most evil, vile Global rulers, in my opinion.
so, no argument other than a book written by a quack?
During the connection error I made this for you
do you have any sources or anything?
You sound like a babbling retard
>Try an give sources
>pff so yer only agument is lenks I wunt read
>Post argument
>why der no sauces
I could throttle you right now.
terrible books and terrible articles aren't sources you retard
do you have anything considered scholarly?
Fucking google search Committee of Public Information, American Protective League, Sedition Act, among other key words in the image you lazy swine.
If you cannot google search key words on a subject you are arguing against yet know nothing of, then you are not worth my fucking time, and not a "scholar" or "historian".
If its so easy you should be able to provide some fucking sources you retard
>Fucking google search
Hey look, it's the international creed of the pseudo-intellectual
>where neutral ships were being shot
you forgot to add "being shot by german tanks ordered to break the war conventions". also pretty sure there were american ships that would have shipped stuff to europe with or without wilson's order, because selling stuff during wartime is very profitable.
>some off the cuff remarks or genuine beliefs
>next argument
cynical and manipulative but by no means facsist
>next argument
hmmm sauce please. I'm pretty sure that german-americans were pretty much sympathetic to the kaiser and so that may have had a lot to do with these arrests.
>next argument?
lmao wat? Wilson didn't want revenge on germany, you fucking idiot. How did he get more power from this? At any rate he failed at his project of America joining the League.
>Versailles (at that only one among many leaders and negotiators with a spectrum of interests who forge a compromise document) caused world war ii
lol, come back when you've actually read something.
Most of the criticism that Wilson gets from actual scholarly sources comes from his racism. He was unusually racist, even for the accepted standards of the time. He completely re-segregated the US government. When confronted by a group of black Americans who confessed to having voted for him, he basically just laughed at them and called them dumb niggers, which is pretty egregious even for that time period. He also had the closest KKK ties of any US president, with multiple acquaintances being prominent members.
I know he was pretty racist but that's by no means fascist
that has nothing to do with the original argument that wilson was fascist
I'm not the other guy who keeps saying that. I'm just saying that most of the criticism of Wilson from actual, scholarly sources revolves around that stuff. The stuff about him entering WW1 and starting the Federal Reserve? That stuff is nonsense. Only youtube conspiracy theorists care about it. Anybody with a brain understands why the Federal Reserve is a good thing, and why it made sense for America to be involved in WW1. The US arguably should have entered the war much sooner, TBQH.
I'm not that guy.
>you forgot to add "being shot by german tanks ordered to break the war conventions". also pretty sure there were american ships that would have shipped stuff to europe with or without wilson's order, because selling stuff during wartime is very profitable.
No, I forgot to add by German subs who were being starved in a blockade where the British would disguise their vessels as neutral to shoot surfacing subs. Also how Churchill is quoted as saying to get Germany to attack neutral vessels in order to snake America into WWI.
>Some off the cuff fascist beliefs
>lol that's not fascism, he just disagrees with you in a way that is fascist
>cynical and manipulative but by no means facsist
Here are a few
>Wilson didn't want revenge on germany, you fucking idiot.
I never said he did, you fucking idiot. Europe did, he wouldn't prevent European revenge on Germany which was a key part in their surrender.
> How did he get more power from this? At any rate he failed at his project of America joining the League.
More power by appeasing to the League.
>>lol that's not fascism, he just disagrees with you in a way that is fascist
it's literally not fascism
fascism isn't just authoritarianism
>noble south
So he did something that upset the slave owners and racists?
What is this specific disgrace that's on your mind?
You're right, but it's 2AM, I'm tired and I didn't feel good not being able to counter absolutely every point he/you made.
so you admit wilson wasn't a fascist
>No, I forgot to add by German subs who were being starved in a blockade where the British would disguise their vessels as neutral to shoot surfacing subs. Also how Churchill is quoted as saying to get Germany to attack neutral vessels in order to snake America into WWI.
And? This has nothing do with with America. You also didn't provide any proof that American vessels wouldn't have sailed to Europe even if Wilson had ordered them too.
>Some off the cuff fascist beliefs
>fascist beliefs
nope, it's not debatable because you're evidence is extremely thin. those remarks can indicate any kind of conservative ideology, first of all. and second, you haven't defined what a "fascist" is, because by any scholarly standard wilson does not fit the bill of a fascist.
>Europe did, he wouldn't prevent European revenge on Germany
Did you read what I wrote? The American President is not some god figure that can impose his will on other leaders. Versailles was a complex negotiation among many competing parties. France wanted a very harsh settlement that dismembered Germany. Britain was generally against that. America, too. The resulting settlement was mild on Germany. It barely lost any lands. It did lose its colonies and it's right to rearm, but it's not clear how damaging the reparations were. The agreement on this board is that they were not nearly as harsh as they were made to sound, and on top of that it was Germany politicians themselves that were at fault for exacerbating the reparations issue by failing to curb inflation in a ploy to get their payments reduced.
>More power by appeasing to the League.
What are you even saying here. In all likelihood the US would have dominated the league. I don't understand what you mean by "appease" when the League was just getting established at this point.
No I admit his slanderous quotes against American values was not fascist, just him being a scumbag.
>implying the people you're talking about like Wilson and don't get assmad about the freedom of speech nonsense or his racism
>exaggerating this hard
I bet you think the British empire was as bad as the Soviet Union too.
Dies anyone here who isn't a libertarian faggot have legitimate gripes? You know, people who actually understand America had changed by that time and had to act like the superpower it was. The dog is no longer a puppy.
>I bet you think the British Empire was as bad as the Soviet Union too
Of course not. One, the Soviets were in objective evil to humanity, being communists and all. Two, my main gripe with the British Empire is mainly how fucking pathetic their infantry was, so that's not related. At best, only when it comes to Ireland would I definitely compare the British to the likes of Nazi Germany, but that spans past their "Empire" and into The Troubles, and neither compare to the Soviets.
Wilson was based
Why are Americans so anti-intellectual?
>tfw too smart to be a remotely decent human being
Name 1 thing that he did wrong.
This thread has many. How's about sacrificing Americans to get involved in WWI in order to sacrifice more Americans in order to get his face on the global stage, or throwing people in jail for up to 10 years for disagreeing with a war that America had no stakes in?
He also let the Romanovs die despite being allies.
violating the constitution is a presidential right of passage
France and Britain were very close allies to the US. Backing them in the war just makes logical sense. Why wouldn't you support your allies? And beyond that, American citizens were being killed by U-boats. I understand that the responsibilities of leadership are a mystery to you, but a President can't just sit back and watch as a foreign power torpedoes American ships and drowns American passengers.
He helped destroy Austria-Hungary and for that he's eternally burning in hell.
I don't agree with it either. But I'm not so immature that I'll condemn a man for doing 1 thing that I disagree with.
>France and Britain were very close allies to the US.
Historically, Britain was our #1 enemy while we were on a general friendly note with Prussia. I have no clue why we allied with the Anglos in that war.
>Heaven forbid the country that did the most to start WW1 suffers consequences for it.
Because Germany was KILLING AMERICAN CITIZENS you dumbass.
Why not tell congress this instead of arming merchant vessels with US Navy and sending them into submarine zones that have to shoot at neutrals since the British Navy would disguise as neutrals to kill German subs, only to claim that Germany committed an act of war after the vessels you armed and sent into combat zones get sunk?
Okay, I guess drowning American ships and killing American citizens is okay then.
I wish he helped destroy Germany instead.
He cucked french out of their plans
Wilson had more foresight than almost any president in history. Practically everything he championed would end up becoming the bedrock of our modern peace & prosperity.
Self determination for the people of the world, freedom of the seas for global trade, collective security, a global forum to foster constructive diplomacy.
>Send American ships with Americans on them into sub zones that are required to shoot neutrals vessels that also post warnings for neutral vessels not to sail into them
>Wooow what the fuck they actually sunk them, who would've thought, didn't see that happen. Better do it four more times so I've gotten enough Americans killed to claim Germany declared war
WW2 followed immediately and the UN is worthless
he accomplished literally nothing beside undermining the american people and sending them off to a war they had no business joining.
Only after the US started supplying Britain with material.
Thanks for you uneducated opinion.
nice argument
>16th Amendment
>Federal Reserve Act
>Federal Trae Commission Act
>War Industries Board
>14 Points
>League of Nations
>any of these bad
I really hope /pol/ leaves.
>Interfering with American commerce
>Not a solid justification for war
>Interfering with American trade is okay if you post a warning first
Why did they not declare war on britain for blocking trade with germany?
Because the UK owned the US a shitload of $$$ and if Britain fell, they'd never be able to pay debts. Same applies to France. So it was in the economic interest of the US for Britain and France to win. Besides that, the Central Powers committed numerous war crimes that would have made it impossible to support them. The rape of Belgium. The Raid on Scarborough, Hartlepool and Whitby. The sinking of Lusitania. Blatantly murdering civilians with Zeppelins. Unrestricted U-boat warfare. The murder of Edith Cavell. The Armenian Genocide. The list goes on and on.
That's my point, they entered the war to save their investment in the entente, not because germany were the bad guys.
Atleast half the warcrimes your lsited are memes and propaganda.
I find it terribly amusing you lay the responsible of WW2 at his feet when it was America's rejection of the principles he had laid out that was responsible for Germany's aggrandizement.
Was it Wilsonian to reject the League of Nations and render it ineffective? Was it Wilsonian to give the like-minded liberal democracies England & France the cold shoulder when they looked towards America for support when Germany began to abrogate its treaty obligations, thus forfeiting the opportunity of checking German re-militarization before he reached critical mass? Was it Wilsonian to reject the responsibility that comes with being a Great Power? Would not the world return to Wilsonian ideas in the aftermath of the most devastating war in world world history in forms like NATO & the UN, which have been instrumental in keeping the general peace?
>once noble South.
>got bitch slapped by the north which was basically fighting them with one hand tied behind its back
>couldnt keep itself united during the war against the union
>couldnt keep itself independent of the union economy despite being at war with the union
>couldnt convince the other major world powers that their side could win despite having all of the continents best generals at their disposal
>It's a German warcrime denial thread
You're right. They wuz gud boys who wuz getting their lives back together. Dindu nuffin.
Try not listing the sinking of ammunition shippings as warcrimse if you don't want them to be denied.
Oh great, that totally negates the Armenian Genocide.
>With those in mind, the Invasion of Poland is easily in league to Woodrow entering America in WWI.
You are smoking crack
>a war that America had no stakes in?
Because america would have been so content with a world where the only world superpower is Germany, right?
>France and Britain were very close allies to the US.
Nigga, Britain and France werent even very good allies. I mean, they were nominally allied, but Britain was probably not going to help France until the Germans started fucking up the chocolates. The US was decidedly neutral until they felt provoked enough by Germany to join the war on Britain and France's side.
the austro-hungarian empire was shit
Do you know what half is? Also you were just talking about german warcrimes, please tell me how the armenian genocide was a german warcrime.
>Wilson had more foresight than almost any president in history.
Except Roosevelt was actively sending huge amounts of war material to the side he expected his country to side with and was slowly getting america itself ready for involvement.
And lets not even talk about Lincoln.
>The Germany wasn't part of the Central Powers
>that are required to shoot neutrals
That's exactly what I thought. Wilson was the most educated president with the richest vocabulary. Maybe this intelligence made him so sure he was right about everything. Instead he failed absolutely everything. Forget about top five he is often considered the worst because of his negative impact on economy and politics.
He was followed by Warren Harding who wasn't so eloquent yet fixed so many things Wilson did wrong.
>The Constitution is not the 10 commandments, it wasn't handed down by god and it's not always right to follow it to the letter.
Which is why the means of amending it were written into the constitution itself. Doesn't mean it's okay for the executive branch to overstep its boundaries.
I always found it odd that the bill of rights explicitly denies the government the right to quarter soldiers in people's homes, but doesn't contain any prohibition on having a draft. Seems like a huge oversight.