How do religious people justify being racist/sexist/xenophobic?

How do religious people justify being racist/sexist/xenophobic?

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Jesus came to save humans, not filthy beaners.

It's okay because GOD


God made things the way they are for a reason. Men are naturally stronger for a reason. He put vast mountains and oceans between the races for a reason.

They can towards heathens.

How do Russians justify eating fish?

Atheists are the first ones to remind us that the Bible is the most racist/sexist/xenophobic book ever written. We just follow it ;)

Stop larping as christians.

These sort of posts confuse me. What is this person trying to say?

Some religions actively encourage it, some can be twisted to encourage it with metal gymnastics, and some people just do it regardless of what their religion says. I personally believe it's inexcusable. As a Christian I believe homosexuality is wrong. But I also believe the teachings of Jesus, and Jesus says I should be compassionate and that it's not my place to judge people.

With God.

Internet Converts/Zealots =/= Religious people

That they aren't real christians. They're just pretending.

Stop being retarded. Do you think Jesus came to save ants, sheep, and dogs? No, of course not, he came to save HUMANS. Therefore, Mexicans are out.

By autistically screeching DOOS FAULT and shitposting on /christian/


Deus Vult

Because racism, sexism and xenophobia are positive traits.

We literally evolved to have color vision because it's role in enhancing our ability to discriminate drastically improved our reproductive success as a species.

tell us more dr broscience

by beheading infidels

Understanding Hierarchy.

>We have color vision so we can enhance our racism, xenophobia and sexism

That fact that races can breed with one another disprove this. God doesn't care about interracial relationships.

If the God of the Bible cares about one race above others it's definetely the Jews. It says so from beggining to end right there. Even if you want to say they were cursed or whatever for the whole Jesus thing it still means they're held to a different standard than everybody else.

Only thing dumber than Christian zionists are the /pol/ type Christians. I'll never understand "Christians" who hate Jews when the first Christians were all fucking jews. The 2 most important figures in Christianity(Jesus and St. Paul) were both jews. They also have an extreme hatred for arabs too(even the Christian ones). Christian arabs are probably the most dedicated Christians in the world. It must suck knowing that the people who first practiced Christianity were all middle easterners and that they worship a Jew

Because the religions of the world are racist, sexist, and xenophobic.

Racism is natural and healthy. If you, for example, have no problem with your daughter being bred by a Negro, you are a cuckold that wants his descendants to look like ugly, mixed monstrosities and nothing like himself. You are a genetic dead end, a soiled bloodline, a dysgenic failure. Anglos are the worst example of this, as they are born cuckolds.

All of what you wrote is pure spooks.

If you follow the teachings of the bible, you can't be racist. Prove me wrong.

Tribalism > religion

I don't think all whites want to identify with you or think you are on their level. I think you'd hate true tribalism when a stronger "tribe" wanted to destroy you.


Why not both? The kikes have it figured out.


To be a cuckold when someone fucks my daughter implies that I myself am fucking my daughter and we're lovers. Maybe you like having sex with your daughter, but normal people don't.

>all those spooks

Actually you very much can. Leviticus and Ezra are literal guides on how to do an ethnic cleansing with several warnings not to racemix.

>inb4 no jew or greek
That only concerns salvation, not earthly matters.

Mental gymnastics. They are too concerned with the things of this world to care about His message, and are the seed sown along the path. They choose to ignore the implications of their rejection of God's two greatest commands to love Him first above all, and love their neighbor as themselves.

(Mark 4:13-20)
>18Consider, then, the parable of the sower: 19When anyone hears the message of the kingdom but does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown along the path.

>20The seed sown on rocky ground is the one who hears the word and promptly receives it with joy. 21But since he has no root, he remains for only a season. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away.

>22The seed sown among the thorns is the one who hears the word, but the worries of this world and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.

>23But the seed sown on good soil is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and produces a crop—a hundredfold, sixtyfold, or thirtyfold.”

There's nothing healthy about it, divide and conquer is the most blatant and efficient weakness of any collective and it happens to work every single time.

Haha faggot, let's just ignore how literally all of Christendom hated Jewry before the 20th century about. Yeah, it's totally just a neo-nazi myth.

The Jews killed Jesus Christ (Don't even fucking say it was the Romans. See Barabas) and they still spit on Christ's memory today. Fuck them, they had their chance to convert, now they suffer

Jesus is Jewish.
Jesus is God.
Therefore God is Jewish.

>love their neighbor as themselves.
Hurr durr? Prove that applies to ALL humanity and not just your fellows in you community.
Purim, for instance, isn't very faithful to that commandment, but the Jews love to celebrate that one

Jesus is not "Jewish", he was Galilean. Secondly, the modern Jews that are hated by everyone are mostly the Ashkenazi, who are almost not at all related to ancient Hebrews.
Thirdly, Jesus would very much against Judaism, as it blatantly denies Him

Why SHOULDN'T I be xenophobic?

>Jesus would very much against Judaism
Wait, didn't Jesus say something like:
>Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

You really think the ancient Hebrews were blonde haired blue eyed Northern Europeans. Jesus probably looked liked a mizrachi Jew, the original apostles were all ethnically Jewish(most important one being St. Paul)

It's inconsistent with other values you most certainly hold and leads to net negative consequences in the long term.

No not really. Intolerance keeps religions alive not tolerance and inclusiveness. You should fuck off back to /r/eddit.

Not that guy but I've always wondered: What makes this anime board inherently racist and intolerant?

Jesus said to love thy neighbor and love sinners


>Intolerance keeps religions alive not tolerance and inclusiveness.
Pagan religions were quite tolerant and inclusive dogmatically, and it worked for most of human history.

Dogmatic intolerance and close-mindedness can meanwhile also lead to a religion exploding, as it happened several times with Christianity.

The Law of the Prophets isn't Judaism

Holy mother of edge l had to check to make sure we're on Veeky Forums

Where did I imply that, Mr. Strawman? The Ashkenazi of today are in fact the blonde, blue eyed ones. They are also of the Synagogue of Satan, those who reject Christ.

A horse can breed with a donkey, doesn't mean they are the same species

And the offspring itself is infertile. The last time I've checked no human population has a different number of chromosomes.

But I'm none of those things. I just do what the Bible tells me.

I justify being racist/sexist/xenophobic by not being Christian.

It's a mystery.

As we all know, no religious text has ever featured any content that could conceivably even be accused of racism, sexism or xenophobic, by any one living in any time, so this is a completely unforeseen development.

They also bred a lot with Europeans.

It implies a foreign bird is laying eggs in your nest, that's literally the origins of the term. A black man inserting his genes into your bloodline is the same act of violation regardless if the woman is your wife, mother, daughter, or sister, at the end of the day there's now a monkey swinging in around in your family tree.

And I express my love for you by beating you with an ironwood club, until the sin departs from your bones along with your life.

because God says so.

You wouldnt defy God right user?

>divide and conquer
A country will always have dominant racial group that will be racist to outsiders no matter what, if the racial group is not racist the outsiders will slowly takeover their country as seen Europe right now.

Live action role-playing

God is black since the first humans were?
>also not wanting a qt mulata
On what planet do you live?

But his son said to love each other

I don't have to justify everything, it just is in my opinion

For example as a Persian guy I'd be fine with my little sister marrying a non-German Europeanvor fellow indo-aryan dude (indian doctor in the family would be nice) but I'm not okay with blacks or semites. East Asian is a maybe. No Muslims either.

There's no real argument to be made as to why I chose certain groups over others, it's just the ones I like more.

You do realize you Persians are barely dissimilar to Arabs, right? Also, Indians are a mixed bunched so if you cared about gene pool, you shouldn't prefer an Indian over a Semite.

I miss WoW

Not all religious people are the same. Some use it as a psychological defense, much like Nascar, rose breeding, or the booze.

You're probably not Aryan, you wouldn't understand.

Jesus, lurk moar


"Aryan" is a language group. Preferences between the groups you mentioned is arbitrary.






why not just make everybody the same race

Exactly, so the Jews of today (the Ashkenazi are the largest group of Jews) are not the Jews of Jesus' time, thus there is nothing wrong with hating Jews while being a Christian.
Similarly, the Jews of today actively reject Christ and do not even follow the Judaism of His time (they follow Talmudic Judaism), thus it is quite silly to bring up how Jesus and his disciples were Jews


Except that they are as proven by modern genetic research.

This fucking guy

tribalism based on skin color is a retarded american concept.

people from countries like their countrymen / people who they know more that other people (well except nowadays in the west, since you're a racist now for having the wrong skin color)

What reason does he give for claiming that life is a test of your character but then throws in disease, child mortality, monster-like creatures, an endlessly large universe and natural disasters?