You: Work 50 hours a week. Potbelly. Subtle Anxiety. Constant dissatisfaction.
Kung Tribesman: Hunts 2 days a week. Nude. Little disease. Bonfires every night.
Agritards on blast
You: Work 50 hours a week. Potbelly. Subtle Anxiety. Constant dissatisfaction.
Kung Tribesman: Hunts 2 days a week. Nude. Little disease. Bonfires every night.
Agritards on blast
Other urls found in this thread:
Civilitards BTFO
*smacks lips*
*eats sugar and carbs*
*gets caries*
*gets obese*
You forgot to add the horrible death from easily prevented diseases, and incredibly high chances of dying a violent date, comparable to you making it out of WWII alive in the main conflict areas.
Would you mind telling me the infant mortality rate of such a tribe? How about the average life expectancy? How much of the population is malnourished? Human rights violations?
>your post
pick etc.
I don't work, do not have a potbelly, do not have anxiety, and am totally satisfied.
Take that WE WUZ KUNGS N SHIEEET somewhere else. You wouldn't be happy there either.
I can see how somebody might envy hunter-gatherers like the Kung if they didn't have a lot in life to lose by adopting that lifestyle. But I'm pretty well off and enjoy a lot of the luxury that modern life has to offer, so it would be a definite step down in comfort and happiness for me.
>Human rights violations
No humans rights are violated in hunter gatherer societies
>tfw an obese American still has a longer life expectancy
Human rights are a spook. They aren't spooked hence they don't have human rights.
Who cares about infant mortality? Infants are essentially a fungible commodity. One is much like another and you can always make more.
Rationality is a literal spook.
It takes 9 months and high chance of killing the breeder without modern medicine
what makes a longer life more desirable?
>You: dying a slow, age-related death by yourself in an old-folks home, shitting the bed in a hospital while on life support waiting for the final heart-attack to kick in at 78
>Hunter: neck snapped instantly, mauled to death by a tiger in your 50s
I'll take the tiger.
Too bad you're probably not going to die from a tiger. It's more likely to be Malaria or Dissentary.
Nope, family has heart attacks and I have a bright future. I'm gonna live well and die instantly in my late sixties, early seventies.
As opposed to old age, the functional equivalent of old age (which also leads to many diseases)?
Look at this and tell me that it wasn't better to die at 40 from tribal conflict or carnivorous birds.
Why is Veeky Forums filled with retards so content with moving away from nature's light? I hope this shit comes to bite these niggers the most.
to enjoy alzheimer.
Meh... I'm happy to have access to modern scientific knowledge, to have an opportunity to learn cutting-edge stuff about physics, biology, outer space, and so on. I'm glad I'm not just limited to what some small tribe is aware of.
We are a small tribe lol
You would literally feel no different if ou did not know the vast amount of unknown knowledge available, you would think fire was cutting edge
Sure, but I'm glad that I have a greater amount of knowledge in the absolute sense than an African tribesman, even though I agree with you that in a relative sense, when compared to beings with possible greater knowledge, humanity is like that African tribe.
Because "nature's light" isn't my friend. The science and technology that protects me from "nature's light" is my friend.
It wasn't better actually. And some dude giving a political speech in a silly manner doesn't make primitivism better.
stupid edgyteenagerposters
There's no one stopping you from going into a jungle and joining a tribe. Some tribes will accept you, anthropologists do that all the time.
we've basically become domesticated livestock, ripe for slaughter.
We don't tear ourselves apart over petty things like glass Coke bottles that fell from the sky.
You: Eats zog-chow while quietly F5ing gaming news and porn sites.
Grok: Eats first mammoth heart at 13. Dies defending his harem of six from giant eagle.
>b-but life was uncomfortable back then
comfort breeds weakness.
>outter space
you're not going to space anytime soon
>scientific knowledge
most of it is trivial, made for consumption and leisure; the ancients had stronger, healthier bodies and knew how to use herbs/plants and natural medicine quite well.
You: Work
that's where you're wrong kiddo
On the plus side I can watch porn on my smartphone while I take a shit.
>comfort breeds weakness.
Comfort and the implied free time actually fosters an intellectual environment, conductive to civilisational improvement, you troglodyte.
But I guess for some people, the epitome of existence is merely that, the ability to continue to exist (and even then, much shorter so).
Why is there so much suffering in the world?
>taxed to death wage-slaves
Jokes on you, I work 50 hours a month and make 4k a month.
Your green arrows don't make your statements magically true.
40% of my income is taxed, I live in a post commie shithole (so, less money in absolute terms) and yet I still have loads of disposable income to use up on anything.
Maybe I do have less free time in an average day than a random hunter-gatherer, but probably moreso alltogether, seeing as how I've spent the first 25 years outside the wageslave environment and I'll have at least double the lifespan, a good part of it (hopefully) spent in retirement.
End of the day, investing thousands of dollars into inane hobbies seems like a better usage of time than sitting in the same part of the savanah for the 3000th day, feeling bored.
How to hunter gatherers even spend their free time lmao, staring at rocks?
Scrounging scum
>How to hunter gatherers even spend their free time lmao
Grew their own warband by having lots of sons. Train their babies so they became as cruel as iron. Challenged other dads to battle!
Also fire-side feasts, performing feats of strength, wrestling each other. Spirit quests.
Plotting the destruction of their enemies and acquisition of their women, etc
Well, if you look at anthropological data, they really just sit around a lot, maybe chat a bit.
So same thing we do.
Imageboards on walls of caves.
Hey OP, you might want to read about Enkidu from the Epic of Gilgamesh. 5 thousand years ago people saw the same problem as you do today.
It is a longer life, because technology can keep a dying man alive for decades. Its a miserable experience, and an expensive one, for the family and the state.
Wish we'd grow out of it.
>Hey OP, you might want to read about Enkidu from the Epic of Gilgamesh. 5 thousand years ago people saw the same problem as you do today.
Reminds me of the ancient greek philosopher complaining about kids these days.
But can they waste their life on Veeky Forums?
If any of these people knew that they could grow in power they would want it
They're not ambitious cause they don't know that there is room for improvement.
Hunter Gatherers barely have disease outbreaks because they dont catch bacteria from farm animals that mutate into those diseases.
t. Sheltered suburbanite who couldn't handle living the hunter gatherer lifestyle
Implying 80% of people dont die in agony from cancer while under chemiothrapy
I'd laugh at you if it wasn't so depressing that people actually think that's true
Not really, at least Not The khoisan op posted, They just chat, sing, play and dance
It is
I can't tell if your agreeing with me or going full retard
Hunter gatherers dont get communicable diseases, except when they are infected by contact with shit smeared agritards who catch them from hanging around dumb farm animals all day.
Psychedelic drugs
That's bullshit. For one, there are no more truly 'uncontacted' groups left in the world. All these groups from the Kalahari to the Amazon know about the modern world and have interacted with it (or at least know others who have) and have made the wise decision to stay the fuck away.
This board likes to meme about how shitty their lives are and tear down 'noble savage' strawmans but the truth is those kids shooting arrows in the jungle are happier than 99% of anyone in the globalized world will ever be.
You do realise you could fuck off to the middle of nowhere and attempt to join a tribe, right? Why do you have to remake this thread every week, further contributing to this board's decline?
I'm not OP? And these threads hardly "contribute to this board's decline". The daily 'Hitler did nothing wrong' bullshit does that just fine on it's own. If you want to blame anyone for this board being shitty, blame the non-existent janitors.
>infant mortality rate
so you /want/ the deformed and sickly infants to live miserable lives and cost more than they contribute?
the weak should fear the strong
Just gonna bring this here from the vomitous violence thread:
>modern civilization is shit because my life is shit, the na'avi are with me on this
>also Alex Jones globalism because I love jerking off over his rants
How would they know what the modern world is like? They have only encountered random loggers and whoever goes that deep into their forest.
>modern civilization is shit because my life is shit
Not the guy, but if there is an enormous group thinking this way, the problem is structural, not individual. Life is shit for many because born into wage slavery and corporate propaganda forcing antisocial behaviour.
If we are even comparing the quality of life today and 20 000 years ago, then something went wrong.
>They have only encountered random loggers and whoever goes that deep into their forest.
Would be enough to keep away. We screw people to get more and more. Civilised cultures are expansive, work like a cancer. Primitive cultures remained unchanged because of the balance they have.
You're insane and crazy. Also I don't bother with porn sites much really, I have ready and easy access to prostitutes because I know how to use this internet thing.
Is there no end to meme-ing?
Is this the final modality of history?
if people were happy there why did they develop?
>and have made the wise decision to stay the fuck away.
Most of the humans in these tribes are cognitively uncivilized and very very stupid meaning they would amount to nothing in modern society.
(((((they))))) seduced us with (((((technological development)))))
You either develop, or you get rolled over by the people who do.
Basically this.
The main problem it's "progress" making the way into your jungle resort.
t. Letzter Mensch
>work at a job I greatly enjoy
>a job which only exists because of a general desire and capacity for scientific enquiry for its own sake
>modern communications keep me in touch with people I care about
>modern transportation means that, though I live more than 2000kms from my home place, I can return to it within a day's travel
You whining cunts have the option of joining a commune if you want
Nature is evil, user. Nature rewards rape, theft, murder, and deception, all evil things. you need an enforceable social contract or else one day someone will decide to organize some dudes together and murder you peaceful nature hippies and take your food, or just kill and rape you for fun, whatever. I mean, why hunt and gather when you can enslave some other fuck from another tribe to do the hunting and gathering while you fuck around all day?
The only reason these shitty hunter-gatherer peoples haven't been enslaved or killed yet is because they were decent at staying out of trouble for a few hundred years, and now out of the goodness of us civilized people's hearts. Because nature is both evil and weak, those who follow or worship nature are either living on borrowed time or doomed to subjugation by a larger force that is more organized and advanced than they are.
>chews on leaf
>gets slight buzz
Is the potbelly though a evolutionary thing? Don't our ape ancestor as have this issue?
>Be a hunter gatherer
>Climb a tree to get some fruit
>Fracture a bone
No thanks.
>comfort breeds weakness
That sounds like a really boring life.
>Sahlins' argument partly relies on studies undertaken by McCarthy and McArthur in Arnhem Land, and by Richard Borshay Lee among the !Kung. These studies show that hunter-gatherers need only work about fifteen to twenty hours a week in order to survive and may devote the rest of their time to leisure.[4] Lee did not include food preparation time in his study, arguing that "work" should be defined as the time spent gathering enough food for sustenance.[5] When total time spent on food acquisition, processing, and cooking was added together, the estimate per week was 44.5 hours for men and 40.1 hours for women, but Lee added that this is still less than the total hours spent on work and housework in many modern Western households.[5]
You are completely right user UNLESS humanity dedicates itself to the exploration, exploitation, and colonization of space. In which case agriculturalists win.
>no paradox games
No thanks.
delet this
It sounds like you are confusing hunter-gatherers with Eurasian nomad pastoralists there bucko
The Epic is literally about how pastoralists (non-domesticated men) returned from the steppes and were literally handed women by small sickly agricucks in exchange for protection
>50 hour work week
What's it like living in a third world country?
Nothing is stopping you. First step for both of us is for you to get of the internet.
The dealio is that tribes like the Kung live at the mercy of more advanced tribes. If some other tribe comes rolling by in toyotas and decides their hunting grounds is their turf, the Kung are fucked. IIRC, large groups of nomadic herders had their lively hoods destroyed when a war killed off most of their livestock and were left to rot away in refugee camps, and the San people in the Kalahari are being pressured by their more advanced neighbors.
That's why you don't see a lot of them around these days.
> playing autism simulator
>tfw born too late to live in the wild
>tfw born too early for space colonization
>tfw born in times just before SHTF
God damn it.