I have a Joke:

Strat/Waves Bagholders

How do i get gf like OP's pic?



2 get a grl like this be open to single moms and be the caring father 4 her kid.

Buy Litecoin.

shitcoin holders are all holding shitcoins cuntbreath

Here's another joke:

>XEM bagholders

waves is a pos, but strat will make it to 3 figures eventually

> T. Strat Bagholder

This thread has been brought to you by:

The desperate ANS bagholders and viewers like you

t. bought at [email protected] three days ago

My man

2 days ago I bought 1600 Stratis. Paid too much but hey, not that worried.

Stratis is a long term hold coin.
Waves is shit and ANS is, well ANS.

>tfw holding both right now
fuck you op

Is she white?

Think I give a shit?

"strat will make it to 3 figures eventually," says increasingly nervous strat bagholder for the 7th time this month.

I don't know why anyone would expect it to move heavily in that direction any time soon given there's not an actual product out yet for companies to use. I think the recent bull run spoiled everyone's expectations on these things

>I don't know why anyone would expect it to move heavily in that direction any time soon
end of august it will be 15-20, IF btc see's a rise

if btc splits, it might be fucked for a long while longer