How do people in cities avoid going crazy and killing each other? The human mind is not designed to be a part of communities that large. It can't cope, it can't function properly. You stop seeing other people as individuals.
How do people in cities avoid going crazy and killing each other...
We clearly can, seeing as we do live in settlements larger than hundreds of people for thousands of years.
People do start killing each other, but these people get shot by the police.
Trust me, they don't.
>village-dweller: Y-you can't possibly have a community larger than a village!
>city-state citizen: Y-you can't possibly have a polity larger than a city-state!
>Kingdom/Confederacy subject: H-how do Empires work!?!?
>[spoiler]Citizens of modern day states: H-haha, world government is impossible![/spoiler]
They don't. Cities are dangerous shitholes compared to the countryside in most places, despite having proportionally more cops.
Community is Civic identity's pathetic sibling.
People who were able to evolve larger collective identities are the drivers of history, and people who insist on communities are the ones who have to suffer underfoot.
>The human mind is not designed to be a part of communities that large. It can't cope, it can't function properly. You stop seeing other people as individuals.
Baboons have been known to form nations of tens of thousands and concentrate themselves on less than an acre of land.
It's just a matter of social engineering.
There's actually been studies about how many people a human mind can identify uniquely before it begins to "stop seeing them as individuals" and the number is somewhere between 150 and 200. Suffice to say, in such a society, you don't need to know every individual personally to give them their required respect for brief interactions, and if every human can track 200 "friends", and each of them can track 200 in turn... Well, pretty much everyone is getting treated as an individual at some point.
Not that there aren't... Complications.
You never see other people as individuals, really. It takes a massive mental feat just to imagine the subjectivity of other people as being equal to your own no matter where you live. Normally you just imagine them as momentary objects passing through our subjective existence with rigid boundaries and objective characteristics.
Modern urban living creates many unique problems, but the dehumanization of one another isn't one of them.
World government can work it just has to be oppressive. You cant have people having different identities and world wiews and except them to stand eachother. You need to grind human population into a single mould and then prevent people from different parts of world from evolving new identities that could cause separatism.
But people in cities kill each other all the time, due to various reasons
>Baboons have been known to form nations of tens of thousands
Utter nonsense.
>How do people in cities avoid going crazy and killing each other?
They don't. That's why cities are rife with murderers and mentally ill people. Would you feel safer in Chicago or in Bumblefuck Kansas?
its 150 as the fucking picture suggest and the rest of the post is just
i dont know, i dont want to call you retarded but you clearly have no concept of common sense
they isolate themselfs to avoid going crazy
its pretty stressfull, long hours of interaction which are full of potential danger (to our insticts atleast) and resting hours where the brain cools off (or getting sedated by drugs and alcohol)
It all makes sense now..
> The human mind is not designed to be a part of communities that large
That's the thing. People living in large cities are not part of the same community.
Communities develop in cities in smaller segments, such as neighborhoods, people who go to the same places like a club or gym, that kind of thing.
Huge communities don't make anyone go crazy, they just don't come into existence at all.
This is in a more anthropological concept that focuses on human relationships though, you can still technically say big cities are a "community"
There's no reason a world government would be more oppressive than most large countries.
The city is the great melting pot of humanity. It's where almost all great ideas come from for a reason.
>The human mind is not designed
Makes no sense at all
It's also where all the shittiest ideas come from
Lots of distractions for the monkeys.
Why doesn't it make sense? Humans are social beings. The strength of the city lies in civic institutions which allow for flourishing of art, science, philosophy, wealth and education. Yes some of the ideas are shit, but it's a better life for the vast majority of people.
It's also the great melting pot for AIDS and bubonic plague.
Only for dumb eurofags that build their buildings a cm from eachother.
>tfw I can literally see myself in that picture
The answer OP, is they don't. Best you can do is find a social oasis and not pay too much attention to anything else, nor take it too seriously. I have since moved out.
conformism and stereotypes, you might see 20 different people of the same subculture but your brain tells you they are the same
of course these subcultures are ostensibly opposed to conformism and stereotypes but in reality they treat anyone with an unfashionable haircut, clothing or mannerisms like a subhuman
Whoa nice place
If that world government has to consolidate power through its singular identity then it already fails the authority test in the first place.
>Would you feel safer in Chicago or in Bumblefuck Kansas?
Chicago. Being surrounded by people makes you safer in most cases. The violence in places like Chicago is about drugs and gangs. It isn't just random people getting killed.
Pretty sure it's mostly rural Africa that has the AIDS problem.
>The violence in places like Chicago is about drugs and gangs.
Very wrong you can die in Chimpcongo even if you have no affiliation with gangs, and gangs are not behind the rampant violent armed robberies, carjackings or even murders.
>he human mind is not designed to be a part of communities that large.
And it doesn't have to be. A city is not a "community" in the sense you mean, it's thousands of interconnected communities. A city dweller does not know a million people, he knows his neighbors, his coworkers, his family, different friend groups, etc. The difference between that and a small town is that he might be the only common element in those different communuties, and most people he passes on the street will be strangers. Neither is really a problem.
t. suburbanite.
>You cant have people having different identities and world wiews and except them to stand eachother.
By this logic, USA should've fallen apart a long time ago.
>How do people in villages avoid going crazy and killing each other? The human mind is not designed to be a part of communities that large. It can't cope, it can't function properly. You stop seeing other people as individuals.
>despite having proportionally more cops.
You mean "because."
that's a hamlet not a village
what is the civil war
>Baboons have been known to form nations of tens of thousands
>form nations of tens of thousands
>form nations
Most people in large communities have some sort of addictions, something that would pull them away from reality, that is also the reason why for example people in London are so bad at being decent human beings.
He's a bit wrong on the numbers (maybe thousands on the high end), but nations is literally what you call them when a bunch of unrelated tribes get together. Baboons are the only other primate known to form social networks in that fashion.
Scary as fuck too - there's various incidents of them getting pissy and overwhelming guys with machine guns. Pretty much gotta burn them out.
>what is the civil war
A time the U.S. didn't fall apart?
Supposedly, a nation of ~90,000 baboons raided a town in Nairobi during a drought and killed a few dozen folks. They even made a shit horror movie out of it.
You don't have bonds with individuals that you haven't directly bonded with. ie, I don't hold a door open for you or acknowledge your presence unless I know you by name. This includes neighbors, co-workers and so forth.
No, the US identity is solidly white Christian values, despite all the meming. We're seeing cracks, but having calm neighbors and seas as borders makes it easier to control who comes and goes, so hyphenAmericans that come here just want to make money and be American, thus conforming to the white Christian identity of the country, even if they're Tejano or Vietnamese, Kenyan and so forth.
Any videos?
That's actually pretty horrifying
Funny the most crime in Chimpcongo takes place in the suburbs not even the main city.
It only works if you are free to move away when/if you get tired of it.
When the Marxist one worlders get in power and suspend citizen rights, then yes, they kill each other by the tens or fifty millions, see 20th century planet Earth history.
>spoiler tagging Veeky Forums posts
lurkmoar, newfag