Who are they?

Who are they?

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ayy lmao


His death was the saddest.


People who purposely elongated their children's skulls to resemble the aylmaoos

>tfw too intelligent to be alive

They were born with it.

People dumb enough not to realize there is a 1:1 correlation between elongating their children's skulls and their children's inability to feed and wipe themselves.

Maybe it's Maybelline

fucking kekek

Finnish shaman mystics

>There is no statistically significant difference in cranial capacity between artificially deformed skulls and normal skulls in Peruvian samples.

That quote is wikipedia's totally not racist way of saying this was everywhere brown or black's 4 times as savage version of foot binding....

While you are at it wiki this pleb- Deformational Plagiocephaly

Dude, your /pol/tardation is showing. Are you aware that this was practiced by Alans, Huns and Germanic peoples under their influence?

They were one of the many races wiped out during the Finno-Korean Hyper War. Little is known from this period.

We are still superior to you, bud. Even your women prefer brown dick over cucklet cumskins.

yo insecurity showing whiteboi

Seems unlikely. Skull deformation is a known practice of many peoples throughout history, being born with an elongated skull is not.

>implying corsets aren't just as savage


>For example, in the Nahai-speaking area of Tomman Island and the south south-western Malakulan (Australasia), a person with an elongated head is thought to be more intelligent, of higher status, and closer to the world of the spirits.[24]

so it's literally the >tfw too intelligent meme irl

Can I get a quick rundown on these guys?

also the fact the frogs did it up until the 20th century, look up Toulouse deformation

It's a really bad practice.

>being born with an elongated skull is not.

It actually is, Satan. Difference is it usually corrects itself in time in infancy.

Gallic savages.

mfw he was shot from both sides and couldn't deflect all the shots

not him but they were born with it

the "common technique" came later to look like them


can you not read breh?


check out some related stuff if you want

wow, never knew about this before

>this guy robbed ancient stuff from a tomb
>he implies a lot of pseudoscience
What the hell

How deep does the rabbit hole go?

Not practiced by germanic peoples.

They weren't born with it. And your pic proves nothing, as babies craniums were often elongated because their skulls were soft and easy to shape.

>waaaaaahhhhh we aren't degenerates and we never were shut up shut up waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh


They are the Nephilim.

Read the book of Genesis and Enoch to understand who they are and where they came from.


that process takes from 6 months to 3 years whereas the skull, due to size and thickness is younger. But anyway I was just posting, believe what you want user.

Give me a rundown, I thought nephilim were some kind of otherworldly entities.

Hybrid angel/human abominations that were the impetus for the flood of Noah. Wiping them out made pure human DNA possible.

Noah was the last pure human DNA person alive. That's how aggressive satan's breeding program was.

The children of idiots who continually stretched out their skulls as babies through binding similar to how women bound their little girls' feet, or how some Africans add a column of necklaces to elongate their daughter's necks.

What happens when yo breed with an angel? How could satan get angels to breed with humans?

So Satan turned himself into a chick and had Noah fuck him? This thought will make hell slightly more tolerable.

this normies do all sorts of stupid shit to fit in or keep ahead of the joneses

Is there any proof that that's a real skull? Because I have some amount of experience with handling human remains archaeologically, and that doesn't really look like a skull to me. Especially a baby's skullAnd how did that guy even get it? I would imagine it would be illegal to take human remains from a site and ship them through the mail to some random guy like that. So, there's a pretty decent chance that's a fake skull made by some ancient aliens-believers to prove a point or sell to someone gullible. It wouldn't be the first time something like that has happened.

obviously everyone takes this into account when handling this type of info
>doesn't look like a babies skull
Yeah thats the point it's not a human. Also I don't think the skull has been shipped anywhere. Just handed for a few hours to take a look and film in Peru. If it's in private hands, what's to stop that from happening.

>obviously everyone takes this into account when handling this type of info
Yes, because ancient aliens and nephillim believers are known for their scientific rigor.

>Yeah thats the point it's not a human.
No, I meant that it doesn't look like an actual skull. As in, from a formerly living creature. Whether or not it's human isn't even really what I'm questioning here. I'm wondering if there's any evidence that it came from an actual creature (of any kind), and isn't just a forgery.

>what is beauty standards
Not everyone had the same beauty standards.


I. for one. welcome our BBC masters!

Angels raped women and had hybrid offspring. the satanic plan was to eliminate humanity by altering its DNA, thus rendering the salvation of humanity impossible.

Humanity could only be redeemed by what is called a Kinsman Redeemer. the Redeemer has to be kin. Kin have to be the same family. By altering humanity then (and now) into something half demonic and half human, satan hopes to send more people to hell.

Noah was the only righteous person left. None of his family were tainted.

Ham's wife, Namaah, was tainted. She survived, and so the curse of Cain survived. And Ham and Namaah's son, Canaan, was cursed by Noah.

We mostly do, actually. Symmetrical facial features, young, firm skin, supple breasts for nursing, strong hips for child bearing; we don't differ that much.

But when you modify your babies so that they cannot operate as intended, you've gone too far.


>who are they?

thanks doc

ancient ayyyluminajews KANGS N SHIET

You cant even imagine.

>prove them
>*claims intensify*

You ever get that feeling of being attracted to and repulsed by someone at the same time?

Mmm daily dose, It's been a long time

but since when do angels do what satan says? what are some of the qualities of mix breed humans? what are the effects (i mean on a physical level)? being mixed makes you irredeemable?

Germanic are inferior to meds anyway. That's worse than killing children.

