Anyone know any good historical tv shows? Just finished The Last Kingdom and looking for something good to watch.
Anyone know any good historical tv shows? Just finished The Last Kingdom and looking for something good to watch
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Boardwalk Empire
TV shows? Are you gay or a woman?
Read history books, man.
digits confirm OP is, in fact, a homosexual.
what the frik no
>what the frik no
Fuck off back to where you came from, faggot
Trips confirm. Brainlets BTFO
Also, daily reminder that Machiavelli was
stop it with these g*sh d*arn swears user
But how will everyone know they're on Veeky Forums if i don't use "nigger" and "faggot" ever three words?
Three kingdoms
Is it any good?
Yes, its very well done and historically accurate
the armor and costumes too?
Nice formatting faggot
its enjoyable, but it is low budget because of the sheer size of the story, so they reuse assets/music and scenes all the fucking time which is very annoying. But still, its decent. Perfect for watching when you're eating lunch or lying home sick
Well it's obviously not hollywood worthy but you can tell that they put in all the effort they could, funnily enough it's also one of the only good movie adaptations (mostly thanks to the actors)
Plus you learn alot
>historical tv shows
Pick one, and one only, for two thou canst not pick.
>Watching the one-eyed Jew ever under any circumstance.
If you like to know what society looked like in the beginning of the 20th century in England then watch Downton Abbey.
>Rome (HBO)
>I, Claudius (BBC)
that's about it
Very good.
I like the show, but I'm not a big fan of some of the costumes. They tried too hard to make Uhtred and the Danes look badass with ugly furs, etc. Also the mail shirt that Hild wears looks like a decorative piece of shit rather than functional armor.