What could have been

>you will never know how or why the Indo European invasions happened
>you will never read the stories because no one wrote them down
>you will never read about the collapse of the matriarchal old europeans by the migration and subsequent invasion from the Aryan peoples
>you will never read about how they stormed India on horseback and chariots

>all because no one wrote it down

Other urls found in this thread:


there's also the possibility that it never happened

Why is board so obsessed with the IE's? They've been dead for millennia and are as relevant to you as the neanderthal genes in your blood.

>library of Alexandria

Is this the designated WE WUZ thread?


Because they're heavily involved in creating the modern world and nobody knows shit.

>>you will never know how or why the Indo European invasions happened

We know why, it was because they could. And the why of that is, chariots.

>>you will never read about the collapse of the matriarchal old europeans by the migration and subsequent invasion from the Aryan peoples

There has never been a matriarchal society, not in Old Europe, not anywhere.

>the neanderthal genes in your blood.
Literally what separates us from the niggers user, I'd say that's pretty important.

>not cherishing your neanderthal dna
never gonna make it

There are some minor tribes in South-East Asia and Oceania that are said to be matriarchal.

>There has never been a matriarchal society, not in Old Europe, not anywhere.



stop posting

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you cunt

>said to be

By whom? I know Gimbutas' early woirk is often cited to support the existence of matriarchal societies, but she herself has gone on record to clarify that this is a mis-use of her work, and that the societies she documented are in fact patriarchal.

No proof or even evidence that these were matriarchal. No, having female deities doesn't make you a matriarchy.

It's funny because East Asians have 20% more Neanderthal DNA and they also have the highest average IQ in the world. There is also this theory that says autism may be caused by a larger presence of neanderthal genes.

Oh and btw i know Correlation does not imply causation, but i like to hypothesize.

>>you will never read about the collapse of the matriarchal old europeans by the migration and subsequent invasion from the Aryan peoples
You can though. In fact now is the only time you can read that because a while ago, this myth hadn't been invented yet.

Migration, not invasion. Learn the difference.

Because they want to claim credit for the accomplishments of long dead people and have their fingers crossed that their skin is pale as mayo.

>implying any of this happened
>implying there's an Aryan race

He doesn't know about the Minoan Civilization


>they also have the highest average IQ in the world
No, thats the Ashkenazi Jews
IQ is a meme anyway, so it doesn't really matter

Here we go...