I'm an 18 year old, and I recently graduated high school. I was accepted to college, have gone through all the preparations and got the max financial aid, but I still have $19,000 to make up in a month. I know it's a long shot, and I know I can apply for student loans, but I've seen what they've done to my mom and we can barely afford to live. Do you guys have any risky ways to get that kind of money in so short a time period? Any advice is appreciated.
Hunter Peterson
take out student loan, bet it all in crypto, cash out and keep the money and pay for tuition.
Brandon Morgan
Sell drugs
Andrew Anderson
UR an idiot kid. Unless you are guaranteed a high paying job, you migh want to reconsider your options.
Landon Davis
Take out the student loan, throw it in Reddcoin when the market slumps (and you think it is at the bottom) and ride the waves. Reddcoin is really cheap and remarkably stable through all of this
Jack Williams
invest 1000 in bitbean
Oliver Peterson
It's a prestigious college, ranked one of the top 10 in America actually. I do think I am guaranteed a good job/internship afterwards.
Ayden Watson
I'm very inexperienced with crypto currency, is this a simple task? Are there wait times and transaction periods that might fuck me over? August 11th is the deadline. Also, this goes without saying, but by scamming me you would literaly ruin my life, so I am begging for honesty.
Jackson Phillips
major? what companies have the job you are looking for? location of potential jobs? willingness to relocate?
Levi Williams
Nothing's guaranteed ever But it will help your chances tremendously if you have an internship each summer Your resume will be light years ahead of the zipperheads and pajeets who have 4.0 GPA's
Ryan Morris
have you considered working for it? temp jobs are all around, you fucking bum
John Morgan
I plan to double major in pre-law and economics. I'm not 100% on the company or firm I would like to work for, but from what I have seen an economics major is quite flexible, and widens my options substatially. I am more than willing to relocate, I have no attachment to any certain place.
Post-graduation job employment rate is 98% so I am willing to gamble a little.
I have actually been working the past 5 years and saved up around $12,000. As I mentioned however, even with that, government aid, and scholarships there is still a gap.
Jayden Brown
Thanks, just bought 100k.
Caleb Green
OP's white, decent looking, and appears to be tall. He'll do fine.
Levi Walker
Thank you... haha. I'm about 6'1, but where I live it seems just about every guy is around my height.
Mason Evans
Therr're no viable shortcuts that work 100%, user Use your youth to plan ahead and don't waste money, especially from loans you can't default on Try out several jobs to give you an idea of what you're good at, and give e-commerce a shot on the side As long as there's civilisation there will be ways of making it
Brandon Wright
Oh I haven't lost all hope of "making it" - yet! Even if I end up not going to the college I've dreamed of, I'm sure I'll manage. I like to think of myself as one who plans pretty far in advance, but I didn't plan for such an expense. Thank you for the advice :)
Christopher Collins
I've been browsing this board for about an hour and I have seen this everywhere...
Landon Robinson
>I'm not 100% on the company or firm I would like to work for, but from what I have seen an economics major is quite flexible, and widens my options substatially. OMFG how are you going to know what skills you need if you don't know what you want to do. Time is money and you could be wasting a lot of time doing unnecessary shit.
>I need to make $19,000 in a month Hey, dumb fuck? If you were capable of doing this, you'd have no reason to go to college. Now listen, dumb fuck. No, there is no way around student loans. No, loans are not bad things. It is called leverage. Stop following retarded meme advice about avoiding big bad scary life-ruining student loans. If you have a degree from HYPSM, you are going to have a good career. You'd be retarded to not go.
Luke Lewis
Go to community college to get first two years out the way dumb fuck. Why spend all that money on basics
Nathan Brooks
considering your qt face i would suggest renting out your boipussy to the highest bidder
you could probably get some men to load up your hole at 250-600$ a pop
Robert Long
Bitmex 100x bitcoin margin trading. Thanks me later. Screencap this before op in lamboland
Sebastian Richardson
This guy actually knows what he's talking about OP. Reddcoin and Siacoin.
Luis Cox
Oliver Anderson
I never said I was completely dismissing student loans. I am just inquiring as to whether there is a better option out there. Calm down bud. And what is HYPSM? I'm unfamiliar with that acronym.
Not wasting 2 more years of my life in the ghetto.
My name's Graham haha.
Jayden Wright
Interesting. How does one get in to the cryptocurrency exchange?
Isaac Ortiz
I'll take the compliment, but that's gonna be a strong no from me. Lol.
Adrian Price
lurk moar newfag
Nathan Flores
Financial aid is done through FASA, you'd be a retard not to get subsidized loans. Bait.
Cameron Morales
He could just cut straight to gang bangs and plowed by in every hole by like 40 dudes for 1k a pop.
Noah Reyes
I've already been granted the max from FAFSA, $12,500. As I have stated, I am not dismissing student loans completely, just exploring my options as I hesitant coming from a single mother who's been in debt 25 years because of them.