
Any apostates here? Ex-whatever, converting to another religion or becoming atheist. Why did you leave your religion?

I left because I had a crisis of faith, and for the first time I started reading sources critical of things like miracles and the Catholic understanding of the early church. Overall they were more convincing that the Catholic sources.

>baptized Presbyterian as young babe
>grow up in church
>comfy life, no one really cares about the teachings
>most people there just to socialize/hang out with other upper class wasp-types
>join army
>churches in army are too real to be fun
>now just sit quietly in room and shit post on Veeky Forums

I left the catholic church because Christianity makes absolutely no sense to me, plus I hated to pay extra taxes. Happy non-rel now.

I was an atheist but began to give spirituality a shot. It really changed life and opened my mind to new things.

Degenerates like you should be put on a cross.

I left the Mormon religion and all other religions in fact, after I studied religions in college. All the religions out there claim to be the only true religion, but I can clearly see that religion was created for the solely purpose of opression and control of humanity.

I was never that scholarly of a Christian, mind you, but I was very culturally Christian, going to church regularly, knew a bit of the bible, volunteered for stuff, etc. Then, one day, I contracted Hansen's disease. Got it cured reasonably quick, with the only lasting damage a bit of numbness around the fingertips and bottoms of my feet, but word got out. And you say the word "leper" around Christians, or maybe just baptists, and things get weird. Lots of people asking where my sores were (I didn't have them) and EVERYONE wanting to touch me. We literally had people coming in from out of state just so they could press up against the leper and be blessed by it.

Couldn't understand it, so I started reading the Bible in-depth. My first realization was that the "Leprosy" described in the Old Testament had nothing to do with the disease that I had, but as I started reading along, I found more and more glaring problems in things like internal consistency.

So I just left it behind. I'm not really sure if I would have from either of the two major causes on their own, and I'm not sure whether the social aspect of the theological aspect is more important. I like to think the latter, but I don't 100% trust my own thought processes in a matter like this. But now I'm pretty fedora-tippy.

>be an eastern orthodox
>go to church every sundays and do home prayers with family
>go to college
>forget to pray and go to church
>nothing bad happens to you

fuck religion, its a waste of time and delays the progression of the mind

I listened to George carlin's comedy and thought on it . now I'm an atheist . I try not to be obnoxious tho . i cringe when I think of how edge Lord I was in the past .
his bio audio book is made more by the fact that his bro reads it and sounds like him . would listen again.

>I found more and more glaring problems in things like internal consistency.
The problem is people treat the bible as some ineffable book. Mostly because of "sola scirputra" and other protestant nonsense.

The Bible is a book of books which span centuries. Of course inconstancy exist. I tend to find value in the Wisdom Books of the OT as well as the NT. I don't find much value in the rest unless it's a gnostic reading.

How's Malaysia?

Catholics aren't Christian

I converted to Christianity from Catholicism

Holy shit don't you ever sleep?

>I grew as a Christian and went through all the phases of atheism. >Then I realized religion and spirituality is an essential part of what it means to be human and wanted to come back, but it's not so simple.
>I tried to fake-pretend to believe, but it didn't work.
>Read the works of some Christian philosophers and apologists and became convinced that biblical Christianity is tolerably plausible.
>Became a cultural Christian agnostic.
>More recently listened to Jordan Peterson's lectured and got interested in Jung's philosophy and psychology of religion.
Still not fully back and may never be.

>got interested in Jung's philosophy and psychology
Jung was a hardcore gnostic. Take the Green pill.

I am growing stronger

Oh please. You have a fundamental theological differences between the OT and the NT, and Paul's epistles, the bulk of the NT, don't reveal a scholarly Pharisee at all, they reveal a guy who has skimmed the OT once. Maybe. I'm not talking about little details, but fundamental beliefs on which the foundations of the religions are based.

> All men are irredeemably flawed, living by God's law is impossible, you need to access Jesus's sacrifice to have a chance at being saved

Is just about a core message of Christianity that you'll find across every denomination I'm familiar with, and it is flat out contradicted by the OT.


The problem of evil, concept of original sin, and the fact that there was a hell for people to burn for eternity made me leave Christianity.
It seemed fucked up that god would send people of other religions to hell and let them suffer forever. Like how do I know my religion is the right one, if I was born in Saudi Arabia I would've thought that Islam is the right religion and all non believers would go to hell. This and the idea of predestination and predeterminism made me question my faith. Why would god create people knowing that they'd go to hell or create people knowing that they'd die early in infancy or adolescence?
I do think there is a god, I just don't know who the real one is

>tfw Neoplatonism makes more sense to me than any modern religion

Last time I asked about it, the priest convinced me not to do it (yet).

Because Islam.

I'm not even sure if I should count, but whatever. I was - loosely speaking - raised a Christian(had religion lessons in school, got confirmed, etc. But I never really went to church, and though my mother technically belongs to church, as far as I can tell she's never really been religious either and we never really talked about religion at home or anything. My father is a plain atheist.), but I just couldn't make myself believe, so I left the church pretty much as soon as I was able to.

You can't leave Christianity, so no. You were never a Christian, and have decided to burn in hell forever.

Have fun with your imagined moral outrage at God for punishing infinite crimes with infinite punishment.

Because Catholics are not Christians, and "Catholic miracles" are demonic.

I don't think you understand the thread, at all.

You left McDonalds because Burger King made no sense to you.

Did you read the CES letter first, or since?

Thanks for your input, Mr. Covenant.

It's almost as if the cult you left wasn't worthwhile.

You're actually an edgelord now, by definition, fedora.

That dude pushes the Catholic early church narrative, not the other way around.

Amen. Small overlap. 1%? Feeling generous.


Whatever you say, blind Jew.

Tough one to leave. Usually makes you shorter by a head.

I left the Russian Orthodox Church and converted to Wahhabi Islam.

Go tell whoever replaced the KGB.

I'm planning to join the Islamic State to participate in genocide of my ex-coreligionists, so it wouldn't be a very wise thing to do

Well, I guess I was Orthodox in my early childhood, but became an atheist no later than in the fourth grade. I don't really remember how it happened though.

But why?

They're nice folks at the new KGB. Completely user friendly. You wouldn't believe how easy it was to get them to trace your post!

Maybe he wants to have a harem of slave girls.

Christfags arguing what is the one true church whilst Europe turns its back on Christianity entirely.
Go on lads, in 50 years most kids in Europe won't even know the difference catholics and protestants.

There is a religion that rewards selfishness?

50 years there won't be a Europe. Or an America.

keep telling that yourself when you pray in your empty church.

This is true. Christianity won't be replaced with atheism, it will be replaced with islam.

Sounds like bullshit, because statistics show that most muslims turn to non-religious in Europe and only a minority practices its faith. Besides, Europe is not Christian, it is secular and religions just has not much influence anymore.

>go to christian school
>become christian, no suprise
>Try to live like the bible tells, like turn the other cheek, be as peaceful as possible
>even turn vegan because its oh so sad for the animals
>People think I'm weak because of it, excluded from the group
>Have faith in god, must be part of his plan
>Nothing changes, become a loner with a life that I hate
>turn the passive submission into anger
>people now respect me, but I'm probably forever damaged and I simply do not enjoy to socialise
>become agnostic

I can probably never fully turn atheistic, I believe there still might be a godlike being out there, but one that created life in the beginning by accident and did not care and does not even know we exist

I was a Christian, but 1000+ Christ-chan reposts later, I got sick of it and converted to Islam.