>Israel annexes Golan Heights
Nobody bats an eye
>Russia annexes Crimea
Everyone looses their mind
What precedent has caused such hypocrisy in US foreign policy since the Cold War began?
>Israel annexes Golan Heights
Nobody bats an eye
>Russia annexes Crimea
Everyone looses their mind
What precedent has caused such hypocrisy in US foreign policy since the Cold War began?
Other urls found in this thread:
Crimea is Russia's only all year warm water port with direct access to the Med
When you dealing with something like that, all bets are off. Besides, Syria attacked Israel and lost the Golan Heights as a result
Israel is our strategic ally and Russia is our historic enemy. Its that simple.
Russia is homophobic fascists
fuck Israel we give them top of the line shit and they give us nothing in return
Saudi Arabia on the other hand gives us oil
>allied in two World Wars
>Cordial relationships beforehand
>historic enemy
Russia was our enemy during the Cold War. Not before or after.
>countries that recognize palestine
>countries that recognize kosovo
Such hypocrisy. Either recognize both or neither. It's called the Serbian-Jew double bluff for a reason.
Check out the 32 Billion Dollar Bargain. It's a bit dated (Came out in the early 90s), but it goes through what exactly the inns and outs of the U.S.-Israeli relationship gets. Mostly, Israel gives the U.S. a strategic lever when dealing with arab dictatorships. For domestic reasons, the U.S. can't be seen as getting too cozy with repressive people even when it does want to maintain good relations with them. But overt threats against somewhere like Saudi Arabia are unlikely to be actualized, or even believed. A threat to loosen the Israeli leash, on the other hand, is enormously more credible.
>allied in two World Wars
Pretty sure you mean one because Russia had a small revolution before we joined the first one.
Being allied to the soviets in WW2 was an alliance of necessity. The US/UK couldnt let the soviet union fall to the Germans however that doesnt mean either of them liked the soviets. For a long time before and after WW2 many famous politicians and generals wanted military action against the soviet union including Churchill and Patton.
>Cordial relationships beforehand
Yeah, Americans just loved the tsar and his lovely autocratic government.
>Russia was our enemy during the Cold War. Not before or after.
As a matter of fact we sent troops to help the white russians fight the reds. So right off the bat, youre wrong. We were ideological enemies for the entire interwar period. The only reason we never fought in that time was the former allies still remembered the horrors of the first world war.
>"Yeah, Americans just loved the tsar and his lovely autocratic government."
>brokers peace during the Russo-Japanese war
>Buys Alaska from Russia
>Russia allies with the Union against the South
What did he meme by this?
Russia practically stopped Britain and France from intervening on behalf of the south.
>one of the three great powers on the pacific brokers a peace agreement between the other two means they are good friends
>business transaction for nearly worthless land means good friends
>implying russia sent any real support military or logistical support to the union during the war
>implying it was an agreement either side really expected to follow through with
Again, an alliance of convenience. Russia was pissing off the rest of Europe by fucking with Afghanistan. Europe was also considering getting itself involved with the american civil war. Its logical that they promised to be on the same team if they were attacked. That doesnt make them friends.
Americans have always had animosity for Russia. Shit, who hasnt had animosity for Russia? Even Russians hate Russia.
>thinking friendships exists in geopolitics
As long as the interests align.
Thats what im trying to explain to this faggot.
>constantly attacked by its neighbours due to the ayyrab hatred
>annexes a strategical important (defensive) strip of land
>would even hand that back in case of a serious and lasting peace (sinai and egypt for example)
>is on a constant Mission to unite all russian lands (geee i already heard a similiar phrase)
>acts in an offensive manner against a sovereign state (abusing the internal political troubles)
>massive intelligence scheme to enable armed insurgents in other parts of the Ukraine
>later on resorts to sending troops to their marionette regimes
Yeah sure the situation is just the same...
Mindless Israel bashing is just retarded.
It's the same thing. Russia is just bigger.
In both cases the annexation was widely condemned but nobody really did anything about it. The situations are not really equivalent, either, as Israel was occupying territory froma hostile invader, while in Crimea's case it was Russia that was the aggressor.
fuck off telavivbot
can't you shill on other websites?
Well nobody did anything in both circumstances though OP, so what is really your point?
Besides, there's no shortage of Israel or Russia hate everywhere.
I mean, in my country lefties and socialists demonstrate Israel all the fucking time.
>why are political actors hypocrites and liars and shills?
the sooner israel is removed from existence the better.
>blatantly shills for Putin
>much jew shill go away
Back to your containment board lil Skinhead:*
How you two id got "allies" mixed up with friendship is beyond comprehension. But no, throughout American history America hasn't been irrationally Russophobic.
Its not the same thing.
a ) The defensive area Israel annexed is a small and limited area. Israel isn' t annexing everything up to Damascus to better shield against Syrian attacks.
b) Despite was Russia today is preaching: The threat situation is very different. Russia might feel encircled by the NATO/EU. Problem ist they are fully responsible for this fucked up situation. 70 years of communist rule and the relationship to the russian federation have poisened the well. Contrary to what the "ebin russia" faction spews there is no large scale operation to weaken russia and assimilate its client states.
Lets face the truth here:
>Russia has a weak economic pull to keep countries in its sphere of influence
>Russia has a history of domination and surpression with most of its former satellites
>despite screams of gayropa etc. russian cultural pull is equally weak , except for artificial nationalism and renewed orthodox faith russia has little to offer in that department
>all former SU satellites who associated with the west (EU/NATO) have fared much better than those remaining in the russian sphere
Also the NATO isn't going to attack russia. We all know that. The west is fine on its own. The ayyrab "states" pose a real threat though. They have -for reasons that are still present- attacked Israel and it is not outlandish to assume they will again.
c) The importance of the annexed territories. Nobody is going to argue that the territory russia annexed (and de facto annexed with its "independent" and allied republics) is economically and culturally far more important than the golan HEIGHTS (overexaggarating but basically a bunch of hills).
>Saudis essentially fund all terrorism that targets America
>Truly, the house of Saud is our greatest ally!
>Also the NATO isn't going to attack russia. We all know that.
NATO has a history of attacking countries who didn't provoke them. I wouldn't want NATO in my border if I were Russian.
>What precedent has caused such hypocrisy in US foreign policy since the Cold War began?
Jews control the U.S.A. government, most of the rest of the words' governments, and most of the world economy and media.
>direct access to Med
Are you sure about that?
>Implying you could stop NATO from attacking if they wanted to whether or not they were in your back yard, front yard, or across the street
Is the poor wittle wussian not used to being intimidated by a country that's not his own?
>Russia conquers the whole of the steppe making their cossacks OP
>I conquer some italian minor
>everyone joins a coalition against me
>the turks will stop the russians
Now that's hot war
Are you retarded
>it's small on a map so it must be small in real life
Are you?
The only one that immediately comes to mind is serbia and they were conducting a campaign of genocide against an ethnic and religious minority. Anyone who buys into the whole "NATO is totally going to attack Russia you guiz" excuse for the Russian government's actions abroad is falling for a really dumb ruse. I mean fuck, they have thousands of nuclear weapons, you really think that the US or NATO want their cities nuked over crimea?
>Shows picture of Turkey
>When I was clearly talking about how Crimea was not Russias only all year warm water port, even less so with direct access to the mediterranean
Luke 6:42
How can you say, 'Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,' while you yourself fail to see the beam in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
Obviously not based on the only reply to it.
Make your point known next time.
>muh NATO has attacked sooo many countries
Like ? I give you Lybia but to see that as something that threatens russia is retarded.
>Russia is well known to attack countries and use destabilizing means. Even in europe.
>Russia wanting more warm water ports is out of the question because they already have one or two
The further north you go, the more the ports spend iced over
You do realize warm water ports are ports that don't ice over like that no?
Ah shit i forgot Serbia.
That was after years of genocide and warfare. And the goal there was to end the war,never annexation or the likes.
The following countries broke relations with Israel after it took over the Golan Heights
>East Germany
In addition, there was an arms embargo on Israel put into place by France, UK, Italy, Canada, Belgium, Austria, Sweden, and West Germany.
This is more severe than what happened to Russia after it invaded Crimea
So, what is OP's point?
>direct access to Med
>only all year warm water port
Aren't Crimeans mostly Russian? Also they voted in favour of joining Russia. It was lawful.
even the biggest commiejew of my country said that modern jews are racists and occupants
Are you really asking why the US looks the other way towards the behavior of its allies but condemns the actions of its enemies?
Look at the USSR/Russia's own foreign policy. They invaded and toppled regimes in Hungary and Czechoslovakia because they weren't hardline enough, yet flipped their shit when the US did the same in Grenada.
If you held a referendum in East Jerusalem today, the results would probably call for them to stay in Israel.
Yet the world would still freak out.
communists and the far-left in general have hated Israel for a long time
I think the bigger question is why people on this website usually support Russia so much. If you go on google maps, and look at any street in Russia. The infrastructure is usually appalling. They aren't some saving grace of western values, they're a tribe fighting for their own like everyone else is.
>They aren't some saving grace of western values, they're a tribe fighting for their own like everyone else is.
Our interest happen to align.They are anti-globalism and anti-liberalism. This isn't the only reason. the difference between Russia and some random rouge state is that they are White, Christian, Conservative nation which offers an alternative path for Europe going into the future. If Jews were largely anti-globalism and anti-liberalism we'd support them too.
They are and they did. This board just blindly hates all things Russian, because "muh Regan".
Crimea should never have been a part of Ukraine after the USSR collapsed to begin with. No one who actually lives in Crimea is upset, just western sjws and Ukrainian nationalists looking for a reason to rape and murder innocent civilians.
Supporting Russia doesn't mean you want your country to be like Russia. I'm not a traitor just because I think the path our nation has taken in the past 3 decades in terms of foreign and domestic policy hasn't been the right one.
Vladivostok actually gives up. Less severely than ports further north, e.g. Kamchatka, but it does ice over despite being the same latitude as the French Riviera. Actually warm summers, but cold winters.Continental climactic influence without the Gulf Stream is a bitch.
That, and even if it was ice free it's not exactly convenient to Atlantic shipping. It doesn't really fulfill an economic or military role that a Black Sea port does.
Senpai. They are slavs. Not that i think in this racial categories but assume they have anything in common with white europeans is retarded. Especially because of the heavy asiatic influence from their eastern territories.
Ehh. Can give you that one.
LEL. There is a forced revival of the orthodox church. A lot of people larp as believers. Nothing more. Russia as a whole is completely materialistic.
>muh viable path for europe
In the sense that russia style policies will create failed states?
Not many countries take a big gerne shit on their citizens. Fucking Putins daughter lives in NL. A bunch of corrupt criminals rules over a bunch of primitive morons and you get a hard on because occassionally they spew some memes about faith and nation.
*bigger shit
>So, what is OP's point?
Pretty obvious really: fuck the Joos, Russia did nothing wrong, subscribe to RT news the only unbiased news source
This. Oh and might makes right unless its joos because in their case its different because they manipulate the Media n shit...
Please don't conflate the Bosnian war with the situation in Kosovo.
our foreign aid to Israel isn't really us just giving them free shit, its a discount on buying military hardware from us
it wasn't so much that they did it that bothered me, it was the way in which Russia did it and the precedent that it set. I was very disturbed by the historical parallels between Russia's actions in Crimea and Germany's actions in the 1930s. However after they took Crimea I assumed they were going to continue on with more provocative actions like annexing eastern Ukraine, annexing belarus, trying to get territory in Lithuania to create a corridor to Kaliningrad. Instead what happened was they were unable to win a proxy war on their own border.
>people are actually afraid of Russia
>people are actually afraid of russia
They could have won but they couldn't have payed the costs of pulling that off.
The west would have sent advanced weaponry to the Ukraine or just completely wreck russia financially.
Russia is actually pretty weak. They are dependent on foreign capital but actually like they are NAZI germany which had a reasonable degree off autarchy (and was fucked once foreign trade stopped flowing).
NATO thought Ukraine was theirs, and they already imagined themselves taking over that nice naval base.
Suddenly Russia doubles down and makes sure Crimea will be Russian forever. Also, Ukraine has a separatist region now and so its kinda off limits for NATO.
Russia didn't play by the rules and now the West is having a tantrum. And the media dances the dance and tries to tell us that the poor peoplez of Crimea or repressed. Which is of course, utter bullshit.
What a sad performance, the West being on good terms with Russia would benefit both countries immensely.
America is too busy trying to contain Russian influence in the Middle East to bother with Saudi Arabian terrorism funding. What I don't get is why the US doesn't keep Saudi Arabia on a tighter leash. The country couldn't survive on its own geopolitically, and it has much to fear from Iran. The US even threatening to cut some support to Saudi Arabia in the proxy war against Iran would be enough for Saudi Arabia to bend over.
Saudi Arabia has the most Persian coastline aside from Iran itself. Until such a time that we start actually trying to win over Iran, we have to play nice with the Saudis, since something like a third of all the oil in the world goes through those waters.
>falklanders want to be english, and we should therefore look at their right to self determination to decide who the territory belongs to
>part of ukraine wants to be russian, but who the territory belongs to shouldn't be determined by their right to self determination
International politics is amoral, inconsistent and power-based.
Jesus Christ, when did John McCain start posting on Veeky Forums?
>So, what is OP's point?
I think his point is "Just sit on the clay long enough, and eventually the world stops caring."