Did white people ever get genocided/persecuted by majorities in the past? I know that the Haitian Revolt which is pic related massacred a lot of French, but that only happened once and nobody cares about it. Any major events?
Did white people ever get genocided/persecuted by majorities in the past...
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weren't genocided but the whites in Zimabwe/Rhodesia got persecuted
Armenian genocide
come on user
Zimbabwe is a good example
Do you have any sources on that? Everyone in /pol/ says this, even going further saying there were massacres. Unless by persecuted, you meant exiled, which counts as persecution then.
Depopulated Balkan groups by the Turks.
>literally in the Caucasus region
>not white
Do you not also count white on white persecutions?
Define white.
Are we using it to mean people of a pale, whitish complexions, europeans or something else?
Also would you count examples where white minorities are persecuted/genocided by different white ethnic groups?
The Holocaust.
The former, and no, white people against whites is just war
So what's the holocaust then
Barbary pirates
after decades of persecuting and subjugating the blacks
Jews aren't white
Armenians aren't white
Ethnic cleansing among whites did happen though, look at what romans did to the dacians and gauls. Caesar even bragged about how many he killed. And this is genocide.
Also this
Cyprians are White. Armenians are too. What criteria are you using? Just because Europeans cluster around a specific group.
Every european people the romans have conquered, except for the greeks.
Euros genocide themselves all the time
where do you think they got their skills from?
Not as much as asiatics and Africans genocide each other though.
Africa were just small tribes so even if they wanted to it would be difficult (unless you are talking of post-colonialism).
What the fuck do you think the Romans were doing in Europe throughout their 1000 years of conquest?
The butchered entire tribes of white peoples, and enslaved millions more.
Cypriots are hellenized levantines with some minor Greek admixture. They're mostly non-white
That is white people killed white people. Or simply, Romans killed Germans
It's easier for small tribes to genocide one another. The Bible talks about the Jews committing genocide against the ammonites, for example.
>The current U.S. Census definition includes white "a person having origins in any of Europe, the Middle East or North Africa." The U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation describes white people as "having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa through racial categories used in the UCR Program adopted from the Statistical Policy Handbook (1978) and published by the Office of Federal Statistical Policy and Standards, U.S. Department of Commerce."
needs an update
Sure thing, kiddo
absolute madman
Armenians are genetically not European and their homeland (Armenia and Eastern Turkey) is not in Europe
Also most of them look like this
>Two wrongs make a right.
Literally the largest and most destructive case of genocidal racism in history was "white" on "white". And it's in living memory for a lot of people.
>One cannot genocide people from the same continent or of a similar complexion as your own.
They weren't persecuted for being white which I think is what the OP is looking for.
The main perpetrator of that genocide was a southern European man of Moldovan and Albanian descent.
Weird. I don't consider the Japanese, the Koreans, or the Chinese to be white
really makes me think
More people died due to German war crimes on the Eastern Front than Japanese war crimes in Asia. And unlike German actions in Europe, Japanese actions in Asia were not a concerted attempt at genocide. The Japanese ruled Korea for 35 years and population doubled during that time, same for Chinese Taiwan. Meanwhile the Germans planned to kill or deport every Slav in eastern Europe except for some slaves, and actually killed as much as 25% of the population in some regions in only three years before being pushed out.
>Meanwhile the Germans planned to kill or deport every Slav in eastern Europe
They allied with Croats, Slovenians, Croatians, Bulgarians, Slovakians and Ukrainians.
>white = european
It's literally nothing more than a skin color. If a dude is white then he's white. What kind of bullshit european elitism are you pushing
Yeah and before that they allied with the USSR...
So you're saying the Holocaust was justified?
So are Japanese white?
yes but not for being white as Americans like to think
For being christiains, for being foreigners, for being landowners, but never for being white
Roma people didn't subjugate whites. Historically it's been quite the opposite.
But Romans weren't ''''white'' they were swarthy meds
Germanic, slavic or celtic you idiot, white is just skin colour
yellow. they even call themselves yellow people.
>name of news org cropped out
every time
>Born into a country
>Forced to leave and "Go home" because of your race
>But this is your home
>No British or Australian citizenship
You should've thought of that before your ancestors were born.
The Holocaust was European on European Genocide no matter how much you cut it.
As long as none of those are Muslim, they are white.
>Solely Jews
Yes forget about all the non-Jewish Poles and other Slavs who were slaughtered untermensch
Persecuted, yeah. Turks, Africans post-colonialism, Chinese during colonialism, Barbary pirates, Mongols.
Genocided? Not really.
for a non meme answer google Venezuela Boves.
>not one drop
German tribes genocided by the Romans.
Intolerance begets more intolerance. Neither is justified.
>hurrdurr Swarthy Roman
Some are, some aren't.
Similar to modern Italians
So do you count Italians as 'white' or not
They are "white" in any non /pol/ standard. According to US census too
Former Rhodesia/Zimbabwe
Holy shit this needs to be taught in school
No a genocide and the farm expulsion only effected farmers but it is commonly mentioned in regards to zimbabwe my persecution complex seeking friend.
Armenians are less white than Arabs
are Ingushetians white?
Rhodesians tried to help them though
Attila the Hun slaughtered Europeans
>Germans planned to kill or deport every Slav in eastern Europe
You're a literal retard, go back to Facebook.
That's super ironic coming from a "Koreans and chinks are literal criminal subhumans" jap