Why is human sexuality so weird? Do animals exhibit the kind of bizarre and abstract sexual preferences and desires we do? I've read into it some but can't seem to find a satisfying answer, if anyone has some suggested reading that might clarify this somewhat it would be hugely appreciated, but more specifically help me understand why I'm such a sadistic fuck.
Human Sexuality
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We have innate instincts, we then learn to associate them with stimuli and thoughts. Our ability to think abstractly to a great degree means that we can make some bizarre "associations" whereas animals stay close to their instincts.
We are build to fuck, just because we are animals, and more particularly mammals.
Now, why weird? Depends on the spectrum. Birds fuck same-gender dead birds.
Dolphins conduct rape.
Dogs fuck as a means to show dominance, and will fuck regardless of gender.
What do these animals have in common? A high language spectrum.
Language allows for fucking.
In the words from de Dead Poets Society
>Language was invented for one reason,[...] - to woo [the other part in sex]
And then there is the whole paraphiliae spectrum of wanting to sex buildings and 2D constructs, but bears fuck trees so it is all good.
>help me understand why I'm such a sadistic fuck
Either you want dominance over others, showing your power to give and end pain; you recieved pain yourself and want redemption/vengance onto the image of that which caused pain; or you sparked sexualy at the same time you caused pain, or understood pleasure of engaging pain into others; or you are not a sadistic fuck and just a soft-core sadist
I don't necessarily draw pleasure from inflicting pain myself, but witnessing suffering, which is something I specifically haven't found any detailed writing on. But this undermines the power or dominance seeking explanation. Girl on girl violence, not necessarily even physical violence or suffering, even just a girl verbally abusing another girl or psychologically traumatizing her is enough to get me really going.
So you want degradation, and I asume is from a recepient femaile.
>understood pleasure of engaging pain into others; or you are not a sadistic fuck and just a soft-core sadist
I should have specified that it was not necesarily you giving it.
So you might like female degradation, or people degradation. Being that the case, it could be a reflection on how you were raised by your family and the community that surrounded you.
What would be the best way to shake it if that's the case? Would I just have to strive to change the way I am over time?
female elephants use their trunks to masturbate, some deer have threesomes, male lions sometimes have gay sex and baboons have harems. Humans are not unique in their varied sexual practices, and kinks. Some animals can get even stranger mating practices. Pic related.
Only humans have language buddy. Animal communication is not language.
sorry honey animals can consent
citation needed
>beta orbiters are a thing in nonindustrial societies
Why would you want to change that?
Because being aroused by people's suffering feels bad. I desperately want to be a good person and it makes it pretty hard.
Bagemihl, B. (1999). Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity. St. Martin's Press. pp. 427–30.
Why did god allow animals to do this, but not us humans. Why is it immoral for us but not animals
he gave us reason, to seperate us from the beasts
Humans are bizarre in a lot of respects when compared to animals. Like why do we wear clothes? We are clearly separated from "normal animals" (whatever that means) I'm just not sure what exactly separates us from them.
Use your brain, idiot. You think a god would actually care where we stick our cocks? The fact that religions are so obsessed with sex is ample proof that there is no god.
>Not an argument
>Lady, wanna fuck this dolphin so we can communicate with aliens?
Said the pedophile.