Why do most stars have Arabic names?
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Cause we got their names from Arabs?
there is an infinite number of stars anyway
Mostly because they were named a long time ago so its either Latin or Arabic.
>Why do most stars have Arabic names?
Most stars have Greek or Latin names.
Not that many, by comparison, come from Arabic.
Actually most stars have serial numbers for names.
Because muslims went on a mad astronomy streak in the 800s. Al-Mamoun even went in person to astronomers' experiment displays.
Ptolemy's Almagest had a mix of Latin, Greek and Arabic names. Arabs were big in astronomy and so they had a lot of star maps. The Almagest and other star map books got spread around Europe and those names stuck.
They were the first ones to get there.
There's an interesting reason why the Arabs got so good at astronomy and early navigation.
When you pray, you have to face Mecca, so when the Arabs expanded their empire, the first thing they did was figure out the relative location of Mecca or the purposes of prayer. Land survey tools weren't as reliable, so they turned to Astronomy to figure out which way Mecca is.
The scientific illiteracy on this board is mind bogglingly. I know this isn't Veeky Forums but JFC!
Thank you, religion, you have blessed us once again!
>The scientific illiteracy on this board is mind bogglingly. I know this isn't Veeky Forums but JFC!
Mind bogglingly what?
The English illiteracy on this board is mind bogglingly bad. I know this isn't Veeky Forums but DFW save me.
Ah yea, the longstanding scientific principle of a finite stars in our finite universe. How can anyone forget it...
Wut? There is a finite number of stars in our universe.
Cause they were created by Allah.
>forgetting to type a word is just as bad as failing to comprehend elementary school physics.
*stupid* is the word you're looking for.
lol get out
If there were an infinite number of stars, every point in the sky would be a star, and we wouldn't have night because infinite light emits from infinite stars, and some of that infinite light (which is still infinite) hits the finite surface of earth.
quod erat demonstrandum
There's a limit to the observable universe so there are only finitely visible stars. That's one kinda intuitively obvious explanation. If it were as simple as your suggesting than cosmologists would have recognized long ago that the universe is finite in size. But dey didn't, did dey?
Wow dude, I hope this is bait.
I'm not even sure I understand what you meant there to be honest.
That nobody knows how many stars are in the universe? It's a totally open question whose answer could easily be "infinite"
Okay, but major hypotheses now propose models of finite universe. And we can only ever see a finite part of it anyway.
>b-b-b-but some people say it could be finite!
I never said it was infinite tard-o
Just that its not obviously finite like others have been commenting
Particularly this guy
who acts like anybody with a scientific mind KNOWS that the universe is finite. Professional fuckin autists on this board watched too much (too little) Bill Nye and think they're pros now.
The Universe has a finite temperature. This means that the big bang cannot have been infinite, which in turn means neither can the number of stars.
I saw a Neil deGrasse Tyson video where he mentions that it was because of the Islamic golden age
at 4m30s
Before that, Arabs navigated the desert by using the stars.
Only other cultures that did that were seafaring (Helles cultures), so it's only natural that the names are Greek and Arabic.
Interesting information
Navigating a desert by using the stars sounds comfy as fuck desu
>Islamic Golden Age
no. way to trigger /pol/acks is to mention this period in history
>Arabs navigated the desert by using the stars
>ywn be an arab merchant navigating your caravan through the Arabia desert at night using nothing but stars and stopping from time to time by an oasis for rest and water
fuck life
Why are they so angry all the time?
Traversing through desert is boring and tedious as fuck.
For a culture based around calling out triggering, you guys sure get triggered a lot