Why are these the only muslim countries that have their shit together?

Why are these the only muslim countries that have their shit together?

They even like the Jews

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Ex-soviet states

the USSR secularised them.

State atheism works. Albania is nominally majority Muslim too but they're chill


>got their shit together
Nigga Turkmenistan is almost North Korea-tier

Religion has always been more loose on the steppe. I mean, they dont really have the institutions and development to get imams or priests.


>has its shit together
Also IIRC Azerbaijan its own Kosovo.

They are stuck in Khan times.

>implying any muslim countries have their shit together

>They even like the Jews

Armenia disagrees

>one of the oldest Christian nations in the world

>They even like the Jews

Is that supposed to be a good thing? Also, all of these countries are third world shitholes, the only Muslim countries that have they shit together are the Gulf states and Brunei

>most istans
>"having their shit-together"
Ahahahaha yeah okay.

Kazakhstan is quite nice I heard, for an empty steppe at least, the others are shit tier.

this. Most of those countries aren't even really "muslim".

>Azerbaijan wedding
>vodka everywhere
>women in tight dresses disco dancing with men/boyfriends to madonna and cher tracks
>only muslim part is the highly modified wedding vows by the drunk imam/village elder

Dude, those are all shitholes.

Compared to what?

Europe with all its refugees its going to look worse in 10 years then them.


Has literal Al Qaida / ISIS operatives in the country

Pretty good because they sit on fuckloads of gas and suck Putin's cock

North Korea: Turk edition

Povertyland but with rich history

Nigger-rich oil people who build gaudy gypsy tier palaces

>Compared to what?
Russia, for example.

>Europe with all its refugees its going to look worse in 10 years then them.
Europe won't look like that in 10 or in 100 years even if the whole Syrian population moves there. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

I wouldn't exactly call countries with an epidemic of "wife kidnapping" as having their shit together.
No laws to protect the women either, they have to just live with it, many end up committing suicide.

>what are fertility rates

>Azerbaijan is such a terrible place that even Iran supported Armenia in the Azerbaijan-Armenian War.

I fucking accounted for them in my extremely accurate assessment.

>like the Jews
kek. you've never actually talked to anyone from there, have you?

Southeast Asian Muslims like Malaysia seems to get on pretty well

They are getting worse, since they are not under soviet control anymore

You're probably thinking of Nagorno-Karabakh, which is 'de jure' part of Azerbaijan, but has always been predominantly Armenian and Christian. Independent post-Soviet Azerbaijan has literally never had real jurisdiction over it. It's a self-running state that is basically a part of Armenia. They declared independence from Azerbaijan in the late 80s, and want to join Armenia. Azeris got stomped when they tried to take it over in the early 90s.

I think he means it disagrees that they have their shit together.

Uzbekistan's doing better.

They are by far the most weak muslim countries and are just playingfield for the greater powers.

Syria and Turkey were the most secularised muslim countries.

Iran supported Armenia because Israel supported Azerbaijan

Everyone gets a cute wife rather than rich guys hoarding them

Not the main reason. Iran supported Armenia because Azerbaijan has too many ties to Turkey.

>have their shit together

Those are some of the most corrupt nations on earth friend.

Iraq, Syria, and Lybia had their shit together and were secular until by mire (((coincidence))) they all get attacked and Islamic fanatics were installed

I'm still puzzled about Azeris. Are they Iranians who LARP as Turks or Turks who LARP as Iranians?

liking jews is a sure-fire guarantee your country is first world

They're mixed, but more of the latter.

Then why is America a 3rd world shithole?

>Russia, for example.

Not a muslim state

It might as well be given their demographic trends.

>even Iran supported Armenia

iran supports bogus nonsense by default
this is an argument in support of azerbaijan

wtf i hate israel even more now

It's not coloured in red on OPs map, and no one said they were Muslim. Relax.

They are not third world, even ignoring your erroneous understanding of what 'Third World' means. (They are literally ex-Soviet). They are largely corrupt bleak places, but not quite actual shitholes.

>implying North Korea doesn't have their shit together

True, and Turkey is obviously very interested in steering Syria and Kurds. But, also because Azeris are a huge minority in Iran. They don't want them getting too many funny ideas either.

because they are as muslim as modern europeans are christian

It's a combination of being post soviet countries as well as seeing the results of the two stans south of Tajikistan

Pres Rahmon (of Tajikistan) banned the importing of hijabs in his 98% Muslim country.

God bless this man.

Azeris are ethnic Iranians who LARP as Turks and Russians because they're cucks

They were secularizing during the Russian Empire. Islamic intellectuals in the Russian Empire were pretty cool until they all got purged.

To be fair, who the fuck would want to be Iranian? I would deny it too if I was them.

>they're chill
They're a collection of violent mountain goatfuckers who still have blood feuds like it's the middle ages.

Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan have comparable quality of life to Eastern Europe.

It was before Hoxha. Not any more.

I'm Iranian, I dunno. I feel weird about it.

Prefer our history and culture to being fucking Turkish or Russian though.

I actually get a bit triggered seeing Azeris appropriating iranian/persian culture as their own. That whole 'Land of Fire' shit is bullshit man.

No, it doesn't. This is retarded circular argumentation that doesn't fly.

Azeris are an Iranian people who got cucked out of their language by Turks. Even to this day they are genetically and physically from the same area they lived in thousands of years before Turkic tribes ever showed up in the Near East or Caucasus. Iranian Azeris know they are Iranian but their language is Turkified. Azerbaijani Azeris LARP as Turkics.

Also to add, the main reason modern day Azerbaijani Azeris think their Turkish is because of Russian propaganda in the late 19th and early 20th century. That was Imperial Russia's approach to try and weakening the already declining Qajar dynasty. The retards already lost Georgia to them and the Ottomans and Afghanistan to the British.

the Qajars fucked us (Iranians) so badly.

Persia could've held its own coming into modernity. Oh what could've been.

Under Niyazov, sort of. But its been a decade since he died and the country is just a typical banana republic now.

I hate the Qajars so much. This guy was based though.


Yeah just look at the Uzbeki refugee who went snackbar in Sweden last month

tl;dr of him? I never heard of him, in my household we only spoke of the Achemenids and Safavids and (some of my family) liked Reza

Very very skilled and highly competent minister of the Qajars. Implemented a lot of political and economic reforms and is a huge factor in how modern Persia started its trend toward modernization. However since he also curbed corruption and nepotism that the Shah's family like the Queen Mother and other relatives were responsible for, this made him unpopular. He was eventually alienated from the Shah's favor and exiled and later assassinated due to the rest of the family's scheming.

Sad tale.

Wtf I like Azerbaijan now.


Modernisation must've been a hell of an endeavour for every country. Some still haven't truly modernised their systems

>liked Reza

They technically *are* Eastern Europe.


That's because Saudis were exporting black burqas and niqabs and people were buying that shit up as a backlash to forced atheism they suffered under the Soviets.

The president doesn't give a fuck if women cover up as long as it's with "traditional Tajik clothing". He embraces the country's Islamic heritage, but despises Wahhabism and Saudi influence.

Like a modern day Ataturk almost

>They technically *are* Eastern Europe.

Clearly the dude was "inspired by" other snackbars, but I think his case was as much bitter revenge as anything.

>You can't stay here you filthy hurka durka, now please leave at your earliest convenience, and don't break anything on your way out
>yea, y-you too infidel

>despises Wahhabism and Saudi influence.
sounds pretty based. I wonder how he balances American Saudi-loving.

Russia ultimately turned out to be the best colonizer.
Its former territories are all actual functional states, and half of her colonies even joined the main country and are considered part of it today.

>Has literal Al Qaida / ISIS operatives in the country

So does Sweden, Belgium, Germany, etc.

Not that many. Being close to Afghanistan certainly doesn't help.


Eastern Europe is a third world shithole as well

Only half of it.

You have shit taste then. Being Iranian is way better than being a Turk.

The UK and France seem to have their shit together, so no.

This is why I love this board, I just found out about a President and war that I've never heard of before

They are shit and you are complicated ignoring the gulf states.

One of the former colonies of Great Britain has been the world's leading superpower for 100 years, two other are prosperous states with high standard of living, and yet another one is developing quickly, has its own space program and nuclear weapons. One of the former colonies of Portugal is one of the world's largest growing economies, and another one richer African states that actively opposes Islamisation. French colonies in South America and the Indian Ocean are the most developed countries in their respective regions, even Algeria is a better place than all those Central Asian shitholes.

You are cherry picking, and cherry picking the most autonomous and least governed ones.
What about the rest? Like I said, all of Russia's colonies turned out as functional states that aren't starving their own people or genociding, and some of them even assimilated into the main country. Thats peak colonialism right there.

Even fucking Djibouti, which is geographically situated to be GDPPP world leader as an international port that the neighbors MUST rely on, and a gateway between the arabs and the somalis, yet 90% of the population can't read.

Blood feuds are the ultimate red pill

Is Azerbaijan really that bad?

Baku looks so comfy.

No, it's actually nice. But Azeris are dumbasses.

Because they demolished all their commieblocks.

Stalinist regime was ruthless against Muslims

They are actually more Native Caucasians (Albanians, related to Lezgins) then Iranians. Probably something like 60% Natives, 30% Iranians, 10% Turkic.

how do they have their shit together?

Their level of human development isn't significantly higher than that of half a dozen randomly chosen middle eastern countries.

You are thinking of Southern Azeris (Iranian Azeris, which the name "Azerbaijan" is derived from was their old Kingdom of Atropatene. They even had their own Iranian language related to Median before the turkification of the region.

They literally were Medes n sheit.

nah, they were talibantier b4 USSR


Lol. Most post-soviet states, especially in central Asia, are corrupt as fuck plutocratic police states.

My dad is an Azeri Persian who considers himself 100% Persian except he had to learn a bastardized Turkic language as an infant before glorious Persian. Therefore, from my experiences with my dad and his friends, they consider themselves iranic people who got linguistically cucked by roaches

Um, there's a severe water shortage brewing in the Stans, Uzbeks and Kyrgyz have already had border potshots about it. Turkmenistan is a joke. Tajikistan is pure lol. Kazakhstan is lucky enough to have oil and gas deposits and the Cosmodrome, not that any of that really trickles down. No other states on earth are using the 'boil alive' method of snuffing out pesky political rivals.

And have you looked at a map of the Aral sea lately? Completely 100% man-made soviet-era fuckup.