>can create astrological calendars that are ridiculously accurate for millennia
>can't create carts
tell me something about these weirdos
Can create astrological calendars that are ridiculously accurate for millennia
literally nothing wrong with that
They probably functioned utilizing a social/political/and economic model closest to "true communism" than anywhere else in human history at a macro, formalized 'state' level.
probably because they didn't have animals to pull the carts
Maybe their elites were autistic neets
>true communism
>without superabundance, the elimination of scarcity, the development of prior stages (such as capitalism), and with a central government
read Marx again
>Communism has been proposed just by Karl Marx
>All communism derives from scientific socialism
t. Brainlet
I prefer the meme definition of communism and that the belief that any sort of communalism is communism over books. But thanks anyway sweetheart.
orthodox fags like you need a bullet
They understood the concept, but didn't utilize it. They had different environmental factors contributing to their development, and even then they did rather well, so it's mostly irrelevant.
What else do you want to know?
What was the political system of the Mayans? Did they just have a generic kingdom, or was it something more interesting
>They probably functioned utilizing a social/political/and economic model closest to "true communism" than anywhere else in human history at a macro, formalized 'state' level.
What did he meme by this?
>Classic period rule was centred on the concept of the "divine king", who acted as a mediator between mortals and the supernatural realm. Kingship was patrilineal, and power would normally pass to the eldest son. A prospective king was also expected to be a successful war leader. Maya politics was dominated by a closed system of patronage, although the exact political make-up of a kingdom varied from city-state to city-state. By the Late Classic, the aristocracy had greatly increased, resulting in the corresponding reduction in the exclusive power of the divine king.
Theocracy blended with regulated Monarchy
Not a meme. Their were most certainly socially stratified elites, but for the most part the state would give common people what they needed to survive and most all resources were shared among the community.
Who were the dominant tribe in Brazil before the Conquista?
the tupi-guarani groups
Tupis had conquered most of Brazil when the portuguese started colonizing.
See Inca is nothing like communism. Communalism maybe.
You're thinking of the Incas I think. The Maya were some of the biggest merchants of mesoamerica, they are more comparable to the ventians and phoenicians.
That depends what period you are talking about and region. In the classic period they had a divine rulership where the kings claimed lineage of deities. After the collapse of the classical period, new models emerged. Things got experimental from here and may have had to do with the people losing faith in their rulers (divine rule) when they could not prevent a collapse. The later Maya governments like in Chichen Itza, had two rulers, a feature that seems to happen also among the Toltecs. In Guatemala they had 4 rulers, 1 which dealt with foreign policy, one with religous and domestic affairs. And the other two were lesser lords but technically not beneath the other two. In the league of Mayapan you had competing dynasties, many who were merchants.
Tupis conquering? keke
They were the chillest people in the whole world.
try to move carts here without animals.