No one is going to buy your used GTX 1070s for $500 a piece.
Be fucking reasonable
here we go. a flood of grfx cards coming soon to ebay
Aren't they like $500ish new?
I love it
lot of normalcucks will get burned on this
IS it a bad idea to buy these used? I've always wanted to build a solid gaming rig.
I'd offer 500 for all 4 of them
Is it a bad idea to buy a car used in drag races as a daily driver? Is it a bad idea to marry a woman that has slept with 100 men? Of course not, goyim, they're perfectly safe.
Nice! I just bought 100K!
>tfw able to return mail-order hardware within 14 days
almost got me. seeing profits get rekt by 25% per week made this an easy decision.
Make sure to only buy the brands that you can RMA without a receipt
Like gigabyte or EVGA
Cool. Thanks.
Got not goyim.
Goyim is plural.
I bet you're the samefag that posted "goyims" on another thread.
Do u even Talmud ?
RMA it or
Replace the fans
The silicone itself can handle 24/7 steady load for decades but the fans bearings wear out. Assume the hobby miner was a retard and RMA first
Same happening with local second hand gpu market, panicking miners in denial trying to sell their gpus for retail price while the market is already saturated. It's been like this for the past month and only now prices started to drop slowly
wait another month
O-of course not goyim! Noone should feel ashamed of buying quality merchandise such as this at a slight markup!
I just want a fucking video card to play games, I'm tired of using this old r6 270
>tfw bought 1070 for vidya at launch for $430
Should've mined eth back then.
Thank fuck, I'm looking to upgrade.
One of the mining fags are going to make me a happy man
I'm still selling rx580s for close to 500.00 so... not unlikely
I hope they flood the market so I can get a nice rig together for cheap.
Not going to happen
With infinite shit coins to pump/dump no one will be selling
price is already crashing on ebay. Used starting to go under new price its over.
I wouldn't buy at these jew prices but the best computer I ever owned was a monster gaming rig I bought from someone on craigslist for pennies on the dollar because he was in dire financial straits and needed money fast.
500 for 4 1070s isn't bad at all
It's per 1070 Holmes
i think he wants 1070 per card
alright, let's say I wanted one. What's a fair price for something that's been mining 24/7 since he bought the card ?
$200 ? $100 ? $50 ?
The kids in NYC, no shit he's selling his cards. Electricity costs make NO FUCKING SENSE there
Don't expect too big a dump folks, probably just blue states with rip off electric
Yeah I don't think much people put much thought in the extra things that go into mining.
Sitting at a comfy 0.05$/kwh here :)
I'm still @ about 50% profit margin with current costs because I tuned my cards for efficiency.
I live in California and am paying $.236 kWh overall for my house (including running the AC 24/7 because its fucking hot). There are a lot of externalities that hobby miners didn't calculate. I really pity the fools that bought cards on ebay for $350-600 and expected to get rich overnight.
I lucked out on some sick PowerColor RX 570's on Newegg for $189 and a number of other 570s/580s in the 200-300 range.
Cant wait for this shit to all die down so I can buy more cards sub $200.
Damn son, commercial hookup or do you live at a power plant?
Propably lives in area with local geothermal / hydro / etc generating capacity or is only paying for a portion of the cost (i.e. worked out deal at industrial site to operate rigs when load is below peak demand to avoid additional distribution charges).... lots of ways to manage electricity cost. Could also be outside of the US where there's not a utility cartel monopolizing the market...
with worthless stock fans being the only moving part, the cards don't really lose anything from running permanently.
Looking at the rig in OP post though, that doesn't look like good cooling. Cards sitting very close to each other, no external fan visible... I'd rather buy a used card that was running a comfy 20+K below it's stated thermal limits.
You in Houston?