Did Egyptians come from South of the Sahara? And I don't mean "hurr durr Africa theorized to be cradle of life because we found some old bones" tier. I mean within the past 10,000 years did Egyptians come from South of the Sahara?
Did Egyptians come from South of the Sahara...
They came from Mesopotamia/Babel just like everyone else in the world.
Even if you believe in the myth of evolution, the "out-of-africa" theory has been debunked.
They came from the Levant, where agriculture was developed, they also expanded in the Sahara, which was green at the time (7000 to 3000 bc), later when it became a desert some of them migrated to them Nile, creating the Egyptians, some others migrated to North Africa.
where did people come from then? Any books on this? How was it debunked?
Egyptians are partially west asian Neolithic farmers and partially hunter-gatherers from the green central Sahara
Modern day semetics and nilo-saharans are their descendants. Why is Egyptian ethnicity such a debate? I don't understand.
They have always lived along the Nile.
>where did people come from then?
The garden of Eden.
Modern day Egyptians (especially Upper Egyptians) are their descendants. Possibly a fair amount of nubians too. im habesha, and I dont know why you keep we-wuzzing with pictures of habeshas
fuck off back to /x/ faggot
Egyptians spoke an Afro Asiatic language but not of the Semitic branch, it was closer to berber I believe and it still exists, ti's called Coptic, though it's somewhat different than the very Ancient Egyptian one
Looks like a paki
If we are to go by linguistics, they came from the Near East.
lots of phenotypic overlap in humanity
all humans came from south of the sahara
It's theorized cuz we found old bones there. Is isn't a fact nor is it solid science like evolution.
They came out the pyramid
...are you serious?
No there are North African thus native to North Africa you shit for brains.
Is this the consensus between Egyptologists or did you just pull up shit from your smelly ass?
Why are you butthurt?
Amerilards just make up shit theories on the spot and pass them off as facts.
Egypt and North Africa are Mediterranean territories, even the Neanderthals lived in North Africa.
Egypt is not the cradle of civilization, it was the America of the ancient world, that is, it built upon all the other peoples and cultures of the Mediterraneans and Near East.
Consider building practices for example, the earliest pyramids and buildings used BRICK tech that was acquired from the Sumerians. The first pyramids used Bricks, whereas the Great Pyramids used BLOCKS which were an Egyptian innovation. Also Egyptians used Cedar from Lebanon. Also the earliest agriculture was influenced by the Levant et al. Egypt is an inhospitable place to Nomadic peoples in the Neolithic there are periods where there is absolutely nothing happening there.
Woah..... so this is the power.... of smashing stones against each other...
Nubian here
You see Afro?