Post pictures of individual soldiers, any era will do
Post pictures of individual soldiers, any era will do
That's an airsofter, my dude.
I wish there was a better quality one of this.
Last known veteran of Waterloo, 1897.
War never changes
I hate this quote
War always changes
Isn't he? What is a soldier?
Definitely not a plainclothes irregular with no unit identifiers.
he said soldiers, not terrorists
Define soldier and define terrorist.
Then tell me what a terrorist looks like.
Soldier - Works for the state
Terrorist - Works for a para-military/militant group
Google it, faggot.
t. butthurt orangeman
>basic parachutist wings
>no ranger tab
>no S.F. tab
E.O.D. pogue.
A soldier of the Baltische Landeswehr, the armed forces of Courland and Livonia during their existence as a German puppet state in the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution. Existed for a little less than a year.
Oh you.
An American soldier stationed in Point Barrow, Alaska, in 1913.
Looks like a still from Mad Max...
Wait... is the Middle East just a real life Mad Max scenario?
Come on Hans, always with those negative vibes!
French Soldier 1914
>smiling and optimistic
feels bad
German askari NCO, German East-Africa.
Schutztruppe with their neat webbing - German South-West Africa.
Not elementally.
Bulgarian soldier - First World War.
>when you finally march into Paris 20 years after your first attempt.
Fucking whippersnappers and their Mission based tactics and combined arms.
>When you want to hate him, but you're overcome by his charisma.
Armenian soldier with captured Turkish Mauser rifle - First World War.
>ywn try to try and fail to make good first impression for your girlfriend's father, Otto fucking Skorzeny.
Soldier of the German Freikorps "Iron" Division - German Civil War.
Swedish soldier on skis during a training exercise - 1940.
Romanian soldier - First World War.
>partisans of Battalion "Miołta" rest after repelling an SS attack, evening, August 19th 1944
Member of the Papal Swiss Guard at the Vatican - 1944.
Peruvian Naval Infantryman - circa 1910.
Imagine how my brotha hannibal felt when he saw 2 million of these bad ass motherfuckers storming Gaul on elephants
damn that shit be scary....
This old man is a war criminal, he should've been arrested right then and there.
Glad they're still arresting German 'veterans' today.
if they didn't comply then they'd be killed. If they had a choice in the matter, then I'd agree with you.
It's cool to see the launcher actually equipped, especially on an underfolder.
Who are the bongs?
comfy but depressing
I wonder how long he survived
no idea. Captured in France 1940.
Romeo Dallaire during the Rwandan genocide.
Thanks for the PTSD, UN do-nothings
>"civilians" are letting the enemy know where you are
>no more of these "civilians" means no more intelligence goes to the Russians
I don't see the problem
>watcha doin dallaire
>just thingken of genocide stuff
I think most people including myself would've done the same in that situation
What the fuck do you expect would happen.
everyone is a partisan huh
Any civilian who provides intelligence or aid loses the civilian title. That's how it works.
Quartermaster Fabry, a veteran of the Napoleonic wars, 1858.