What are Veeky Forums's thoughts about historical reenactments? Pic related is me at one.
What are Veeky Forums's thoughts about historical reenactments? Pic related is me at one
noice b8 m8
They didn't have those Xperia play's back in 1944
Shite historical reenactment
Obiously your costume is not authentic, but still the cuffs are wrong, your band is too low, youd have a badge on you left shoulder, but the hat looks about right so cheers to that.
Historical reenactments can certainly be an experience but I do wish more time and funding was put into them and wish the base of them were more influential to a wider age range. I went to watch a few on the Civil war and the war of 1812 and was dissapointed to see the lack of young peoples which would have been more historically accurate.
If I were black I'd walk around in an SS uniform with full regalia for maximum TRIGGERING. Black people need to be made aware of their powers.
>dressing up as a nazi
Fucking epic bro please like my anime meme page on facebook dot com haha yeah fuck those mudslime refugees btw im not a fascist just open minded
lol butthurt
lol. butthurt lefty cuck is butthurt.
14 year old samefag
lol butthurt
lol. butthurt lefty cuck is butthurt.
This board is just /b/ pretending to know about history at this point, just sage these threads tbqh famalams
Lol. Stop the butthurt. People like to dress as Nazis for historical reenactments. It's a role that has to be played like any other.
this tbqh
Danzig = Polnisch
And then people wonder why this board is so dead, this is the kind of people who post here
>youd have a badge on you left shoulder,
You do know what mirrors are, right?
OP has the badge on his right arm, what the fuck Veeky Forums
>it's anoter "entire thread smells of underaged b&" episode
lol butthurt
No, the badge is clearly on his left arm.
My thoughts on historical reenactments is that you should try to dress as something original for once.
But again this thread is literally a 12 y/o regroupment, 5/10 for the completely relevant thread friend
topkek does that butt hurt much?
>posts anime
Are you unironically 12, repeating yourself over and over and crying everytime someone replies to the same 4 9gag tier posts you made ?
Ebin thread
lol butthurt
Or maybe people are just laughing at the fact you're a butthurt Tumblrina SJW who gets butthurt about historical fucking reenactments of all things.
Veeky Forums more like Veeky Forumssy fit jesus fucking christ good job derailing the thread by replying to the shittest bait in the world OP, go back to /pol/
this is now a ylyl bread
If l wanted humor l'd ask for your 1RM rep max
>30 replies
>10 posters
>OP replying to one post with 6 different replies saying the exact same thing
>people wondering why he's derailing his own thread
please get the fuck out you samefagging cuck 1/3'd of the replies are from you
There are unironic Sjws on Veeky Forums I remember once a thread got derailed for 100 posts because someone said faggot
Get out, cuck. You SJWs just want to shut down historical reenactments and anyone who wants to participate in them. Probably a fucking anti-fa too.
OP here. I only made one post. The one in the OP. Pic related is me.
Have you considered that they're bait ?
That they might just be shitposters who enjoy derailing threads ?
See what l posted, why do you derail a thread by replying to an autistic troll ?
And even if he's a SJW why do you even bother with him, you just fuck up your own thread
OP here. I just wanted to ask about reenactments. That guy wan't me. I have a replica SS uniform I wear to reenactments and around town.