ITT: Post objectively cool looking flags
Flag Thread
shit tier
full negro retard tier
ugly tier
acceptable tier
>Dixie flag is ugly
thanks for sharing the fact you have no taste, user. I agree that OP's flag and are bad.
Everybody will tell you it looks like shit, Dixyfags are the only ones that disagree.
Green in a flag makes you instantly negro tier. no exceptions
Dixie flag is shit.
Tbqh, the only real patrician tier flag of the entire US is the Alabama state flag.
The only other flags that make it into the decent tier are Maryland and surprisingly New Mexico. Pretty much anything else is just trash.
improvement of that flag
Are you in the Order? I'm considering joining
>joining the orange order
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
Can someone tell me, why 2 Brandenburgs on this one? The first one on the left wing, next to Bayern, the other at the top of the right wing.
Fuck off, nigger.
Top right indicates the secular electors, of which Brandenburg is one
Left indicates Margraves, of which Brandenburg is one.
>another triggered dixie fag
premium choice for your colleges row boat club, but not idea if you are actually a state and want to be taken seriously.
>all these colour-on-colour flags
Gas yourselves you shambles.
>another nigger with no taste
>Alabama = patrician tier
>Maryland & New Mexico = pretty decent tier
>everything else from USA/CSA = nigger tier
Deal with it, if you can't, then move to Alabama
What state/city is the one with the rose?
Hagenau, Alsace, present day France
Thanks, thought it was a n not a h
Most beautiful flag on earth
Too bad the cucks ruined it
Are you me? I have this in the corner of my desktop
Jolly Roger flags are subjectively cool
Deal with what, you being a literal nigger?
Please rate, I really like this flag
t. Billy Wilson
>we wuz nordic before soviets
Forget it Estonia.
Instead enjoy that your country is going to be better, more efficent and modern than Finland in the near future.
t. finnish guy.
>Green in a flag makes you instantly negro tier. no exceptions
Hungary, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Wales, Italy dont agree with you.
As I know it was part of Terra Mariana, then it was shared between Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth and Sweden and then Russian Empire took it. After that it was just a short period before soviets.
Also going to have English as the majority language.
t. estonian sociologist
ayy lmao
Nice but everyone below 60 years old speaks fluent english in Northern Europe.
How do you feel that maybe in future the Estonians are taking the cruise ships to Finland to get cheaper goods, harass women and be generally obnoxious, drunk assholes.
I'm so sorry for everything.
I don't really care, I'm Swedish, and never been east of Stockholm.
But the English Lingua Franca upsets me too.
I thought you were estonian sicne you said
>t. estonian sociologist
But if you're Swedish, you've got no idea what I'm talking about.
Seal on a bedsheet tier
It's an okay coat of arms, but an abysmal flag.
>Hungary, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Wales, Italy
Wales is not a country, all others are shit tier. Lithuania is literally the worst of all Baltic states, Bulgaria is straight up 3rd world, hungary is also shit and Italy is Europes sick man and constant underperformer.
Green in the flag = loser country
no exceptions!
Green = Muslims.
Why did Islam claim the color green?
Muhammed liked green. Muhammed is the ideal Muslim. To be a good Muslim, you must like green.
We're talking about people who think the Trinity is a hard concept to understand and who don't get the relationship between Zoroastrians and fire, you really expect some kind of depth here?
that's the flag of the city of Richmond in Virginia, not a state
You are mentally deficient. Wales is a country, the Welsh flag is also nice. Where are you from please?
>I live in Wales
>I obviously think Wales is nice and the flag is nice
>someone from somewhere else thinks different
>I get upset
What are you, twelve?
For Ants
O kent gij dat volk vol heldenmoed!
anglo detected
Nee, dat kenn ik nich.
Ik bün butendem ook keen Anglo.
Holy fuck this is cringy.
>alpha male badasses join their military to fight for their country
>take a picture holding their flag
>years past
>some limp dick pussy whos too scared to even talk to a girl starts becoming an internet edge lord
>photoshops said picture to include his badass edgy fascist symbol to try and LARP as a badass in a pathetic attempt to convey power
Fuck King Billy, and fuck Orange people
Terrible flags posted so far, let me try and save the thread
Ireland will soon be united
No, stop that.
Keltia will be real
>Majority of the population speak the Queen's English
>"We're IRISH"
Umm, no sweety, you're a proper Brit.
How would Germany look diagonally like this?
>lets put three small flags in the middle of our flag one of tgem sidewase
Who thought this was a goid idea?