>graduated valedictorian, have a 131 IQ >studied engineering for a year but dropped out due to lack of interest and social anxiety >never had a passion or a drive for anything >27 now >work as a surveyor's assistant >oil industry crashed right before finishing survey education so zero chance of advancement >coworkers are all normie fools who think your jaw will drop when they tell you they know a guy who was in a motorcycle accident >no girlfriend or social life, partially due to chaotic schedule >never more than 12 hours notice where and when I will be working, feel completely rootless >might have enough saved in 15 years for a down payment on the shittiest house on the market >could have been the next Elon Musk but instead pound sticks into the ground for a living >vague suicidal dread starting to creep in when I think about the future
I fucked it all up. I could have been someone. I could have contributed something to the world, but I squandered my gifts.
Nolan Roberts
that sucks op. maybe it's time to kill yourself
Leo Parker
>only 131 Don't worry, you had no potential.
Asher Gomez
Liam Adams
Jaxson Martin
I was a a heroin addict until the age of 27, now at 31 I'm worth around 700k. Anything is possible and more will be revealed. All that you can ever really do is the next right thing.
Robert Sanders
You'll be fine OP. Abraham Lincoln tried and failed at opening a general store or some shit.
Daniel Smith
Jonathan Butler
Oh not to rub it in, rather so you can identify with the my story. I got a 1440 on the SAT, flunked out of Ohio State in my first year and only ever made meager attempts in my early 20's at higher education.
Cameron James
It's true. Combine with >dropped out due to lack of interest and social anxiety >never had a passion or a drive for anything
and I don't see where OP is getting this idea that they had any potential other than getting good grades literally a decade ago in high school(?) You people like OP are such fucking idiots. No, your minor scholastic achievements don't mean anything.
t. 22 years old with 145 IQ and highly doubt your IQ is 131
Jason Edwards
Lol at the fags comparing their IQs in this thread
Benjamin Turner
>thinks accomplishments in high school matter >thinks "IQ" matters >thought he wouldn't have to work hard because useless academia came easy
You're a victim of your own extremely inflated ego, OP. How's it feel to realize you were average or below all along? Adaptability is more important than intelligence. Charisma is more important than qualifications. And humility will get you so much further than arrogance.
Angel Morales
nobody cares about your IQ
you are not special, there are millions of really smart people
I had to learn this the hard way as well user, I had a similar case to you
work hard, be nice to people, find a passion
Luke Morgan
>never had a passion or a drive for anything >could have been the next Elon Musk but instead pound sticks into the ground for a living
Do you not see how contradictory these two statements just 5 lines apart are?
Elon Musk never had a drive for anything? Just a high IQ?
Jeremiah Allen
>could have been the next Elon Musk
dont kid yourself, things are this way for a reason
Nathaniel Gutierrez
This. Your boss cares more about whether or not you can do your job (i.e., results) than your IQ. If you don't produce results, then your IQ doesn't matter.
Ayden Thomas
>iq tested around 90 but make 150k a year
Get fucked faggot.
Michael Davis
>ITT: online IQ test result waving
Brainlets get out please
Carter Smith
You can't sink any lower. The only way is up. Start from the bottom, work your way to riches.
Jacob Fisher
No you didn't. You still got 40 years left to work. Just go and find another job and learn extra skills in your spare time. The realisation that you are wasting your life is essential to start bettering it.
Elijah Williams
Here's a good piece of advice: See that ridiculous number you posted on your first quote? Know it and forget about it. Completely. It is absolutely useless.
You should still remember it because it is a reminder that you're not exactly an average joe. It is an indicator of your capabilities, that you can use the knowledge you have and employ it in ways others cannot. Once you do that, you capitalize on it.
If you have an unfulfilling job, you save money for your first priority - your own project or vision, which is NOT your current job.
Sort your life out, mate.
Christian Stewart
TFW to intelligent By the way 131 isnbasically shit tier you fucking idiot
Ayden Anderson
supreme gentlemen right here
protip: it's never too late to change course; the more you delay it the harder it'll be
Logan Bennett
>is 27 >thinks his life is over You dumb shit life has only just gotten started. Invest in LC now and retire to the Bahamas in 15 years
Nicholas Price
Thanks guys. I needed to hear all this, even the posts trashing me. The truths hurts but it is necessary.
Cameron King
What are you talking about? 130-140 IQ is the sweet spot category that most millionaires/billionaires fall into. Anything higher and it's likely that the owner of the IQ has a severe case of autism which makes him technically brilliant, yet unable to work well with others and, thus, net the big bucks.
Matthew Jackson
>Know it and forget about it. Completely. >You should still remember it
what did he mean by this?
Hunter Cook
>Anything higher and it's likely that the owner of the IQ has a severe case of autism which makes him technically brilliant, yet unable to work well with others and, thus, net the big bucks.
This is possibly the dumbest thing I have read today. While it is true that I can't interact well with others, my solution was to hire someone to do that shit for me.
Kayden Hall
>This is possibly the dumbest thing I have read today.
Not an argument.
>While it is true that I can't interact well with others, my solution was to hire someone to do that shit for me.
How do you intend to interact with that person?
Cameron Anderson
relax, you're 3 years younger than me and worth more. >study engineering >1 low effort exam and 1 thesis left to finish >face existential crisis of not actually seeing any interesting job to work in with my degree >work part-time as research assistant, idle for 3 years trying to figure out what I'm going to do >finally drop out >work in warehouse for half a year >decide to become a programmer and enroll at university (again)
I'm 2 Semesters in, have completed classes worth 4, all while working 20h a week to support myself. It's all about actually getting off your ass and putting in the work.
Easton Hughes
communicating in writing is a lot easier for the common introverted sperg than talking.
Ayden Diaz
Fuck. Should've said "forget about using it at all". Yeah, fuck my shit up famalama.
James Turner
You know you might try using that high iq of yours to become a serial rapist
Connor Perry
You've only wasted it if you continue to do nothing with it. The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.
Hudson Robinson
>tfw studying engineering and only 1.5 more years to get my bachelors and masters. >have only held one internship working for socal edison >tfw that internship and this past school year have made me realize i hate sitting down at a desk and staring at a computer >tfw family owns land and just want to help maintain and expand the farms but my parents want me to get an office job because its a more comfy work experience >tfw love being out in the sun doing hard work everyday which feels more rewarding than solving problems and inputting numbers in excel for the next 40 years of my life. >tfw want to drop out
Ryan Taylor
23@134 here in the same boat. Life is shit.
At least I live somewhere where I can build a house for 10k, but I don't have 10k :(
Lincoln Williams
I hired the right people. You do understand the difference between past tense and future tense, right? You are speculating. I have already lived it.
Ryan Cooper
>26 >136 IQ >16mm dollars in ETH
get rekt
Adam Kelly
looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool holy fucking shit we're reaching critical delusion here
Carson Murphy
ur only 27; do what you think you should have done
Ryder Gonzalez
Dude chill out I was a mechanical engineer and worked as a roughneck for two years because even during the boom the market wasn't that great for engineers unless you where petroleum or knew someone. Then oil market fell and my hopes of moving up were gone. You dont need a engineer degree to be musk. You have all the tools at your disposal.
Christian Cooper
no all you need to become a super genius billionaire is good grades in high school and above average intelligence right??
Gavin Myers
i went to school and do this. sitting behind a computer/desk makes me depressed.
Jace Foster
Some of your options:
1) Give up. Your really close to it. You can do it and maybe you did it. But the nice thing about it is: you can start from here. It's the same thing with smoking. You quit smoking for a day and than you start again as nothing happened. ;)
2) Do something else. A new goal or orientation. You still didn't find your passion? Maybe start searching for it. Go out, look, hear, smell (something), read a book, watch movies, play with Legos. Do whatever helps you to find inspiration. Maybe start drawing little comics. No artworks, just little sketches of what you think would be nice (a cool podracer, a fast car, you in a good situation) or at least try to imagine it. Maybe engineering wasn't the right thing for you. Maybe it wasn't your dream to study that but someone else's one? Maybe you had wrong imaginations about an engineer's life?
3) Or try it again. Maybe you didn't have the mental strength to study? Or you needed additional motivation (like 'i want to work with highly intelligent people'). You can try again. Find people who will support you. If you're under 40yrs old, you still can do a lot.
No matter what you do please don't be too proud of your IQ test. It only shows you can do stuff in that kind of tests well. Not more. See it as a motivation to try things and not to avoid them in fear of a failure. Good luck, anonius.