Check this shit out dudes, you can get 0.3% interest per DAY on the yobit investbox. It specifically states it's not a Ponzi/HYIP so what could possibly go wrong? I'm about to try it out and I'll let you guys know how it is.
Yobit Investbox
Bumperino. Any one tried this out? Seems legit, especially since it's not a Ponzi scheme
Please tell if this is a scam or not ...
Anyone know?
cyka blyat go play csgo
I wouldn't put much in it. Yoshit already operate a ponzi coin.
just when i thought yobit couldn't get any shadier
I need some real answers here. Could literally make a million in a year if I put in 10 btc Max. Apparently yobit is paying out of their own pockets to attract more users to the exchange?
if it seems too good to be true, it is.
Yes but it states specifically that is NOT HYIP or Ponzi/pyramid. If I lost money couldn't I just file lawsuit?
You're not a pajeet are you? They lock them out of their accounts frequently from.what I used to see in chat.
>If I lost money couldn't I just file lawsuit?
kek. Then blacksmith gets the boys to pay you a visit probably.
No I'm white from America.
bro they are based out of fucking china or russia or somewhere. if they take your money there is not a single thing you can do about it.
Good luck suing russian mafia m8.
its not a scam, i had 3LTC in the invest box and i got payed until they ran out of LTC to give away
also, you can pull out your money whenever you want
Good to hear I might give it a shot!
just make sure you check the payouts daily, if you see youre not getting them the pool is empty so you might wanna move to another pool or pull the money out. GL
Yobit is like /b/ of crypto. You may find some good stuff but the amount of SHIT you have to wade trough before you find it is immense.
>be yoshit
>literally charge about $3.50 for BTC withdrawals
fooken dropped mayt
You misread that, he's insinuating it's a ponzi scheme.
They specifically emphasize it isn't. Seems like money coming from yobi pockets
Of course someone scamming you isn't going to TELL you that they're scamming you. The only reason they have for saying that is if there's legitimate suspicion. Think of it like this: where the fuck do you think that your money would go? To new ICOs? Well in order for that to be profitable for them then the coin would have to be successful and useful to some degree. Which most aren't.
Oy vey trust me goy castration of whites is for the good of the white race.
like i said i got paid from it like advertized, what experience do you have with it
heres the proof, make of it what you will