>you will never be part of a totalitarian movement
You will never be part of a totalitarian movement
Other urls found in this thread:
If you're not the leader then it's pretty pointless and gay. You'd just be some loser who got his brains blown out in Stalingrad.
>when they were bringing the wounded soldiers in front of Hitler's train car he pulled down the shade so he wouldn't have to look at them while he was eating
You will never hear this live: youtube.com
Totalitarianism isn't not necessarily warlike or jingoist. It's just those Nazi wankers who dug their own pit with shitty pseudo-Malthusian view of political economy and finance based on robberies.
JIDF pls go
>you will never be part of a regime that sees you as a meaningless cog
>you will never be used and forgotten for a purpose that is imposed on you
Feels good
>>you will never be used and forgotten for a purpose that is imposed on you
Sounds like jobs under capitalism.
At least there is a sense of purpose under National Socialism
You will never know this feel
>Sounds like jobs under capitalism.
True, but capitalism is upfront about it.
Hitler's specific ideology was capitalist though. There was private property, privatization and free trade. It was like a modern capitalist economy except you were brainwashed and conscripted to die for others.
It should be called National Capitalism, which is what Fascism was.
Not all branches of Fascism. You couldn't really call the Strasser/ Rohm branch that.
>>you will never be part of a regime that sees you as a meaningless cog
you're already in one, friend
You atleast have some semblance of rights and free thought in this one though.
>free thought
>he thinks being fed propaganda all throughout his life gave him free "thought"
But i already am OP
I never claimed the MSM was unbiased or that it wasn't propaganda. You're still allowed more free thought than you would be under Hitler though.
Let's see you have the free thought of going out in public and threatening to kill the president/prime minister/government leader. What would happen in Germany would happen in the modern world.
Feels good fellow citizen
Feels bad man
>Let's see you have the free thought of going out in public and threatening to kill the president/prime minister/government leader.
In the US, we can and do this freely and as often as we like, with no legal recourse. Not sure what """"free"""" country you live in. Can you even buy bazookas?