If he was educated about that, he wouldn't claim the exact opposite you fucking moron.
> Luther, that disaster of a monk, restored the Church and, what was a thousand times worse, Christianity, at the moment when it lay defeated...Christianity, that denial of the will to life become religion!...Luther, an impossible monk who, for reasons of “impossibility,” attacked the Church and — consequently! Restored it...The Catholics would have good reason to celebrate Luther feasts, to write Luther plays...Luther — and the “moral rebirth!” To hell with all psychology! — Without a doubt the Germans are idealists.
> The Germans caused the loss of the last great cultural harvest there was for Europe to bring home — that of the Renaissance. Does one understand at last, does one want to understand, what the Renaissance was? The revaluation of the Christian values, the attempt, undertaken with all means, with all instincts, with every bit of genius, to bring about the victory of the opposing values, the noble values... Hitherto there has only been this great war, hitherto there has been no more decisive formulation of a question than that posed by the Renaissance — my question is its question — : there also has never been a straighter, sharper, more fundamental form of attack launched on the entire front and at the center!
Because literally the opposite is the truth. Renaissance was the actual "life denying" event/movement, renaissance painters even scoffed at the art of Flemish masters because it was "too realistic" and thus not connected to heavenly realms. He fetishizes Cesare Borgia as some kind of amoral ubermensch while in reality the renaissance period is more represented by people like Savonarola.
Meanwhile, Lutheranism, like you said, is about enjoying life rather than denying it. Good food, money, wine, that's the Lutheran way of life. Very much rooted in reality until the crypto-Calvinist Pietism gained prominence.