give me the next coin that's gonna go at least 5x
please Veeky Forums I'm desperate
Give me the next coin that's gonna go at least 5x
Xvg. Thank me later
How desperate are you and how much down in % are you?
Keep up. DGB. The prophecies were wrong to hit 2000+ last month. That was an extremely proficient pump group. I will admit. The super moon is coming thing month. This is the time you take loans out for DGB. Even amidst the Aug1 uncertainty. Now is the time. Man up, take risks.
$EMB Embercoin
CFI will hit AT LEAST 5X. The problem is when.
I started last month with 500 bucks and I was doing pretty good for like a week or two, then a crash happened, so I decided to reinvest and wait it out, and a few other decisions caused my dollars to fall to 150. I feel like a retard
DGB! No. No that sucks. Uhhh...ANS? well, no.
XVG? nah. uhh....EMB? SIA? FunFair? ETC? RDD? Jesus, the list just goes on.
Here's how to make your money back:
Stop daytrading you fucking cock, you're obviously buying the moons and selling dips because you don't have enough experience to trade proactively. buying what looks good in this market is a sure way to lose money.
what do you suppose I do then?
Boys, i bought 60€ of btc and bought 10€ of eth and other 10€ of zec, now im down to 40€ value of my portfolio, am i fucked?
No you're investing with peanuts user.
This is only the start, gonna invest 60-100€ every 2 weeks, but is this money that i pumped now wasted? Is there hope for btc?
Listen to this guy. He's not misleading you like the vast majority of trolls here. This is the truth.
But keep it under rug. I don't want retards pouring money before "event"
Devs are manipulating it down so everyone can have their silly priority pass (tm) feature. Once they take the shackles off it'll get back to 20k sats
MONA will go 2x this week
EQT on cryptopia
low market cap in accumulation mode
check out twitter fags, theyve been shilling cryptopia and most their shit has gone up 20x since
EQT one of the few that hasn't
I finally got my buy orders filled yesterday so I'm free to shill it now
unironically this.
But dont fucking buy someone elses bag there. actually spend time researching the shilled coins. look out for coins with steady volume increase, an active dev on the forums/twitter with a good community and NO insane 2-3x or more moons already during the last 3 days.
eqt is certainly a good one, also finished up my bags by now.
Ah that's fine then, no it's not. Markets always go through phases, in fact what you're doing is perfect. Dollar cost averaging is the safest way to invest.
Since, you're not gonna pump the price while I'm still accumulating with that- buy and hold WGR before the mainnet and come back in one year.
just assume that the fucking ,,, is not there. Stupid mistake.
Socc coin.
this, but be careful because it's very volatile yet
Linda coin.
Literally 2sats on Yobit right now. For it to 5x it only has to hit 10sats. Should happen in the next year since it's another masternode coin.
Masternodes cost 30M coins.
Thank you user, you gave me confidence to continue
Carboncoin, it's on yobit. 3 sats just disappeared and it's sitting at 4. Super low market cap, big upcoming news, website that is constantly updated, and all of the sell orders are tiny. As more people start taking notice this thing will explode.
thanks for the serious answers, really appreciate it
WGR masternode will cost 25K coins ;)
its really fucking easy to make money on bitcoin. Go buy some, and then when its worth more than it was when you bought it, sell it. then when the price goes down, buy more. rinse and repeat. You fucktards selling in the dips are doing it wrong
You're right, but people are just impatient here. The market will recover and it is guaranteed money if one just buys now and doesn't let their weak hands daytrade away their money.
did someone in this thread buy up all the eqt to 12k sats? lol wtf
You guys realize you're both saying two completely contradictory things, right?
BTC. Thank me later
obviously it is going to be EOS duh