I want to fuck this woman.
I want to fuck this woman
>wanting Austria, Prussia and Russia's sloppy seconds
that "disney" looks is awful, i whish they continued with the "realistic look from Civ5
It was harder for modders to make models for Civ5.
Now they can make custom civilizations that are like official ones.
Watch your language. She is our saint.
That dress is hawt.
I want to see her get TURKED in cinematic 4K 60fps
Ask on the Source Filmmaker forums.
I want see her and the Spartan lady lezzing it up.
>belt hugging hips
>tfw JageiĆo fucked 13 year old Jadwiga
Truly /ourguy/
>when an arab warlord does it he is a degenerate desert pedo
>when a slavic warlord does it he is OUR GUY and glorious
death to the west desu
You are just jealous
Only one of them is claimed to be some kind of infallible prophet though.
Balt, he was Lithuanian.
None of them claimed that though. Of one of them, it was claimed a century after he died that he was a prophet.
Balts are just swamp slavs.
pedophilia is a leftist meme
The funniest thing is she was six feet tall (an exhumation proved this), significantly taller than him (no exact figures but every source describes him as short).
Maybe not at 13 though.
I'm willing to be he smacked the shit out of her
No, Polabian Slavs were the swamp Slavs. 'Berlin' is a Slav word for swamp btw.
A slavic joke:
>Woman: I got electrocuted by the toaster (in slavic, the toaster beat me)
>Her friend: If it beats you, it must love you.
Fuck, translating these is so bad. English is the worst language.
No, Slavshits just have reddit-tier cringeworthy jokes that (goes well with their shitty IQ)
Hey fuck you man, we have the best jokes.
Not my fault you'd get arrested for telling one, nor that your germano-french language is bad at giving any meaning beyond the mundane.
He was a good bloke, Jadwiga sent handmaidens to him before the marriage was agreed and he stripped for them and let them inspect every nook and cranny.
But it is a sad story because the nobility forced her to call off a betrothal with William the Courteous whom she liked and who was only 3 years older than her. They were betrothed since she was 5.
I wish I was betrothed to her.
>cancel a betrothal
Shame on her and her house.
Such a terrible move, the diplomatic penalty couldn't have been worth it.
It led to taking over Lithuania in the long run and neutered a regional rival in the Teutonic Order, it was a political masterstroke.
Who took over who is questionable. Lithuania had more population, more land, more soldiers, and their only port.
>electrocuting and beating are the same word
Its literally "the electricity beat me", or "the electricity caught me".
Slavs have normal IQ.
Normal compared to whom?
If 100 is the western european IQ, which it traditionally has been, slav IQ is 98-99 or something.
Its slightly off, because they get less visual stimulation as children, since they can't afford all the legos and shit, and IQ tests have questions that rely on abstracting 3D models.
Only Balkanians have low IQs but they're not really Slavic genetically.
Poland didn't even create Prussia at the time Jadwiga was the monarch.
Thats with minorities included though. Go to each country's government websites and see IQ there, where they know better than to include gypsies.
Every country has minorities save for maybe Iceland.
Not every country has gypsies as double digit percentage of rural population.
They quite literally can't handle puzzle games due to lack of ability to abstract. Experimentally proven by myself in a study that nearly got me expelled, kek.
>Not every country has gypsies as double digit percentage of rural population.
I think only Romania has that much.
All the Balkans has that much outside of big cities where its too expensive for them to live.
Its just that all the Balkans also has city-state tier capitals that account for a large part of their total populations.
wide hips
Since Lithuania was a dutch and Poland was a kingdom. Poland got control over Lithuania.
Ummm no sweetie, Lithuania was a GRAND DUCHY
Lithuania isn't even near Holland you retard.
petty kingdom > grand dutchy
the king of burgundy reigns far
yikes, paddys sure are stupid
But she identifies as a King.
>hard to make models
Claymation hitler is best hitler
Also JDF's mods were just fine because of the great artwork he found
Best you can do is the female horse archer faction
In Sumeria, leg day is once per month.
>when an Arab warlord rapes a 9 year old who hasn't started puberty it's fine
>when a king who knows his place has sex with a 15 year old is fine
Most sex back then would be termed as rape anyway, not exactly that liberated back then
>koningsberg has gone back to Poland
>the Germans still use Slavic words
Concept art looks better than the final game imo
>'Berlin' is a Slav word for swamp
umm thicc
That's every game these days
Go look at Civ 5 Catherine
It is actually. Berl meant swamp in proto slavonic.
It looks like fucking Clash of Clans.
>Sang Han