How is only one of these a hate symbol?
How is only one of these a hate symbol?
because only the far-right seems to bitch about communism these days
Because Nazis lost the war. If the Soviet Union was the enemy of our current hegemonic society during WW2, the hammer and sickle would be as horrific as the Swastika.
Hi Jordan
Because jews control everything.
Because only one of them is a hate symbol. Nazism is inherently hateful. Communism is deeply retarded but it its ultimate goal is everyone getting along.
For Nazis, mass slaughter, subjugation, and totalitarianism is a necessary objective. All this only happens under communist regimes when things go very wrong.
The people in charge now grew up with the USSR as the worlds chief advisery though.
Hate symbol is a term used to refer to ideologies that promote hate to a certain ethnicity and communism doesn't inherently due that (though the regimes that implemented it often did).
...which they invariably do.
The indifference and criminal negligence of the soviet jews killed atleast an order of magnitude more people than the malice of nazi party.
Do people really argue "intent vs impact" ove 100 million dead?
But the USSR never started any world wars. All of their major atrocities also happened before the Cold War.
The publication of materials concerning the Gulag system and the Ukrainian famine during the 60s and 70s certainly worsened perceptions of the USSR, killing off swaths of the radical left, but it's harder to rile people up about past atrocities than about massacres happening right now.
Religion was literally banned and priests were killed under the hammer and sickle, not because of some rogue interpretation - but because of the dogmas of marx and lenin.
Get a lot of UAF using the hammer and sickle to defend islam - profound demonstration of ignorance.
Depends where you live. If you post from a country that doesn't know European history then the nazis were bigger evil. For thos who experienced both they are equaly bad and hateful.
>But the USSR never started any world wars
WWII. Together with Germany.
Neither of those are hate symbols.
>the USSR started WWII
withouth the forbidden sign, I guess ;)
>invading Poland, the Baltic states, and Finland is not "starting a war".
Yes. Hitler attacked Poland because he had a secure peace (and basically alliance) with USSR. He wouldn't have attacked without it. Both Hitler and Stalin agreed to divide Europe among themselves which they did. Therefore USSR is guilty of being Germany's co-conspirator against world peace.
Absolutely false, even if you attribute every single death by famine to the Soviet Union (which is ludicrous), you get a statistic of 20 million at the very highest, from 1927 to 1952. Earlier, higher estimates were based on Cold War era assumptions and guided by ideology. Even viciously right-wing historians such as Robert Conquest have admitted that estimates above 20 million are no longer considered accurate.
This bodycount completely dwarfed by the crimes of the Nazi Party, an organization which tried to destroy many of the world's nations in their second world war. In just six years, the Nazis killed unquestionably more civilians than did the Soviet Union, and none of these happened by potentially natural factors but were instead direct killings by bullet, bomb, and gas. When allied combatant deaths are considered, we get a statistic of 40-50 million. This does not even consider the German civilians and soldiers whose death warrant Hitler signed when he brought the country into war.
Calling the USSR Jewish is ridiculous, but especially so after Stalin's ascension... the period in which these mass atrocities happened.
It wasn't a world war. The objective for this conquest was to gain strategically defensible territory in the event of a Nazi invasion, which Stalin believed to be inevitable.
>lol let's conquer this land between our countries you take this half I take this half
>lol ok
Years later soviet apologists will claim that this was totally justified and totally without any agreement with Hitler no sir. Nobody could ever answer why would two countries that didn't share a border even need a non-aggression pact.
>which they invariably do
What? There have been dozens of communist governments, yet only those guided by Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot organized substantial democide. Atrocities in North Korea didn't exceed those of the South until they abandoned communist ideology.
The problem is not communist ideology, but the authoritarian tradition of Stalinism, of which Lenin laid the unfortunate foundations, that allows one man (regardless of character) to reorganize society as he sees fit. This same problem is replicated in innumerable rightist dictatorships, most notably Indonesia under Soeharto or South Korea under Rhee Syng-Man.
>mfw fascism will be forever known as the shittiest ideology ever conceived
The only better about Lenin when comparing him to Stalin is that he died early. There's something about this bolshevik period of Soviet Russia/USSR that is just so creepy. The language they used, their fanaticism, their crimes. Like unwashed barbarians who suddenly decided that people are gonna be like ants from now on.
communism at least lifted millions out of abject poverty and won some rights for women and minorities
Fascism just builds highways and loses wars
dude your ruining his ride man, let him speak, this is HIStory not YOURstory
To be honest I'm just laughing at the fact that it can't even make itself look good in comparison to its worst enemy, it's antithesis. It's pathetic.
Seriously, is there any other ideology that blew it so spectacularly?
Maybe. Lenin crusaded pretty heavily in his final years to devolve power to the people. He recognized that the global order of capital would not be crushed in his lifetime, and believed the best they could do was turn Russia into some kind of comfortable democracy that could provide benefits to the people while they waited for revolution in industrialized countries.
Stalin reversed this, deciding to destroy rudimentary Soviet democracy rather than expand it, and took little interest in promoting socialism abroad, instead seeing foreign communists as pawns for his own imperialism.
Fascism is really just a reaction to a specific period of time. Liberalism had brought the world into horrifying conflict and communism had shit PR. People were exceptionally poor and national fervor still ran high. Movements which combined social democracy with chauvinism seemed like the best solution for a lot of desperate people.
Just like poor workers who voted for Trump, it's hard to blame people for falling under the sway of fascist movements. At the time, it seemed like they might be able to provide some order, prosperity, and meaning to society when liberalism could not.
>muh 100 gorillion
Achtung, Cletus! Them there kike-worshippers sure to be done in this time. Then we can get a double-wide for you and your sister-wife!
And Stalin brought the priests back and opened the churches again.
Your point is?
>100 million
This statistic is great because even if it's true, it suggests that communists have killed fewer people since 1917 than capitalism has in the past five years.
Both are in a number of Eastern European countries.
Religion was never banned in the USSR, just suppressed in regrettable ways.
>capitalism killed them
Wee laddie, good thing no one died for lack of hunger and medical treatment in the ussr :^)
This is so laughably bad. I'm surprised this wasn't made by Occupy Democrats only blaming republicans. Never change antifa.
Because USSR killed their own people.
Uh, and Hitler didn't?
Isn't that worse?
And other people too. The difference is that Americans don't make movies about it because they were in a different part of Europe.
Media and academia is disproportionately Jewish
both of these are considered hate symbols where i live
Russians don't apologize for it.
It's the same with Japanese war crimes in China, or Turkish genocide of Armenians.
Jews are not people.
Nobody gives a shit if you kill your own people.
Japan can get pretty apologetic although it took them a while. Russia is by far the worst about their worst crimes. They cover it up as best as they can.
Communists didn't lose the war.
If the West attacked them after German surrender And defeated them, which would happen, then their symbol would be hated as much as swastika today.
Also, claiming that Reich was worse than USSR Is beyond retarded.
Nazis wanted to remove whole ethnic groups, true enough, but guess who wanted to terminate bourgeoisie, which YOU Are most likely part of.
Guess who fucked up Eastern And Central Europe to the point where it is still recovering?
Who sent milions to gulags And killed even more in a proces?
Who's ideology was made up by someone who had zero idea how economy works And who didn't work a day in his life?
Who's ideology was proven not to work again and again but people still unironically support it?
t. Someone who's country was occupied by Soviet soldiers for 20 years just because we wanted to get rid of communism
Muh Orthodox Church dindu nuffin
>Also, claiming that Reich was worse than USSR Is beyond retarded
Commons sense is beyond retarded?
>Nazis wanted to remove whole ethnic groups, true enough, but guess who wanted to terminate bourgeoisie, which YOU Are most likely part of.
Soviets didn't planned to eliminate bourgeiose in the nazi sense of the word.
>Guess who fucked up Eastern And Central Europe to the point where it is still recovering?
Nazis and Commies, fortunately commies had the upper hand and prevented full-blown genocide
>Who sent milions to gulags And killed even more in a proces?
The state that had GULAGs? Are you implying Nazis didn't had their own murder-factories?
>Who's ideology was made up by someone who had zero idea how economy works And who didn't work a day in his life?
Hitler worked a few days, though.
>Who's ideology was proven not to work again and again but people still unironically support it?
> but guess who wanted to terminate bourgeoisie, which YOU Are most likely part of.
No, you are most likely not, at all. Also, Marx never said to 'terminate' the bourgeoisie, and all Lenin ever advocated was 2 weeks imprisonment while their property was expropriated, both of which he re-neged on.
Maybe your country shouldn't have supported the fucking Nazis and helped murder 30 million Soviet citizens if you wanted freedom and independence, dickweed. Go to GULAG
>even if you attribute every single death by famine to the Soviet Union (which is ludicrous)
no it isn't.
> you get a statistic of 20 million at the very highest, from 1927 to 1952.
No you don't, some historians estimate Soviet wartime losses (military and civilian) to be in excess of 40 million. I'm not saying 40 million is accurate, I'm not qualified to dispute The Journal of Slavic Military Studies.
I do regret the word soviet though, It has the implication of blaming Judeo-Bolshevism on Russia, Russians or those in their sphere of influence when really the global promotion of this ideology can be attributed, almost entirely, to the Jews.
> Even viciously right-wing historians
I don't get this fallacy desu lad, if you say Even, then proceed with something you clearly don't like (viciously right-wing) then isn't the suggestion that you think he's an unreliable source? Or is it that you think I'm viciously right-wing and thus obliged to submit to Robert Conquest? You're being a bit rude about him btw.
>Nazis killed unquestionably more civilians than did the Soviet Union, and none of these happened by potentially natural factors
Do you consider the delusions of Marx, forced violently on the world, to be one of these natural factors? The holocaust is literally more natural than communism, humans have been observed to conspire against the other, engage in collective punishment and commit themselves absolutely to old tribal rivalries for all of history, Judeo-Bolshevism is newer and more artificial phenomenon of the two.
>but were instead direct killings by bullet, bomb, and gas.
Ow come on lad, I'm sure some of the Nazi's victims starved to death (natural factors :^))
>we get a statistic of 40-50 million
WOW, TIL WW2 was entirely the fault of the German People, apparently a race of demons you set themselves on Utopian, sinless and remarkably peaceful populations who had been nothing but fair to them. Bit vivaciously left-wing, this.
>This does not even consider the German civilians and soldiers whose death warrant Hitler signed when he brought the country into war.
Hitler is responsible for the soldiers he sent to war but the leaders of other (viscouslt left-wing :^)) nations are not... because?
>Calling the USSR Jewish is ridiculous, but especially so after Stalin's ascension... the period in which these mass atrocities happened.
Lot to digest there.
>especially so after Stalin's ascension
Are you conceding it was pretty Jewish before that?
h-have you been a nazi this whole time?
Since when is claiming that one totalitairian regime (which killed more people than the other) not as bad as "evil western propaganda claims" not retarded?
Their plan was to remove burg. And kulaks. While of course not in such drastic ways as nazis, their plan was still to eliminate those groups. Guaranteed that gulags were the best thing awaiting them.
Yet nazis fucked it only during the war while USSR kept doing it for 40 another years.
I am not denying German death camps, I am merely claiming that people often tend to forget about gulags coz Muh six trillions.
True enough, Hitler And nazism aren't greatest examples of working ideology either
But guess which one of those ideologies Is still accepted in politics And it's supporters can openly prais it?
>My country
>Siding with nazis
We were the first to fall to them, lol
If Eternal Anglos and French weren't such pussies it could have better
The goal of communism isn't "everyone getting along", it's the destruction and ultimate elimination of the "bourgeoisie". Bourgeoisie meaning everyone that owns more than the shirt on their back.
At least the Nazis would have eventually run out if Jews to kill, the Communists would be able to find capitalists to kill in every country on the face if the earth until the end of time.
The only reason you see communism in utopian terms but not national socialism is because you've been taught by Marxists
>At least the Nazis would have eventually run out if Jews to kill
There were still Slavs.
aww, did the leftypol shill mod get triggered?
Hitler could've, if there was peace, continued to co-operate with Zionists to deport all the Jews to Palestine. Boom no hollashekels. Communists cannot get rid of 'class enemies' any other way than exterminating them.
National Socialism is morally superior to communism.
Communists never killed hundreds of millions
No. It was never his goal to send the Jews to Palestine.
So why did National Socialists collaborate with Zionists in Israel to deport Jews? Getting Jews out of Germany was the goal. They could've been deported to Madagascar.
USSR was more Jewish before Stalin and it was also a lot less horrific. Lots of Jews were involved in the early Soviet Union but they weren't bad people. They were passionate egalitarian humanists, and probably some of the best Jewish people ever.
>Also, Marx never said to 'terminate' the bourgeoisie, and all Lenin ever advocated was 2 weeks imprisonment while their property was expropriated, both of which he re-neged on.
If were going to play the weasel word atrocity denial game, could you point out where Hitler gave the official order to eliminate the Jews?
No, the bourgeoisie is anybody who owns a share of a business. Those who do not, from teachers to programmers to street sweepers, are proletarian.
>the global promotion of this ideology can be attributed, almost entirely, to the Jews.
I agree that communism is bullshit but when you say boogeyman-tier shit like this it is going to make you hard to take seriously.
Maybe you did not mean it in that way, but it sounds like you are implying that Jews got together at the Jew meeting to push communism.
I don't understand why we need to attribute it to Russians or Jews (which are, by the way, no longer mutually exclusive groups as soviet leadership has proven) when it is more rational to attribute it to idiocy.
At the end of the day both regimes could be very difficult to reside in for an individual, and there's no real metric for choosing one over the other.
>The goal of communism isn't "everyone getting along", it's the destruction and ultimate elimination of the "bourgeoisie". Bourgeoisie meaning everyone that owns more than the shirt on their back.
Could you point where Marx advocates that?
>you've been taught by Marxists
I wish lmao
All discussion of communism in US schools is focused on the Soviet Union and its atrocities, usually with a heavy effort to connect the USSR to the Nazis
We don't have the order, but he said things like this:
>Today I will once more be a prophet: If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!
It's a very famous speech.
A business is whatever the commissar says is a business, if you happen to own something the commissar wants guess who is going to get declared a capitalist counterrevolutionary?
Here's a hint, it won't be the commissar.
Why is the mod censoring anti leftypol comments?
What post were you replying to? Some commie shill?
Based mod also deleted that leftist cuck tho
The commie post in your screencap is deleted too
probably because people were starting to notice how blatantly corrupt of a mod he is
So in other words not an actual order but simply a passing comment in a speech. Shall we pour over every passing comment of Stalin and Marx as well with the same vigorous scrutiny?
They're both taboo in some countries.
>Since when is claiming that one totalitairian regime (which killed more people than the other) not as bad as "evil western propaganda claims" not retarded?
Ask Poles why they've prefered teaming up with their former worst enemy. Nazi ideology is simply incompatible with western moral tradition, communism is still acceptable within western moral tradition. One ideology pursues superiority of one race over the world, teaches that man should be valued by genes, not deeds; and goes with might makes right morality. Other one teaches workers acquiring means of production, values labour and empathy; but goes wrong every single time.
>Yet nazis fucked it only during the war while USSR kept doing it for 40 another years.
They fucked it only during the war, since it was the only time they were unrestricted, when they acquired power they showed their true face. Soviets were always evil and friendless, so they had no checks on them.
>I am not denying German death camps, I am merely claiming that people often tend to forget about gulags coz Muh six trillions.
First people don't forget about GULAG, second if they do they do so because they were in Eastern Europe, no one from western Europe got GULAG'd en masse. Third these camps were fundamentally different.
How many Czechs were murdered by Nazis over the span of 7 years?
How many Czechs were murdered by Commies over the span of 41 years?
>only 20 people die ever because of capitalism
>the leftypol SJW still cries
>muh 100 million killed by le commie joos
Try a fifth of that at most, with most of it occurring during Stalin's rule. What's more, the USSR is nowhere near representative of all communist movements.
maybe your posts are getting deleted because they are devoid of content and consist solely of name-calling people you disagree with like a toddler
just a guess
try forming an argument, if you hold your beliefs to be true it should not be so hard
Not an argument
Why are SJWs mad that only 20 people are killed by capitalism?
Didn't your mod approved leftypol propagda picture say that?
Why can't you form an argument?
Periods are used instead of commas outside the US
Why do SJWs steal "/pol/yp" meme?
I live in Ireland and we don't use periods
>What's more, the USSR is nowhere near representative of all communist movements.
You're right we can't forget the example set by Cambodia.
it's the cold war lmao
Because retarded Neo-Nazis continue to use the swastika to this day for there retarded edge lord ideology. If they all switched to a different symbol and left it alone few decades, it would return to being seen as a good luck charm.
>not hating your own race is "edgy"
This is what the left actually believes
Nazis hate their own race more than anyone. How else can you explain being so self destructive?
Well I consider them both hate symbols.
And I don't think either of them are acceptable to flaunt in public, even though I don't think that should be illegal.
Soviet =/= marxist
Communism intends to steal all my stuff kick me out of my home, send me to a reeducation camp and kill me if I resist, how the fuck is that any better?
>steal all my stuff kick
give you the common wealth
>send me to a reeducation camp and kill me if I resist
That's the USSR and actually not as bad that Nazi final solution
Religious institutions were de facto persecuted in the USSR, but being religious wasn't illegal. For a while the Orthodox Church was actually supported because the country needed patriotism. The only country where religion was 100% illegal was Albania.
>Oy vey your commitment to preserve your race in the face of all the punitive social engineering schemes we've put in place is so self-destructive!
good post