Who was in the wrong during the crusades ?
Who was in the wrong during the crusades ?
Reminder that you can't /thread your own post, this applies to all people even to you who joined last month
Oh and, christians, think about it
>hey guys we hate each other right ?
>alright but what if we turned our hate towards this other country
>haha this is perfect
>wait guys why are you fighting each other
>o-oh alright maybe the second time then h-haha
on and on until they noticed that the problem came from their autistic LARPing and not by muslim troops being stronger
Depends on what crusade you are talking about.
e.g. Catholics were in the wrong in the 4th crusade while Muslims were in the wrong in the 1st crusade
the bleedin' saracens
who else
At no point during this blathering, incoherent, cyan texting, failed humour, did your post approach anything that could be considered a rational thought.
The Answer differs depending on what religion you are.
I am Catholic so obviously I wish the crusades ended with the extermination of Islam.
>At no point during this blathering, incoherent, cyan texting, failed humour, did your post approach anything that could be considered a rational thought.
Face the truth, edgy christians were too tempted to kill those who didn't follow their very version of the book and decided to kill their own brothers instead of fighting muslims.
>"r-religion is good and you're retarded and an autistic cunt if you don't believe in good"
They were both spooked.
OP we know you are either a fedora tipper or a Muslim who started this thread just to try to get (you)s
the heretics for being heretics and the saracens for not seeing the truth
One sides prophet is a virgin magician. Whos main message is love everyone.
The other sides prophet got kicked out at 14, was a caravan robber, claims to have ridden a carpet, married and fucked a 9 year old child, and says god commands you to murder those who do not agree with you.
Let me consider this....
Read the Ego and Its own before you start calling things spooks. They aren't even necessarily a bad thing according to Stirner. in fact the individual can use them to their advantage.
Jesus is a Prophet in Islam, retard.
Jesuz is not a prophet, but God himself you jackass
t. guy who gets his knowledge of history exclusively through memes
Latin were in the wrong.
Holy Lands are Greek clay
>Whos main message is love everyone.
Except rich people
see this is the problem with making your god all powerful all seeing infinite etc etc. When you pray to him and shit doesn't pan out, it looks bad.
We should all go back to ancient greek gods where they're all fucking capricious assholes so when things go tits up it's not that weird from a religious perspective
Jesus still loved rich people. He literally said their struggle is harder.
The guy i wonder about is pilite. Nigga was just doing his job enforcing the laws of ceasar. The filthy kikes forced him into it, and he washed his hands of it after the jews voted.
Where is pontious pilate in the grand scheme? Was he not carrying out God's plan?
Threads on religion are always the funniest to read, it's such a shitfest
>crusaders complain after they sacked Constantinople.
Karma is Karma.
Is was all fine til then
/pol/ loves to glorify the Crusades, ignorant to the fact that the Crusaders were the very ones who brought down their beloved Byzantine Empire
Both me. Posted to Reddit.
troompa loompas BTFO
LARPers pls depart without fuss. I dunno, maybe try /qst/ or even /out/, just don't do this on Veeky Forums.