What's Veeky Forums stance on the french revolution ? Do you stand with the kings & nobles or with the revolution ?
What's Veeky Forums stance on the french revolution ? Do you stand with the kings & nobles or with the revolution ?
the goat historical event
I don't think there was a right side, although it's far harder to sympathise with the revolutionaries
the king as he was less rich than the revolutinaries
Kings and Nobles.
The revolution was satanic and masonic in nature.
The only good thing to come of it was Napoleon and his nouveu nobility of merit. But French republicanism ruined that with Nap III.
Are those my only options? I'm happy top depose the monarcucks but that doesn't mean I support the reign of terror or whatevs.
he is an Austrian(read germshit) usurpator
He was not fit to rule France since he wasn't French in the first place
It would have been better if somehow they could have come to an agreement and formed a constitutional monarchy. It would have avoided a lot of chaos. This is what Thomas Jefferson advocated for whenever people dared ask his opinion on the matter.
>it's hard to sympathise with people wanting freedom and equal rights for all
stand with lafayette
They tried that and it failed miserably
>King and court that has grossly mismanaged France's finances for decades
>Climate change fucks the agriculture for most of France, leading to massive food shortage with minimal reserves to spare and price gouging abound
>Nobles literally just buying positions and power to build more wealth to buy more power and kill any reforms to fix the system
>Meanwhile more and more of the country is getting fucked with no food and higher taxes
The only question is who on earth thought this was sustainable? Of course there was a revolution and of course it turned ugly after years of anger and resentment.
There was no "good side." the only person who legit dindu nuffin was Marie Antoinette.
Revolution, death to the Bourbons.
>picking sides in a historical event
Exceedingly bad form
it's hard to feel sympathy for them after the shit that they done when they were finished with the king and his goons
We must unite the European peoples under the French tricolor
Unironically this
they had it coming
Freedom and equal rights for all means drowning people in boats or slaughtering them in cold blood?
Define "Revolution".
The French Revolution can be separated into three parts : The Constitutional Monarchy (the early period), the National Convention (1792–95), and the Directory (the latter period). All of which were different Regimes governed by different people and currents.
Pro-Revolution when it pushed for a constitutional monarchy
Anti-revolution after the September massacres
Robespierre was a genius.
has there ever been a family as disappointing as the Bonaparte family? How could so much greatness be concentrated in one man while utter failure made up all his relatives?
Robespierre did nothing wrong
The Bourbons deserved what happened to them after they suppressed the Fronde and centralized all power in their hands.
I don't care about both sides, both the monarchy and the revolutionaries were mostly shit. I sympathize somewhat with a few revolutionaries who thought the whole thing was about limiting the power of the state, instead of expanding towards something not even Louis XIV would have dared, such as Benjamin Constant, but men like him were the absolute minority.
best post. although marie did waste money on materialistic shit and didn't care whatsoever for her noble position other than the benefits it brought her. the revolution's most innocent victim noble-wise was Marie-Louise Thérèse.
Neither. Fuck the French. Ils sont tous conards.
What is wrong with Napoleon the third?. He fixed a lot of the problems Paris had.
>King and nobles
If the nobles in the parlements weren't such cunts the monarchy could have passed its tax reform and everything would have been dandy.
Otherwise, the constitution of 91 or the French Empire are the best
>the only person who legit dindu nuffin was Marie Antoinette
haven't we learned that being an austrian is enough reason to get btfoed
Daily reminder that Robespierre did nothing wrong
They tried, but the King wouldn't go along with the eminent Jacobine chimpout, so they ousted and killed him.
>equal rights for all
>unless someone doesn't like you for whatever reason, then it's to the guillotine with you
Except ruin the International Republican movement by being a faggot collectivist tyrant.
Reminder that following the French Recolutionary example only leads to unstable governments, banana republics and/or outright dictatorships.
>overthrowing a monarch and fighting whole europe in a defensive war leads to unstable governments
well, yes user. thank you for pointing it out for us.
>declare war on Europe
>claim its defensive
>thinking Robespierre had the most power in the committee and not its most popular figure
Why do monarchists and counter revolutionaries had such poor grasp of history
Want in one hand, and shit in the other, we'll see which fills up faster before getting guillotined.
Revolution, it was painful but needed to be done
I personally stand with the Revolution
>bad guys
>good guys
Oh boy...
What everyone should remember about the French Revolution, aside from scrambling to presume the motives everyone had for it, is that it was unavoidable. The French monarchy had been vying for centralization for like forever, and the King earning more power since the Hundred years' war where the extension of the Capetian royal domain had won it for them. Since then, cardinals such as Mazarin and Richelieu were elaborating ways by which to empower the royal dynasty further (ie. destroying the noblemen's castles when the Fronde was disastrous: ), and the Kings even furthered that by enacting that nobles should cease caring about their lands, and be sheltered at Versailles (where the King was able to oversee that they not conspire against him).
The French Revolution was the culmination of what the bourgeoisie class (>inb4 "Marxxxx") felt about the nobles now almost being powerless all but in name, and yet having the economy stay gratifying them. So the bourgeoisie slowly became enraged leading us down the path of the Revolution's radicalization:
>start: Third-Estate bourgeoisie try to use the Estates general to get the clergy and nobles to reneg their privileges, but are chill with the King so long as he doesn't interfere in the economy (royal corporations and shit) (Mirabeau type of thinking)
>middle: King backs the other two estates, and gets in the way of the bourgeois, so they not consider that they should retract him to the role of a Constitutional monarch (Lafayette type of thinking)
>end: getting the nobles and clergy to reneg their privileges wins out thanks to La Terreur, but the king gets scared and tries to flee, basically getting everyone to get radicalized against the idea of a monarch (Desmoulins type of thinking)
There's no good guys or bad guys, only bourgeoisie rising up and seizing what they thought was their own, and a King not going with the times.
"Revolution" really means something like "a return to the original state", much like the revolution that a wheel makes when it makes a complete revolution and turns back to its original position. "Revolution" in the modern sense of the word, as the introduction of a completely new order or, an altering of the previous order into something completely different, is a distortion of the words meaning.
By follow this logic, the French "Revolution" wasn't really a revolution in the correct sense of the word, but it was rather a distortion, undermining or a subversion of the pre-existing order.
Hence, a true "Revolution" would consist in re-instating that order or, that state of being which society was in, before the so-called French "revolution".
Only if we turn the tricolour around at a 270° angle.
But he did, though. At least until Thermidor.
To be fair though he gets a lot of shit for things he didn't do and he was actually a moderate in the committee (whatever that's worth)
He also did a lot of good things for France before he fucked up against the germans. Aided italian unification too.
The Cordeliers were bro tier
this, i know its just fun here, but when people do unironically what's even the point?
especially if you dont even have links to them.
The right side was LaFayette and the other moderate liberals who wanted a constitutional monarchy. The right side is always whatever side LaFayette is on.
Fairly reasonable to see how the Declaration of Pillnitz was interpreted as a threat to the revolutionaries.
Part of the problem was Marie Antoinette. For as much as she dindu nuffin and her being an oblivious profligate were blown out of character she was still pretty staunch reactionary who did not for even a second believe there was any validity to the Revolution and that it should be crushed and the monarchy be restored every right of primacy. She was also the main instigator of the Flight to Varennes in the hope of escaping Austria and starting a counter-revolution and so sealed the monarchy's fate.
Louis was a good boy though. He really dindu nuffin.
Yeah I can buy that, they did eventually try with Louis Philippe and it went to shit though
>especially if you dont even have links to them.
Literally every republic and republicans except the American and dutch has links to the French Revolution