ANS/NEO is one of very few cryptos that pays dividends in the form of a separate coin. Short of Chinese government intervention, I genuinely see no reason why this project wont be successful in the long term, especially if more developers really get on board. Thoughts?
ANS/NEO general
Might actually be cool in the future. I'm still not buying in any time soon.
I bought 50 two weeks ago. Holding for a few years and hopefully it's done something by then.
I will buy in once it hits poloniex
I'm assuming Poloniex is just waiting for the rebrand, so it should be sometime in the next couple of weeks.
i like how this gimmick which costs almost nothing to process is seen as "dividends" by the goblins who hold onto crypto. i'm sure you'll see it in a lot of new scamcoins.
DGB also looked good in the long term, it could keep your documents secure, interact with video games, and wipe your ass all in one!
i'm glad you take risks but i'm p. sure you don't even know how to read code.
haven't you fags done enough hatin? can't you see that the ants are never goin away? give it a rest. we are the future. you are the past. DWI
then gtfo this thread
How do I claim my antcoin? it says its unavalaible but keeps rising
>bla bla bla bla
Oh fug. It's this autist again.
You sound salty because you prob got burned by DGB
send transaction of all your ans to the same wallet. google it if you dont trust me.
Better than that cancerous fucking ember poster that made me want to sell all of my ans and go all in on digibyte and kill myself.
how exactly does ans intend to compete with eth?
how will exchanges handle the name change? will ans coins just be turned 1:1 into neo?
also, how many ants do you guys think will take me to lamboland in the future?
do you think $100/ans is possible?
is eth proof of stake? thought not.
>oh but lord vitalik is gonna hard fork it so--
yeah, sure. i'll believe it when I see it.
>Essentially ETH but better
By default, yes, it is possible. Keep buying if you think it's likely. I made my choice. As for the amount, obviously the more you buy now, the less it will have to rise to hit lambo money levels for you. My current goal is 300, which I'll have by next week, but if it stays cheap enough, for a while, I might bump that goal up to at least 500, but I want to diversify some more too while the market's in the toilet, so we'll see.
I hold a similar amount at about 800. Mind if i ask what you're also looking into?
$100 is ez pz. I think it can hit $400 just like crappy ol ETH did.
an ironic statement if you have/defend any hyped crypto, because they are all down 30-50% from their ATH. are you going to be alright? I heard DGB is the future.
seeing Veeky Forums like a coin makes me think it's a shitty buy
i've had ~100 since $9 tho. all bought with ETH profits funny enough
You rang?
DESU I want to stock up more on the basics. Some BTC and LTC for sure, and maybe also ETH because even if the two are directly competing, I don't see NEO becoming successful as immediately damaging to the value of ETH. I like the looks of Ripple and Monero, and I also think Monacoin, provided it comes back after this dip, will provide decent returns. I don't know. I've got a lot of options and a lot more to still research and judge for myself.
oh that ember.
Not entirely sure. the whitepaper seems pretty comprehensive about what the purpose is and what problems it can solve. I just like the chinese nationalistic factor here too. Potential for growth based on an entire country getting behind one of their own. but hey its all conjecture, nobody knows yet
Then leave?
I think xrp is a good buy rn too, thanks for letting me pick your brain
Alright ANS/NEO shills. Tell me why your coin is going to end up beating out ETH and all the other smart contract platforms in the future
it doesn't have to beat out ETH. it has its own niche in china. also, ETH is doing a mighty fine job beating out itself.
How long since the ICO?
What do they have in place currently to back your point of view?
honestly, we're tired of explaining it to you plebes. at this point, either you get it or you don't. so either say "lol next dgb" like a moron, or buy some of this cheap ass $5 ANS. your call.
it's the next DGB
No it isnt. DGB wasn't a scam. Jared is just a potato.
lol, when it hits $10 you'll all be buying like crazy
it was hyped to shit over the last month. it's going to keep dropping for the rest of the year; look at their 2017 goals. it's total trash, we might buy when it's $0.5
Yes it is.
Lol. I'm not asking you what the white paper says, I'm asking you how much they've actually accomplished in the 11 months since the ICO.
From what I see it's nothing but marketing since the web wallets were released. With that in mind, it's worth maybe $50,000,000 in market cap like every other alt with a functioning web wallet and a unique tokenization, side chain, or development idea that's still months or years from actual use.
There's nothing wrong with what they're proposing, but $5 per coin is a huge premium to pay for a coin without a functional project that actually utilizes its technology for some semblance of its intended purpose. Add to that the fact that it's chinks running the project, and I see a long term stagnation of the coin.
Culturally, chinks are largely incapable of innovation. Thinking outside the box is historically punished in Chinese culture, so they're going to struggle to solve any problems unique to their project, because the chink version of problem solving in technology is to copy someone else's idea and intellectual property, then modify it to kludge together some semblance of a functional product for several iterations before finally working out most kinks. This works fine if your goal is to create a largely similar product that eventually approximates the functionality of the market leaders, but falls on its own sword if you ever try to use chink labor to actually become a market leader.
Good luck though, I hope you get out before you get chinked.
-t. regular
>Culturally, chinks are largely incapable of innovation.
pretty sad how they managed to make something better than ETH then
ANS/NEO is quantum resistant and has a high-efficiency POS network that basically pays dividends in the form of Ant Coins... Right now a lot of the price is speculative because there's not a robust dapp ecosystem built on the platform, but those dapps are coming.
As a China-centric offering, NEO also will take share from any Ether. Future Chinese development efforts will be on NEO or potentially HPB. This is largely due to China's longstanding "China First" and Chinese preference positions.
Essentially NEO is a homegrown copy of ETH that addresses some of Eth's weaknesses... like how the fuck is the network going to continue functioning when mining blocks is a losing proposition for miners?