if women can just aim for a Man's groin to disable him..
i get that men are physically stronger, but couldn't women of done groin shots to prevent it
if women can just aim for a Man's groin to disable him..
i get that men are physically stronger, but couldn't women of done groin shots to prevent it
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I'm not sure if this or the "nobody could get to Sardinia before the age of sail" is dumber.
you know, pretending to be retarded once is funny, but it gets a bit old after that.
you should at least wait a few weeks before repeating a joke.
im serious though, why arn't groin shots effective?
adreneline isn't going to be stopped by a groin shot
It could work but when is a cowering woman going to muster the strength to do it, especially with the chance she will miss or it won't work to plan
Rape has never happened. A woman can disable a man at any time by kicking him in the balls, so if they were ever """raped""" then they must have wanted to have sex.
>im serious though, why arn't groin shots effective?
If you'd ever been in an actual fight, you'd know exactly why.
Even with professional training, its difficult to actually contact a particular part of a person's body when it's obscured by their clothes, poor light, and their constant, often panicked and unpredictable movement. It's not like MMA where you can see hits coming, where you can see an opponent's stance, a street fight or a bar fight (or a rape attack in any such conditions) is just a mess where the bigger, heavier, stronger, or faster party wins. Often you wont even see your attacker coming, you'll just get smacked or grabbed and floored from behind, with little chance to fight back unless you're especially prepared.
so groin shots arnt that good
is this the thread where we argue for a "rape penalty" similar to a death penalty?
It's about on the level of "Mongols could fight for weeks at a time without food or water or sleep"
One hangs lower than the other. One of them also has less nerve endings. So if you hit the retard one all the guy gets is some pleasure. It's actually how the first rape occurred. Some woman grabbed the guys left nut and he thought she was being frisky or wanted some of his kill.
this is on par with Shitler
Don't many rapists attack in groups?
no, just buy a fucking gun and take a few self defence courses if you don't want to be raped.
Why don't women keep mousetraps in their cooters so when someone tries to rape them the offending dong will get snapped?
There's clearly only one answer; they want to be raped. Feminists #BTFO
Rape by a stranger isn't very common. Date rape is probably the most common kind of rape in the West.
most rapes happen in the household, silly reverse satan
That doesn't change the fact that you can't be raped by someone with a sucking chest wound.
Maybe this is insensitive but rape is better than death. Most rapes aren't super violent because the person being raped is literally scared for their life and often just let's the rape happen. Honestly, I would let myself get raped instead of getting killed.
Cavemen would knock women out and rape them in some corner. That was how things were meant to be, that's how it is in nearly all species. Only humans believe in consent, nature doesn't.
There should be death penalty for rape. I believe that rape is worse than murder. A rapist gives in to his animalistic instincts, so he should be treated like a wild animal. It's the only crime that can't be justified in any way.
We are humans, we should be better than dumb animals which can't control their urges.
>rape is worst than death
>this is what femenists believe
>Sex is just meaningless fun!
>But if you do it without my consent you're a horrible monster
Make up your minds, either sex is serious business, and rape is serious, or sex isn't serious and neither is rape.
Rape isn't worse than death, but rapists can be worse than murders.
Civilized human being shouldn't rape. Soldiers have to kill and killing their enemies is accepted, but soldiers who rape innocent women are nothing more than barbarians.
Even when it comes to WW2, pop history portrays Germans as cool efficient killers (but civilized) and the Soviet as uncouth rapist barbarians.
I'm sorry, but rape is as old as killing itself. No army in history every successfully conquered a town without raping. It's just a way for a soldier to cope in a shitty enviroment. It's bad yeah but pales in comparison to the blood baths in these events.
>I'm sorry, but rape is as old as killing itself.
Killing can be justified, rape cannot. It's purely anti-civilization. It's something animals do, not humans.
how can rape be worse than death if the purpose of sexual activity is to create life?
>Woman gets drunk and has sex
>regrets it when sober
>this is worse than murder
Shouldn't you be protesting Milo right about now?
if sex is bad, then why does it feel good ?
What is being armed
What is frozen in fright
What is surprise attack
What is don't want to make it any worse
What is gangrape
What is deflecting blows
You don't know anything about history, you literally have an idealised and romanticised version of it in your head that's very common in media. Every war is full of rape. Hell for a long time in history rape was a "just reward" for soldiers. For example towns that were under siege and refused surrender were free game for soldiers after, not just in medieval wars but long after it. During Napoleonic wars British soldiers even pillaged and raped in a Spanish town they were supposedly liberating because they got frustrated French managed to defend it for so long. There is accounts of French soldiers invading Egypt and raping daughters of women on top of corpses of their mothers.
I know all about this. What's your point? Like I said, humans were acting like barbarians, but we live in 21st century, we shouldn't be acting like that anymore.
Groin shots are A) not that effective in putting someone down for very long and B) a good way to turn a rape into a murder if you can't outrun the rapist afterwards
I'm not going to answer to the retarded op but rather ask you something I always wondered.
If nowadays in our society sex is considered a benign matter, something devoid of any sacredness, something simple and natural that everyone does, why then has rape become more and more frowned upon? Should it not be "just sex", unwanted granted but only sex nevertheless?
If we don't recognise the sacrality of sex rape should be no worse that someone forcing a finger up your nose, something that's intimate and a bit humiliating but no more.
Then why?
The pinnacle of autism
>we shouldn't be acting like that anymore
We should've never acted like that yet it happened, is happening and will happen again.
Naturally, but I believe that people who do this shouldn't be part of our civilized society.
Rape leaves a lot more damage than just regular sex, both mentally and physically.
In exactly which legal system does this fall under rape?
And how exactly would you suggest this wish of yours be put into practice?