
Barg is a heavy metal musician not a historian. That should tell you everything you need to know about the validity of his claims.

Other urls found in this thread:


Gnostic, when talking about early Christianity, mostly just means non-Catholic/Orthodox.

>watching the videos of a guy who prepares every youtube video with a wikipedia article and includes his own misinformed interpretations

In the video he explicitly states that Celtic Christians believed in a demurring and viewed the Serpent as the savior. I cannot find anything about this. It seems like the consensus about Celtic Christians were that they were Latin Christians with a few quirks.

No it doesn't and Celtic Christianity was most certainly Catholic because they were in communion with Rome and the prime originator of it, Patrick, is venerated as a saint.

The main difference between Latin and Celtic Christianity were things like the method used to calculate when Easter would be and other such minutiae.


>viewed the Serpent as the savior

This is so retarded only someone like Barg could come up with it.

Go look up what St. Patrick was famous for driving out of Ireland.

This user gets it. The debates about the Easter computus and things like that could get insanely heated but in the grand scheme of things the Latin and Celtic traditions were functionally identical.

Varg is a loon, nothing he says should be taken at face value.

But Vargy reinstates my dumbass, racist beliefs! 1488! 1488! Don't hurt my echo chamber! Wahhh!

user why are you watching Varg videos

Why should I bother with the claims of a church burning murderer?

They're entertaining even though I don't agree with a single thing he says.

Varg, despite being poorly educated, is actually pretty smart and displays some common sense not even educated people have. For example a lot of otherwise highly educated people think language is synonymous with race/ethnicity which is literal nonsense.

>a lot of otherwise highly educated people think language is synonymous with race/ethnicity which is literal nonsense
What highly educated person thinks this?

You can hear plenty of people talking about the Slavic race, the Germanic race, the Arab race etc. Even though it's just linguistic groupings. There are literal red haired blue eyed Arabs and then there are other Arabs like Omar Bashir who are pretty much niggers.

All of Christianity is Gnostic except Protestantism which is poor theology.

>All of Christianity is Gnostic
Christianity is anti-Gnostic. Read Genesis 2:16-17, that's as anti-gnosis as it gets.

>Old testament
Pick one.

>m-muh Demiurge
Except the Catholics and the Orthodox worship this "Demiurge" of yours completely shredding your asspull theory to shit.

I never hear anyone talk about that outside of Veeky Forums

but that's not because of common sense, is it? wouldn't that be because Varg happen to have education in things the majority of people never hear about or get educated about?

Gnostics and Christians both worship the Father.

Varg is such an interesting dude, the 2pac of black metal and convicted killer is making sargon of akkad esque videos on youtube, absurd

He's interesting in the way the zodiac killer is interesting to some people, maybe.

Zodiac killer was just some sexually frustrated cuck. Varg actually has some interesting ideology behind him.

Varg is entertaining to watch but you should always remember that he's a criminally insane retard who believes that autism is a superpower and the ancient Egyptians were white.

The """Demiurge""" of the Old Testament is the father. Not knowing this means you haven't read either Testament, or Church Doctors for that matter.

>The """Demiurge""" of the Old Testament is the father.
No-o-oh my friend. Gnostics and Christians both worship the same God who is a separate God from the god of the Jew. The god of the OT/god of the Jews is yawhey/demiurge. The God that Jesus taught about was the Father. The same Father worshiped by Gnostics.

>. Varg actually has some interesting ideology behind him.
eh, YMMV. I'm don't find Germanic Neopaganism and Nordic Supremacy very compelling. But I suppose i'm not his audience.

Different user.

I do, but it's probably because I have archeologist, biologist, and geneticist relatives.


Being an outsider on society that's already dabbled in forbidden un-PC beliefs gives you a freedom, clarity, and a "fuck it we'll do it live" attitude to investigation that others that are mainstream and have """proper""" reputations to preserve might not have.

That doesn't make him right, but I think it is an advantage over establishment voices despite other weakness in expertise.

He's a we-wuzzer

this is a really important point when discussing Christianity. Think about the days of the sabbath. The jews worship on SATURday (Saturn's day) and the Christians worship on SUNday. Jesus is the personification of the Sun, (Tiphareth) The demi-urge of Saturn (Binah).

Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of kabbalah will know this.

Is this Jewish metaphysics saying Christ is the demiurge or am I misreading it?

"Celtic Christian" is a meme that describes a pattern of historical transmission and not a belief system. They were just orthodox Catholics.
We know literally nothing about any pre-Christian beliefs in Britain, so if someone tries to sell you on anything like that, it should be a huge red flag.

He also believes that immigrants are good because they will crash modern society

Jews worship Jaldabaoth.

>they knew

Link? Also for everyone else post Zarg memes

Didn't he stab someone repeatedly and rationalize it as self defense

Arab is a completely legitimate term if it's used to refer to the gulf arabs.


Also is there a more autistic man on this globe rn?

What are some things that this guy gets right? I watched a video where he talked about pagan mythology while it was raining and it was very comfy but I have no idea if it's all horseshit or not


My sides disappeared.

why does it feel like all these people can ever muster are beautiful children with flowers in their hair. How exactly did people thrive and prosper during tribalism?

Varg is a retard that stabbed someone 17 times and is playing by his barbaric Norwegian nature

>What are some things that this guy gets right?

His name really is Varg. That's about it, tho.
>I can't find anything about Celtic Christianity being a gnostic sect

Because it's complete bullshit. Celtic Christians had only minor differences from Catholicism, mostly related to things like the dating of Easter and how they tonsured their monks.

Mostly everything that has not to do with religion.

Modern paganism is for the most part very wishy-washy and unless you dedicate your life to studying it in a scholarly context you won't get a much more accurate picture of what ancient people believed than if you just made things up out of whole cloth.
Ronald Hutton is the foremost historian on ancient British beliefs, for instance, and one of his most popular books is basically a five hundred page exegesis on how we know almost nothing about them.

>His name really is Varg
It's not, his name is Kristian.

>The DNA hoax

oh boy. Does he say DNA is made up by the jews because he took a DNA test that found he was mostly Finnish mongolian or something?

He's literally more retarded then pol and nu pol combined and that's saying ALOT

Didn't he say all people in military who've killed will burn in hell and he won't because he's a anarcho privitist at least his legacy will be the pretty funny memes

>Dna hoax
>followed by "my genealogy"
Anti intellectualism is the greatest prank in history

Autism Confirmed

Actually, this channel is gold for a good laugh, I was watching a video when he says that Europe will soon be majority populated by Nordic peoples, because Nordic features are better adapted to the European environment.
Then he said some crazy shit about having blue eyes and hunting in european forests.

>people can't change their names

The music and the text he uses is subtle gold I feel as if he has an epiphany every day about the stupidest most unimportant shit

He's literally just a Nordic evola instead of pre enlightenment it's pre Abrahamic religions which is pretty interesting but hilarious more so.

hes not a supremacist. If he was I'd stop paying attention to him; he merely has a eurocentrist view - his ideology if you will could be theoretically applied to any "race".

>comparing Baron Evola to Varg

Personally speaking as an American, I like Varg and I think he's got a good head on his shoulders but as as someone with a lot of Southern European heritage I don't agree with his comments about us and I think he's being forced to shill for the (((right))) people.

What did he say about Southern Europe ?

When will Varg deliver on his promises

Nigger genes, no different from moors, wouldn't let his daughters date one.

He doesn't think we're real Europeans and have negroid/semitic blood.

>"you're not real europeans, go back to the middle east"


It's why he's getting blasted by SJW's and his own fan base nowadays

>not including his autism video
He got pretty defensive when i called him autistic too.

Lol, considering the rpg he made that seems very unconvincing.

He still likes Southern Europeans he just thinks they're ugly it's ironic because Norwegians are the ugliest in Northern Europe

I'm fucking dying right now lmfao

Those comments are AIDS. Do people genuinely believe that living in mudhuts and dying of ear infections and dirty water is a better way of life than working for 8 hours for 5 days a week?

What the fuck is that crying in the background
Did he embrace his viking genes and kidnap some British woman or something?

>Americanized wogs think varg is great until he stops talking shit about darkies and starts talking shit about Italians and Iberians

ah yes. truly a thoughtful and rational intellectual community you rorkes have in the youtube comments section

This ones so illogical it hurts my mind

Yes and he thinks anarchism is some new idea that he's pioneering

It's his kids you mong

ITT: non arguments


This quote has always been funny to me, rare moment of actual clear-sightedness from Adolf

He did have them on occasion.

>Nigger genes, no different from moors, wouldn't let his daughters date one.


Nothing Varg has ever said is true.
Literally every single one of his opinions is wrong
This guy unironically think europeans are neanderthal. Not have neanderthal admixture, literally neanderthal. He doesn't even believe in evolution.

sarah silvermann shower scene .jpg.exe

What do you mean, user?

He's literally everything that's wrong with the Nordic race he also said stabbing someone 17 times in the back was self defense

He was raided by the police back in 2013 and got his four guns taken (wife's guns really). He went on the news.

He also wanted to bomb a place if I'm not mistaken

In this day and age it is though.
When a nigger does all the same shit as you do, eats the same things as you and basically is the same for everything but his skin colour wouldn't he be the same as you?

If by soon you mean when the next ice age comes then yes because thats what he actually said in the video

That can be the case, but Varg is actually just a dumbass.

He was accused of plotting terrorism but immediately released because there was literally no evidence against him. The first police unit they tried to get to arrest him actually refused because the charges were obvious nonsense. Basically it was politically motivated harassment because the lefties in the french goverment are butthurt about his white nationalism.

He seems like something varg would do but he smoothly got way with it using his severe autism

what is wrong with his rpg?


How does Varg rationalize that his ideal tribal society would inevitably lead to feudalism?

>How does Varg rationalize that his ideal tribal society would inevitably lead to feudalism?

Like all communists do thinking they would be the planners rather than the gulag workers.


Gnosticism was only widespread during the early times of the Christianity, it died out later in time. The location of gnosticism was around the mediterranean and part of the middle east but I know no place in the celtic region where it was present. Unless he has a different interpretation of what Gnosticism, then its anachronistic.