Is varg right about this?
Is varg right about this?
no, studies have shown that most european populations haven't changed much since the classical period. brits are still celtic, italics are still italic(the north's blondness has more to do with the celtic population probably), iberians still iberian. countries like france and germany have always been somewhat mixed. slavs also have miniscule amounts of mongoloid DNA(and it appears mostly in russians) they do have a finnic haplogroup in large numbers but haplogroups =/= whole picture otherwise indians would be european. greeks are still greek as well.
give me a quick rundown on Varg
Edgy musician who burned down churches and murdered one of his bandmates. He went to prison for years, and when he got out started acting like he was an authority on European religious history. Basically, he's just a white nationalist who talks about how Christianity is evil and has destroyed true European culture. Edgy teenagers love him.
As an relevant anecdote I'm Southern Italian and have 15% West Asian . This being said, the 15% West Asian blood is the only non-European blood I have. I have 0% Sub-Saharan blood, 0% Asian blood, 0% North African blood etc. So is Varg right? Well it depends what you mean by 'alot." If 15% West Asian DNA is a lot then yes. If 15% West Asian DNA isn't a lot then he's wrong.
>Is Varg right about
No. The answer to anything Varg rambles on about is no.
>Considers people with disabilities degenerates that need to be cleaned through eugenetics
>Marries a woman with aspergers syndrome
>Actually people with autism are just very sensitive to the modern world due to their high neanderthal dna, which of course were the original europeans.
Are you sure?
This seems legit.
Based Varg throwing truth bombs on cucks everywhere
Varg is a high school edge lord who took himself way too seriously and never grew out of that mindset.
LOL WAT? where did he say his wife was an aspie?
Never trust a snownigger
Does he browse /pol/ and Veeky Forums? He sounds like he's a frequent visitor of the two boards.
If he browsed Veeky Forums then he might have seen one of the thousand threads where people repost the same art and genetic tests that show the people of the Mediterranean Basin are pretty much the same as they were 2,500 years ago. So no.
I have literally seen everything argued back and forth about haplogroups, language families, yDNA, mtDNA, migration patterns and god knows how much bullshit about hair and eye color testimonies. Hundreds of completely contradictory theories and conclusions about the "heritage" of various peoples. I'm starting to think psychology is a more grounded and empirical science at this point.
>Varg's bandmate
Varg doesn't believe in genetic research and considers it a jewish science.
Varg was on Mayhem for a brief period but they a really shouldn't be considered bandmates, yeah.
Not that they didn't have a deeper connection before murder, what's with hanging out and burning churches together
40 year old man who lives in a hut while LARPing as an aryan superman proud evropean. Also hes on welfare, knows literally nothing about human biology, and is essentially a pseduo-cult leader for directionless teenage losers on the internet because he acts as some really pathetic "big bro" type of figure for them
seriously, at the core of it, how is this any different than we wuzian black nationalist?
It isn't.
Euroshitter was an edgelord subhuman communist who attempted to murder Varg because he thought it was cool and edgy.
Seriously? rotfl
I honestly can't imagine to no degree of approximation his internal monologue: what are the inner processes that rbings someone to think this way? What are his deepst, fucked up arbitrary beliefs he holds to reach such delusional conclusions?