Why is Hitler 'almost universally' demonized in history while Lenin, Stalin, or Mao, who has committed worse crime than him, are at worst just 'highly divisive' figures?
Why is Hitler 'almost universally' demonized in history while Lenin, Stalin, or Mao...
2 were successful and a third was a laughable failure. You do the math
>Stalin over-inflated at 62 million
>Mao only 35 million
>Hitler only 21 million
wow, this must be /pol/ math
where's the usual Obama pic?
We've already been over this a thousand times. It probably has to do with Hitler starting a world war and causing millions of deaths of other people. Commies only killed their own people, so it didn't really effect everyone else very much.
do not feed it
I'm not kidding. Look at their wikipedia articles:
Adolf Hitler:
>Under Hitler's leadership and racially motivated ideology, the Nazi regime was responsible for the genocide of at least 5.5 million Jews and millions of other victims whom he and his followers deemed Untermenschen ("sub-humans") and socially undesirable. Hitler and the Nazi regime were also responsible for the killing of an estimated 19.3 million civilians and prisoners of war. In addition, 29 million soldiers and civilians died as a result of military action in the European Theatre of World War II. The number of civilians killed during the Second World War was unprecedented in warfare, and constitutes the deadliest conflict in human history.
Vladimir Lenin:
>Widely considered one of the most significant and influential figures of the 20th century, Lenin was the posthumous subject of a pervasive personality cult within the Soviet Union until its dissolution in 1991. He became an ideological figurehead behind Marxism-Leninism and thus a prominent influence over the international communist movement. A controversial and highly divisive individual, Lenin is viewed by Marxist-Leninists as a champion of socialism and the working class, while critics on both the left and right see him as the founder of a totalitarian dictatorship responsible for numerous deaths and repressions.
It's the consensus of experts (professional historians specializing in the fields). Are they biased?
Because anti-communist propaganda didn't state the deaths caused by the Soviet Union or China often enough. Also, America, Britain and the other allied countries were so scared of Stalin that they spent so long pissing their pants, Stalin has his scientists develop the Tsar Bomba, and that only made things worse.
>every death under socialism was the fault of the government, never mind famines caused by natural conditions or wars
>Says Hitler killed only 21 million
>Own source says fucking this:
>"In addition, 29 million soldiers and civilians died as a result of military action in the European Theatre of World War II"
>Brings up Lenin when he was talking about Stalin before
wtf. Is pic related actually accurate? Why are low IQ individuals allowed to reproduce?
Lenin killed like 200,000 people, Hitler 30 million.
stop whining. You retards have metapedia for your Hitler circlejerk
If communist governments are held responsible for deaths under famine, it follows that Nazi Germany should also be held responsible for the deaths in the war it started.
A lot of it has to do with how the deaths were carried out
The majority of Nazi-related deaths were by direct means (shootings, gassings, sacking, etc.) whereas the Communist deaths were by indirect means (famine) and the motive/responsibility is much more debatable.
There's also the issue that most communist deaths were in undeveloped countries wheras Hitler killed loads of westerners
But go ahead and blame the Jews anyway.
It's interesting how neo-nazis maintain that Hitler was not responsible for Jewish deaths because they assert that since "most were from famine and disease" he dindunuffin
Yet communism is the ultimate evil, even though nearly all their deaths were from famine
30,000,000 including war-caused deaths. The holocaust and government killed around 21,000,000 within the population of Nazi-occupied countries
fyi Adolf created the largest number of single mothers in history.
Lenin killed 30 million? wtf are you smoking?
When? Where? How?
But... but.... da jooooooos....
hitler attempted to exterminate whole peoples.
commies just are very heavy handed when dealing with dissent.
the holocaust was also pretty public, whereas the commies typically keep their shit under pretty tight censorship.
stalin manufactured the holodomir
>Stalin over-inflated LEAVE HIM ALONE
Found the tankie
this is basically the same thread as this
Stalin manufactured the holodomor by demanding unrealistic grain quotas on Ukraine
Hitler manufactured holocaust by putting Jews into camps and not letting them out when they ran out of food (lets pretend "no gas chambers/shootings" etc is real)
While I wouldn't be surprised at some of the low IQ boards I'd like to how how the fuck they got the stats.
>Lenin killed like 200,000 people
I'm not the same person who you were talking to, but the Russian Civil War killed many more people than the Russians suffered from WW2, civilians included. Where the fuck did you get an extremely modest 200k from?
>I'm not the same person who you were talking to, but the Russian Civil War killed many more people than the Russians suffered from WW2,
russian civil war killed 5-10 million, far below WW2 figures
200,000 is from Lenin's Red Terror.
>bolcheviks responsible for the Russian Civil War
George washington was evil for the revolutionary war too I suppose?
>Why is Hitler 'almost universally' demonized in history while Lenin, Stalin, or Mao, who has committed worse crime than him, are at worst just 'highly divisive' figures?
All of these communist body count figures are straight-up fake - propaganda manufactured by asshurt fascists.
If anyone should be held responsible, it's the eternal G*man for funding the Bolsheviks.
And allowing Lenin to return
I meant Hitler, you faggot, if I wanted to say that Lenin had a holocaust then I would have said that he sent 30,000,000 political dissidents to the fucking Gulag.
>T. Enlightened Lefty
The commies massacred their own people and it's a commonly accepted fact. The only disagreement is how massive the scope was but it's pretty much agreed upon that it was more than the Nazis.
They didn't it's either fake or horribly flawed.
more like they just didn't include their food in the plan. Poorly engineered famine is qualitatively different than industrialized genocide, and it has a long fucking history, but I hardly expect you'll be after the english for the Irish potato famine, or the US government for denying its people medical it theoretically could be paying for.
I am not talking about accidental famine. The communists in China murdered millions for their political goals and the USDR intentionally starved the Ukraine. This leaves out Gulags and many other killings.
I didn't realize until now that I put WW2 instead of WW1.
More people died from the civil war than from WW1.
The Bolsheviks murdered more Russians between 1918 and 1921 than the Imperial government did in the century before the revolution.
The famine was very much unintentional in China. Mao never said "I want to kill 50 million peasants". He wanted rapid industrialization to compete with the West/USSR but China lacked the infrastructure to support the excessive quotas and the stubborn government refused to change course, resulting in mass starvation. Same thing happened in Ukraine.
This doesn't mean that Mao/Stalin weren't responsible but it wasn't the same as lining up women and children and shooting them into a mass grave (which Communists have done btw , just not as systematically or as frequently as Nazi's outside of Cambodia)
Nazi's killed more Germans in the 1927-1930 period than german communists did going all the way back to 1918.
Communists aren't people.
I wasn't talking about the 50 million peasants, there were plenty more.
The communists knew their actions would result in the Ukraine suffering and didn't give a fuck.
Also, you can't tell me that seizing the property of all the most successful farmers (kulaks) and then massacring said kulaks wasn't intentional and direct.
lit is worse than tv
Fascists aren't people.
Because of decades of Jewish propaganda.
And this is coming from someone who used to be attracted to fascism but I've matured now and find myself more a centrist.
This is bs, half the people on Veeky Forums are all style and no substance.
>The commies massacred their own people and it's a commonly accepted fact.
Go back to bed, Robert.
>Wants to disprove.my point
>Posts an image that proves my point
Sending criminals to jails is massacre?
For all Stalin's many flaws, he did successfully defend his country from a hyper-aggressive attacker. Which is more than you can say for Hitler.
You'll be vindicated once the Russians release the double secret files.
Gulags were labor camps. No doubt people died there but to call them death camps is false.
>it took this many posts before the right one
>this is what Veeky Forumseral retards actually believe
Same question, but about why we don't demonize capitalism.
>62 million
Good prole
Hitler killed white people
Stalin killed slavic people and turkic tribes
Mao killed asiatic people
In terms of human worth, white > slavic > turkic > asiatic. Atleast to a white person. This would be different to an asiatic person, to a turkic person, to a slavic person, to a black person.
> turkic > asiatic
Must be bait.
desu Mao wasn't really that evil, he was just incredibly dumb
Capitalism has uplifted billions of people out of poverty without ever committing genocide.
> Capitalism has uplifted billions of people out of poverty
Same can be said about communism.
>tfw radical centrist
The only Hitlerish thing Mao did was the cultural revolution and the gulags. And its victims were fewer than the Lollocaust.
Most of the people Mao """"killed"""" were victims of the Great Leap Forward, whose objective was to rapidly industrialize China, not kill millions of the CCP's power base.
>21 million
>the average iq of those 4 boards on the left are LESS THAN FORTY FIVE (45)
nigga you dumb if you believe this pic
Depends on how you define a criminal. Jews in Germany were also declared criminals. So the holocaust hasn't been a genocide but an unfortunately high lethality in prison (camps) due to poor war-related supply situation?
all 3 are universally demonized
go back to pol
You're right, communism is better. Without capitalism all the people who die due to it annually wouldn't even have been born because their starving mothers wouldn't even have been able to conceive children
Stalin is heavily demonized.
Stalin and Mao both rapidly industrialized their shitholes and never lost a war which resulted in national humiliation and partition.
Hitler rapidly industrialized his shithole, but caused his country to be invaded and lost, resulting in national humiliation and the butchering of Germany. Also, he fought a war against The British, who are masters of propaganda.
>Hitler rapidly industrialized his shithole
Germany was one of the most powerful and prosperous nations in the world despite repercussions of WW1
The very picture you posted lists almost 2 million deaths from executions alone and about 160k camp deaths. These are only the documentable deaths according to the figures so you can surmise that it's probably quite a bit higher than that in reality since that's what most people have done to Nazi death tolls.
Furthermore, this only covers up to 52, it doesn't cover the period afterwards.
If you're trying to use this image to prove that the Soviets didn't have mass killings then you're retarded or illiterate.
I mean holy kek, read your own image before you post it you imbecile.
Also, stop implying that I am disregarding Nazi mass killings, I've done nothing of the sort, I am merely pointing out that both regimes have a shitton of blood on their hands.
In Eastern Europe, Stalin is hated as much as Hitler.
The very document lists almost 2 million executions btw
it's laughable when stormaboos act like germany was a wasteland before hitler
it lists 2 million camp deaths. of those only 160k are confirmed, and given that it was robert conquest who made that estimate, it can safely be dismissed
The only reason that Germany had any economic problems is because they did intentional hyper-inflation in a misguided attempt to pay off WW1 reparations faster. And also because they had completely regeared their economy towards trying to win WW1 and that obviously wasn't a good investment because they ended up losing.
Not in the bulk of it.
>That gif
Flashes fast enough so people wouldn't actually see what on it
utter nonsense.
Jews control western media so they villify the one person who triggered them the most in recent history.
Nice lie, leftie.. You can't untake the redpill once you've taken it.
>being a manchild is being redpilled.
Ok have fun larping dude.
>in a misguided attempt to pay off WW1 reparations faster
Utter horseshit. They regularly missed payments and outright stopped paying them in the 30's, yet none of the Entente nations gave a shit because everyone had economic problems. In fucking fact, Germany repudiated all of the loans it had initially taken out to pay them, so in effect the Allies paid more to Germany than the Germans paid to them.
there may have been a famine in China in 1959 even without the great leap forward, but it was almost entirely manmade due to breathtaking mismanagement
Where did I LARP? I told you, once you've taken the redpill, there's no going back. I'm talking from personal experience here.