Give me some spit facts on this horrific mother fucker.
Give me some spit facts on this horrific mother fucker
Whenever this fucker and his unit would show up in a sector, other SS units and Wehrmacht forces would lodge joint complaints ahead of time.
>After the end of World War I, Dirlewanger, described in a police report as "a mentally unstable, violent fanatic and alcoholic, who had the habit of erupting into violence under the influence of drugs,
> In 1934, he was convicted and sentenced to two years imprisonment for the statutory rape of a 14-year-old girl from the League of German Girls (BDM), as well as the illegal use of a government vehicle and damaging said vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. Dirlewanger also lost his job, his doctor title and all military honours, and was expelled from the NSDAP. Soon after his release from the prison in Ludwigsburg, Dirlewanger was arrested again on similar charges for criminal recidivism. He was sent to the Welzheim concentration camp, either as what Stein feels was standard practice for deviant sexual offenders in Germany at the time[17] or for creating a disturbance demanding the reversal of his criminal charges appearing before the Reich Chancellery
>At the beginning of World War II, Dirlewanger volunteered for the Waffen-SS and received the rank of Obersturmführer. He eventually became the commander of the so-called Dirlewanger Brigade (at first designated as a battalion, later expanded to a regiment and a brigade, and eventually a division), composed originally of a small group of former poachers along with soldiers of a more conventional background. It was believed that the excellent tracking and shooting skills of the poachers could be put to constructive use in the fight against partisans. Later, Dirlewanger's soldiers were mostly recruited among the ever-increasing groups of German convicted criminals (civilian and military) and concentration camp inmates, eventually including even mental asylum patients, homosexuals, interned gypsies, and (at the end of the war) political prisoners sentenced for their anti-Nazi beliefs and activities.
Man. That would make an awesome movie.
His researchers include Steve Zaloga, a Russophile who has been known to provide erroneous and incorrect information regarding WW2 armor, Richard Rhodes, a historian who made his fame writing about the Manhattan Project but himself has limited WW2 knowledge, and Timothy Snyder, a member Committee on Conscience of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, winner of the Hannah Arendt Prize for Political Thought which was was instituted by the German Heinrich Böll Foundation affiliated with the Alliance '90/The Greens (far left) and generally is given to those "opposed to totalitarianism", and himself is married to Professor Marci Shore, a Jewess who is an assistant professor of history and Jewish studies at Indiana University.
All of the "extreme" accounts of Dirlewanger (necrophilia, sadism) come from almost solely Jewish sources, the now debunked Nazi "soapmaking" myth originated with him. He was definitely a violent alcoholic, but I take anything said of him beyond that with a grain of salt.
he died im one of the worst ways possible
Getting beat to death isn't all that bad relatively speaking to other atrocities committed in that war.
What about the atrocities? I know the Khatyn massacre in Belarus was pinned on the Dirlewanger brigade but it was actually Ukrainian auxiliaries who did that.
>It's a nazis dindunuffin post
Kill yourself like der fuhrer. Trying to disprove arguments with "HE'S A J00 I SWEAR" isn't taken seriously
Gee, them jews sure were smart. Forcing him to rape a child a decade before he did anything of note.
How do they keep getting away with it???
XD Get red-pilled! History is written by le victors! XD The Jews did the Holocaust XD
Jews created consent laws to frame respectable men like Dickwrangler and me.
The Jews are behind everything! Thank fucking God for /pol/, otherwise I wouldn't have known this sooner.
>recruited mental asylum patients
literally the joker
>Atrocities committed by Dirlewanger included injecting strychnine into young Jewish female prisoners, previously undressed and whipped, to watch them convulse to death in front of him and his friends for entertainment
>statutory rape of a teen
Wow, amazing how just removing a couple words can make a man appear to be a monster
OP here, Holocaust revisionists, I think you have the wrong board. Go here: And stay there.
He was Hitler's Beria without the administrative skill desu
>it's a /pol/ defends pedophilia episode
Hitler's Beria was Himmler, or as Stalin told Roosevelt Beria was "their Himmler".
They were very similar individuals, down to the spooky glasses look. However while Beria conducted many executions personally in his days in the Georgian NKVD, Himmler was squeamish and fainted when he witnessed the only execution he ever saw
>constantly gang raping women
>constantly torturing and abusing prisoners
>chopped of polish peoples arms, lit them on fire, then watched them run down the street
pretty sure he used to inject people with strychnine too, don't quote me on it though
Beria was ice cold and brutally efficient.
>a SS division led by an alcoholic pedophile consisting of mental patients, gypsies and sodomites
>OP here, this isn't going as I planned, please go away and let me circle jerk over sensationalist history that validates me and my views
No no no my friend, no more lying, it was said he was a rapist, not a man who shacked up with a teen. No more word games, don't cheat and expect not to get called out on it.
What? He was an alcoholic that was still able to get his doctorate. They put him in charge of a death squad penal battalion, that was used in the way you'd expect such people to be used.
Not much more to say that isn't grandstanding . Beria was probably more evil/pathetic, Blokhin directly reveled in more human misery, and Himmler was a bigger beta. He kind of gets shafted by the sheer plethora of sniveling will-to-powers and mentally ill, promoted far beyond in their station in life, thanks to the two major European factions being composed of ideological cults of personality.
They were not expected to live very long, Chaim
Beria was a pathetic toad that died exactly how he deserved, only 54 years after he should have.
>so much of a disgusting freak he got put into concentration camp
>thanks to the two major European factions being composed of ideological cults of personality.
As opposed to what? Nations ruled by money where the media steers public thought? Where economic and political proxy wars are instigated under false pretenses? Don't pretend that all other nations aren't as (if not more) duplicitous.
Let's face it, in XX century Carthage won over Rome
No one's talking about duplicity or perfidy. We're talking about a structured machine, versus a clique, where power is derived from popularity, as opposed to rank.
>see Stalin's generals paralyzed watching as he lay dying, for fear that they'd all be executed if one called a doctor, who Stalin had a distrust for
Alliance 90/The Greens are center-left and Snyder has also talked extensively about Soviet crimes.
lel why are people melting down at the mere suggestion that some of dirlewingers crimes may have been a bit embellished?
>The Expendables: Origins