>that's right goy john coltrane and all those other genius's suck so you should import 9 million even less talented and more violent members of their race into your country
Why do people take this hack seriously again?
That's right goy john coltrane and all those other genius's suck so you should import 9 million even less talented and...
Other urls found in this thread:
Adorno never spoke on the topic of immigration.
Why should we take you seriously?
Adorno was a genius, figures /pol/yps hate him
He was an elitist jewish-fascist, there is literally nothing genius about him and he shouldn't be allowed in any serious intellectual ambient.
[citation needed]
>I don't like it waah waah
wew right wing intellectuals so rational and skeptic
I agree, this is why I am leftwing
He was racist
Did he even praise Coltrane? I thought he hated jazz because he thought all jazz music was club swing or something.
fun fact: adorno called the cops on his own students in '68
How the fuck did you get this from his writings?
Adorno and the Frankfurt school were no Marxists but a bunch of hacks
Same way people get "KILL ALL WHITEYS" from Franz Fanon somehow.
He was right too. Adorno could see the fascist tendencies in student movements.
He predicted that students would think freedom is having the state be 'tougher' on so-called enemies. Which is happening today with word censorship etc.
lol whut? He really really hated jazz
>How the fuck did you get this from his writings?
By not actually reading them, just like every other memeshitting /pol/ghettoizing e-nigger.
his mother was a catholic corsican and his father a highly assimilated german jew, so nothing about him is particularly jewish desu
>Frankfurt school
>Cultural Marxism
Here's something for the /pol/tards. Adorno was bullied by the students during the 1968 protests. The female students striped their shirts and bras and tried to disrupt his class. Adorno called the police and thought the students were Stalinists.
"The police should not be—to use the jargon of the ApO—abstractly demonized. I can only reiterate that they treated the students far more leniently than the students treated me: that simply beggared description. I disagree with you on the question of when the police should be called. Recently, in a faculty discussion, Mr. Cohn-Bendit told me that I only had the right to call the police if blows were about to rain down on me; I replied that, by then, it would probably be too late. In the case of the occupation of the Institute no other course of action was possible. Since the Institute is an independent foundation and is not under the protection of the university, responsibility for everything that goes on here resides with Friedeburg and me. Instead of occupying the department, the students decided to occupy a ‘modified’ Institute, as they called it at the time; one can only imagine what else would have happened with graffiti and so on. Today, I would react no differently to the way that I did on 31 January. I regard the students’ recent demand that I carry out public self-criticism as pure Stalinism."
Have a legit Right-Wing analysis on the Frankfurt School and the New-Left.
>I regard the students’ recent demand that I carry out public self-criticism as pure Stalinism.
That is exactly what "check your privilege" attempts to do. Based Adorno, we should have listened.
>when the cultural Marxism finally hits and it hits too hard
lol why are commies so desperate to rehabilitate adorno as some defender of traditional European culture when they hate everything traditional and European and would have us all living in drug fueled communes complete with compulsory hijabs and sex change operations?
"compulsory hijabs and sex change operations" I really do hope this is a shitpost. I don't believe it's possible that the right-wing are quite this stupid. No way.
the little idiot is on a shitposting spree
Just admit you've never read Adorno and save yourself the embarrassment.
Old model:
>subsidize pregnancy and maternity leave
>subsidize childbirth and children health
>subsidize schools and schoolbooks
>finally, if you are lucky, after spending all these money you have a worker to tax
New model:
>import a worker and start taxing them
You will notice its:
Importing workers is simply better than growing them yourself.
It is being outsourced, the same way that making t-shirts and plastic toys was.
I don't get why it makes you so mad, you can still buy an american made t-shirt for five times the cost, and you can still get an american made human if you really wanted for some reason.
When did we stop calling it Bonapartism and started calling it Stalinism?
Did Stalin surpass Napoleon in meme fame while I wasn't looking?