Which region of Europe is your favorite and why?
Which region of Europe is your favorite and why?
Southeastern Europe, especially if you include places like Odessa.
Southern Europe of course.
>all not part of northern Europe
Wow it's fucking garbage.
>Italy north of Florence
>not Central or Western Europe
Even Southern France is considered Southern Europe.
This, there is no excuse for not having Estonia and Latvia as the same group as Finland.
Portugal because all drugs are legal there
Except the fact that the Baltic countries began as teutonic states and had large German influence?
This is hard because they all have something to like and something to hate.
Northern Europe are historically objectively superior human beings, and my literal ancestors, no meme. But nowadays, they're so soft and self-abnegating that it is difficult to take any sort of pride in the countries themselves anymore.
Southern Europe is nice because of good food and sexy times, but it has the fatal stupidity of its false catholic culture and regrettable proximity to Islam.
Central Europeans and slavs seem to have a certain laid-back approach to life, but...
With a gun to my head I would prefer to live in western europe.
Roman Europe.
the map obviously includes alternate interpretations and readings. just look at the bold colored lines.
I personally would have considered all of Occitania to be Southern Europe. By and large it's a pretty representation of Europe's cultural spheres even if it took some objectionable liberties. You won't be able to please everyone with something this subjective.
Pardon me if I simply answer "Great Britain."
Implying the map isn't some faggy storm cuck rp
Have you people ever taken an actual geography class in your life or is all gender studies bs?
Western Europe should end at the Rhine, it's as french as the rest of the west core.
I thought for sure that eastern europe begins at the border of poland thereabouts on that latitude
I must protest, as they don't speak that dog's tongue.
Pardon me if I wrack my head in bewilderment.
>central Europe
SİNCE 1453...
Central Europe, because it was comfy when it wasn't a slaughterhouse.
>cultural division lines not going right through Switzerland
Your map is Garbage OP
Shit map
>being so retarded as to put divisions through Switzerland based on linguistic
Baltics as Northern Europe is a meme. They are part of German sphere since their creation. Only a brief time period were they ruled through the north.
Southern Europe
Well Switzerland has 3 distinctive cultures, plus the massive Bruenig-Napf-Reuss cultural division line.
You seem not to be very noteworthy on the subject.
That doesn't mean all of those distinct cultures aren't central European in character. Every country in Europe has distinct cultures unless you're in a literal micro-state.
Cultures are nothing alike you fag
>Romands not having western european culture
>Ticino not having southern European culture
Seriously go fuck yourselve if you are to lazy to draw that shitty map right!
the baltics are eastern
Do you think really think I work for Standigen Ausschluss fur geographiseche namen (StAgn)?
Oh, is that map that Germs keep pushing to claim Alsatia. Almost a year since the last time.
South-Eastern Europe, because meme's aside, the people there deserve it. Hard place.
Netherlands belongs with Central Europe
Southern France belongs to Mediterranean Europe
Portugal, West France, and the British Isles belong to Atlantic Europe
Northern Europe excluding Finland/east Sweden
>Central Europe just happens to include all former G*rman territorial claims including schleisvig-holsteine, alscace-lorraine, Tirol, and Venetia not to even mention the baltics
>heil gross germanium!!! XD
>only le cucks will disagree!
Note how even they did claim some Mediterranean ports.
You're deny the common cultural influence of German-West Slavic Catholic culture?
>Netherlands belongs with Central Europe
No way. If any country would to be lumped with Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales it'd be the Netherlands.
Really? Most Dutch I ask feel more culturally similar to Germans
This is a pretty shit map, just saying. Belarus should be split, and Croatia should be southeastern Europe, and tyrol is italian, and Estonia should be northern Europe, and southern France is a lot more like Paris than southern europe, and Cyprus should be split just like it is in real life, and I could go on.
>southern France is a lot more like Paris than southern europe
HAHAHAHAH. Southern France IS Southern Europe. This isn't disputed and where the Latinness comes from.
Sure, Geographically, but not culturally. France is practically monocultural except for Pied Noirs and the Basques.
Off yourself right this minute
You guys are implying that there is a great gap between Southern and Western Europe, while the real the difference is... minimal. Outside of net memes of course.
Sounds doubtful
I can't see much cultural continuity between the Mediterranean ethnic groups and the Western Europeans outside of neutral shit like Christianity
Romans? Celts? Germanics?
Yup, they all had that.
Christianity as you said.
Interaction through centuries, of course.
Hell, even today there are Catalans at both sides of the Pyrennes just like the merging linguistic borders between Italy and France.
what retards were you speaking to?
Extremely vague and irrelevant past antiquity.
Spanish culture is closer to Greek culture than Scottish culture
Poland and Germany in the same block whilst Solvenia and Croatia are not on the same one as Serbia... really?
>Le spaniards are all flamenco dancers XD
...u having a laugh m8?
Not that guy, but I'm Dutch.
We're much closer culturally to Germans than to the British.
The culturally Protestant parts of the Netherlands are very similar to northern Germany; the culturally Catholic south is similar to Catholic Belgium (Flanders specifically).
I don't think I've ever heard anyone say we're closer to the Anglos than to the Germans, although we don't like admitting we're effectively Germany's little sibling.
>OP asks a question
>Thread degenerates into map autism
Yeah this board truly is full of high schoolers with no friends.
Spanish culture is way closer to French culture that Greek culture.
*Southern French
I just wish I was wealthy enough to live in a large spacious mansion in northern Finland as a hermit
*Southern French
Southeastern Europe = largely orthodox or Muslim. At any rate I can picture adding those parts of Dalmatia which were historically under Italian rule as being part of Southern Europe but I couldn't imagine Slovenia and Croatia as being part of Southeastern Europe. Slovenia and Croatia historically had more ties to central European Kingdoms such as Germany, Austria, Hungary and HRE as well as being tied to the Catholic West. Serbia meanwhile has had more ties to the Greek Orthodox church, the Ottoman Empire and Russia.
I know that you are mad about being wrong, but, ey, I dont care, you shouldnt care, just realize how I am right while you are not. ^^
*tips fedora*
*Southern Fedora*
Bukovina is considered a part of central Europe? I did not know this.
*poorly plays bagpipes*
No fuck off. I live in South Western France and I feel closer culturally to Northern Spain than Paris.
Like some user has said, there is a continuum in France. South Western France shares ties with Spain, South Eastern France with Italy. It's all a distinct French culture than these countries, we are close to them.
Saying a Toulousain or a Picard (Northern tip, bordering Belgium) has the same culture is pure folly. French cultures exists in coexistance with these distinct regional cultures.
Under the tricolour flag and the French nationality, we have a lot of differences.
i like it all
German is an incredibly diverse group, with the main distinction being between High and Low German.
Dutch has extremely close ties to the Low German group and, hell, could be counted part of it to a certain degree, but differs greatly from High German.
If there'd be any Germanic group of people, however, that would hold the title of closest to Dutch it'd be the Frisians, Angles, Saxons and Jutes (the North Sea Germanics) or the collective melting pot they became: the Anglo-Saxons (a close combatant would be the Franks I will admit).
If you try to translate Late Old English texts (provided they're writtin in the Latin alphabet), you'll find words that do not closely resemble English, often resemble their Dutch equivalents, it's uncanny.
That may be anecdotal, but there's also the fact that the (above Rhine) Netherlands was converted to Christianity by English missionaries, who were able to preach in their own language (Bonifatius and Willibrordus are the biggest).
Ofcourse, both modern day English and modern day Dutch have changed significantly since then, and diverged quite as a result, but the basis will remain.
Someone put a lot of time, effort and money into making a shitty map. And now you've abused it for this shitty thread. Good job.
You're welcome
Scandinavia because fuck the rest of that bullshit
shit taste
...sooooo, mudhuts and famine?
Don't get me wrong, Kierkegaard was based but nothing interesting happened in the Nordic lands.
Eastern Europe
It's so dark and gloomy that it becomes funny
Central Europe of course. Best art, best leaders, best wars.
But all of those things Western Europe did best.
>Bruenig-Napf-Reuss cultural division line
>The line coincides, for example, with the traditional distribution of Simmental Cattle (west) vs. Braunvieh (east), and with the traditional distribution of French vs. German playing cards.[2]
wow such cultural difference
That's not a "claim", it's part of Germany.
The borders in the South-East are defined by the extent Austro-Hungarian empire whose former territory was not even under Hitler claimed by Germany
Unironically North Sea Europe.
but what ? can you tell us more i agree with all you said
the boundaries aren't as clearly cut as that
here's NSEW and central europe
What in the name of G-d is this abomination?
>Hungarians in central Slovakia
i hate slavs so any region with slavic population within it is considered trash to me.
Central Europe: Southern Germany, Austria Slovakia, Croatia, Northern Italy, French Provence, Burgundy, Alsace-Lorraine
Oh yeah and Czechia (still counting as Austrian)
Northern and Southern
Fuck central (Poland is alright)
Western. Britain and France are both great.
>Not using the classifications used by Europe, instead doing Culture but not having Estonia with Finland? Dafuq?
Also western Europe for both.
Literally western Europe is better than all of the other regions combined.
I thought the UK was northern Europe but having them in the same category as France makes that region OP af.
West Slavs are based my guy
What about Leif Erikson?
This is so stupid