Have Veeky Forumstorians created any other images to debunk holocaust denial?
Have Veeky Forumstorians created any other images to debunk holocaust denial?
Other urls found in this thread:
pretty sure these predated Veeky Forums
I'm in the process of creating one
I have a bunch because the constant /pol/ screeching is annoying. Didn't make them though.
This is an order by the manufacturers of the Auschwitz Crematoriums that indicates they can burn as many bodies as been accepted by historians.
in reaction to the "red cross said only 300,000 jews died" meme
Does anyone have those pictures asking "Do you have a single Neo-nazi source to back that up?" in order to mock stormfags who accuse every source of being influenced by jews?
Nice bump OP.
You are looking for this letter
So how many Jews do you reckon died, I'd say atleast 4 million
None of this debunks anything, it's all merely carefully worded to sound as if it is debunking something. Other parts don't debunk anything but are attacks on the character of the debunker- which are fallacious methods of debate. Multiple issues also arise from the statements made in these images, from left to right
>makes the claim that the weather impacted the walls reducing the "prussian blue"- the chamber within Auschwitz had been replastered over and utilized as a binb shelter towards the end of the war- thusly would have preserved the level of cyanide. Likewise why does the creator of the image state weather caused the erosion of cyanide? Because an actual investigation of the gas chambers was instigated until the Leuchter report forced "new findings"- which showed levels of "prussian blue" to be below the amount used for gassing- so explanations had to be given such as the weather being a factor.
Until then all basis of the holocaust rested solely on on firsthamd accounts and documents "discovered" by the Soviets, such as the Höss diary.
Meanwhile, it seemed that at every turn there was something which could magically explain away lack of eyewitness testimony or proof-
the Sonderkommando Jews who worked in the crematoria, removing the bodies of those who had been gassed, were killed every four months and replaced by a new group of Jews, in order to prevent (conveniently) eye-witness testimony to the gassing of the Jews.
There were among items found by the Soviet soldiers were 370,000 men's suits, 837,000 women's garments, and 7.7 tonnes (8.5 short tons) of human hair- all signs of delousing (removal of clothes and hair to delouse). The "Jewish" given reason for this? The Nazis used human hair in industry and gave the clothes. There was even undeniable report of a typhus epidemic (for the uneducated typhus is spread by lice- which are killed by, wait for it, Zyklon B) which killed numerous Germans including almost camp Commandant Otto Moll.
here's a big one, too lazy to upload pics individually
If i read correctly lice need 47 times the cyanide needed to kill a human
The image also hopes that you're unaware that Zyklon B was the main delousing agent until DDT was created after the war- any person not "educated" in the holocaust would agree delousing chambers be necessary to prevent typhus in crowded areas.
Lets take another image- the Bergen Belsen Typhus epidemic one. It admits outright that Typhus was the cause and not Nazi gassing, but then tries to place the blame on the Nazis due to the crowding of the camp- without noting that typhus epidemics were commonplace in Europe at the time. In 1922 a typhus epidemic in Russia claimed 25-30 million victims, in Poland 4 million- far beyond that of the camp. And those were in clean, war-free nations! The image hopes that you're ignorant of history and will assume typhus was relegated solely to ares such as crowded camps.
*47 times
Even if it does, does it matter? The weather ruined all evidence of it on the walls, remember?
> In 1922 a typhus epidemic in Russia claimed 25-30 million victims, in Poland 4 million- far beyond that of the camp.
>Between 1918 and 1922 typhus caused at least 3 million deaths out of 20–30 million cases.
I guess we have differing sources, but based on yours
>4 million deaths in 4 years during peacetime in civil conditions
Makes 6 million during a war in camps seem more than plausible.
>Until then all basis of the holocaust rested solely on on firsthamd accounts and documents "discovered" by the Soviets, such as the Höss diary.
Except this is a lie.
And for some reason all of them were mostly Jews. And we also know that the Jews were considered the biggest enemy by the Nazis. And we know that they were murdered by the Einsatzgruppen in the East.
No, infographics are /pol/ tier and for retards.
spot the cuck
>Only in 1963, during the in absentia trial of Hans Globke in East Germany[9] and four years after Jäger's suicide, Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs disclosed the document to the German Central Office of the State Justice Administrations for the Investigation of National Socialist Crimes.[8]
More than 15 years after Nuremberg. There is no reason for this to be a fabrication, especially considering that Israel and the Soviet Union were enemies in 1960s.
The argument was that zyklon-B was used on people and clothes for delousing purpouses
Found him
>The nine-page report was prepared in five copies, but only one survives and is kept by the Special Archive, part of the Russian State Military Archive (ru) in Moscow.[7] The copy was discovered in 1944 when Red Army recaptured Lithuania, but it was not made known to scholars or the judiciary evaluating Nazi war crimes.[8] Only in 1963, during the in absentia trial of Hans Globke in East Germany[9] and four years after Jäger's suicide, Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs disclosed the document to the German Central Office of the State Justice Administrations for the Investigation of National Socialist Crimes.[8]
>but it was not made known to scholars or the judiciary evaluating Nazi war crimes... in 1963
Loving. Every. Laugh.
>the "we say evacuation but that means killing except for elderly Jews and decorated WW1 Jews and please ignore we repeatedly state that it is for work and labor" conference
Again, the Soviets were already enemies with Israel in 1963. And you know why it was published only in 1960s? Because of Stalin's propaganda. The official propaganda never mentioned that Jews were the primary target of German extermination program. Jager report explicitly shows that Jews were their main target.
We also say "special treatment" (the same term used in (Aktion T4) or "liquidation" (Goebbels).
Why were the Nazis killing Poles helping Jews and why every Jew outside of ghettos was killed if they just wanted to deport them?
Nah, the Soviets brought everyone they could to Nuremberg and were bent on revenge, they wouldn't have pocketed this and kept it for a rainy day, conveniently after the writer had died of "suicide".
As Nuremberg Judge Iola T Nikitchenko had stated
>We are dealing here with the chief war criminals who have already been convicted and whose conviction has been already announced by both the Moscow and Crimea [Yalta] declarations by the heads of the [Allied] governments... The whole idea is to secure quick and just punishment for the crime.
>The fact that the Nazi leaders are criminals has already been established. The task of the Tribunal is only to determine the measure of guilt of each particular person and mete out the necessary punishment -- the sentences.
To the Soviets they were all criminals and any and all damning testimony would have been made available then.
To discourage the Poles? To prevent formation of partisans with the most obvious group to form them? Why ask obvious questions to simple answers?
>The official propaganda never mentioned that Jews were the primary target of German extermination program. Jager report explicitly shows that Jews were their main target.
>The procedure is a pretty barbaric one and not to be described here more definitely. Not much will remain of the Jews. On the whole it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be liquidated whereas only about 40 per cent can be used for forced labor."
From Goebbels diary. What did he mean by this? What is this "barbaric procedure" and why it's not to be described?
That doesn't alter the obvious fact that the Soviets, hell bent on punishing the Germans (which everyone, from the tankies to the Nazis agree on), found this massively damning document, forgot about it when it could have been used (especially on Jäger who was during Nuremberg still alive), and then magically the ONLY surviving copy reappears decades after it's writing and after Jäger had "committed suicide" conveniently during a related trial. God bless the Soviets for being great document finders.
Nice conspiracy theory.
*tips tinfoil hat*
There were other documents that were enough to punish the Nazis. Also:
>Jäger escaped capture by the Allies when the war ended, assumed a false identity, and was able to assimilate back into society as a farm hand until his report was discovered in March 1959. Arrested and charged with his crimes, Jäger committed suicide by hanging himself in prison in Hohenasperg while he was awaiting trial in June 1959.
He was not judged in the Nurember trial.
>The boxes of glass plates at Potsdam were discovered by the Soviets and shipped to Moscow, where they sat unopened until they were discovered by the German historian Elke Fröhlich in 1992.
>all of Goebbels diary post-1940 were dictated to a stenographer and not hand written
Once again, those beautiful Soviets waiting until it is pertient to release those documents :^)
This, why would the USSR lie, much less have they ever lied about history? The answer is no, only stormfags think the Soviets are historical revisionists.
There were a lot of different documents. There are probably still documents waiting to be discovered in various archives. This is how it works.
What would be even the point to forge Goebbels diary in 1992?
Again, there was no reason to lie or forge these documents. Jager killed himself 4 years before Jager report was published by the Soviets.
And naturally he was in West Germany. His report wasn't even used as evidence during his trial.
>allies lied
>Nazis were tortured
>all documents were forged
>Poles, Jews, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, Lithuanians, Ukrainians and others lied
>mass graves found in the East are all Communist lies
>Hitler did nothing wrong
>I'm not an anti-semite neo-Nazi, I'm just a seeker of truth, except fuck Jews, I wish Hitler killed them all
Maintain the holocaust narrative- remember, no one had any actual documentation of nazi leadership stating extermination was necessary. That, and in the Luechter Report (published in 1988), among other testimonies including Zundel, was beginning to throw doubt on the holocaust and spark interest on the vailidity of the accounts. That and it injects "fresh, exciting, and new" "knowledge" into the public consciousness, somewhat the same way every major western city has a holocaust museum.
>Slovaks, Hungarians, Lithuanians, Ukrainians and others lied
Those were all collaborators or direct Axis powers yah goof.
>mass graves found in the East are all Communist lies
What mass graves?
Except that for Zionism as a movement, securing a persecution narrative encourages outrage against an aggressor towards the purported victim, should any enemy of a Jewish majority state be threatened.
Propaganda being reinforced could only allow more security of future alliances against those who would find a common rivalry against an imposing aggressor. especially from the empathetic first-world nations to the west.
Numerous mass graves were found in many places in the East. There is a Soviet film that was showed at Nuremberg showing them.
How many bodies were found? 1 million? 3 million? 6 million?
why bother using shitty meme images when you can just link them to nizkor
I doubt anyone counted. You know, they never found all 800,000 bodies in Rwanda. Many mass graves were never found.
>most images are of sickly bodies, one from Bergen Belsen (as discussed typhus victims), most are Soviet found.
>other images of mass graves in ghettos (in other words, since they died in the ghetto there were no available burial plots so everyone was buried together)
>multiple images of groups of surviving Jews related to the Jews in the images
>numerous images captioned with "Jewish ghetto fighters" (partisans)
This actually started when I was looking for a Civil War/Confederacy Museum in my large Southern city- surprisingly there was none. I did notice, also surpisingly, that we had a Holocaust Museum. Why, I don't know, but I began to desire to find out.
>jewfags this mad
There identified 500 mass graves in the Ukraine alone. They literally found millions of people in all of Eastern Europe. Because of the sheer number they cant excavate all of them.
There is not a single Bergen-Belsen picture on that page.
That was never stated in your link, and you're pulling that out of your ass.
I don't know what you are talking about. I didn't post a link. As for the numbers: They are public and I took them from the US Commission for the Preservation of America‟s Heritage Abroad (Jewish Cemeteries).
You can question literally everything like this. Maybe WW2 actually never happened? And I bet you believe in 60 million people killed by Stalin. Good luck finding mass graves or even documents.
>US Commission for the Preservation of America‟s Heritage Abroad
>cemeteries of foreign nationals in foreign countries
>American Heritage
For fucks sake.
>look it up
>it's an actual US government institution with a .gov url
>Chair- Leslie Weiss
>Members include- Abba Cohen, Martin Gold, Leslie Israel, tl;dr 90% Jewish
>The Commission consists of 21 members appointed by the President of the United States. Of these, seven are appointed after consultation with the Speaker of the House of Representatives and seven are appointed after consultation with the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, with three of each seven by tradition recommended by the minority leaders of each house of the Congress. The President designates a Chair from among the Members. Members are appointed for three-year terms but continue to serve until they are replaced. They are not paid for their service.
All you've done is remind me of the special treatment Jews have obtained from our government.
Why would the Soviets implicate themselves? Of course they would have every reason to forge documents post-war- half of their obtained territories, or rather "Warsaw Pact" nations were ex-Axis- they needed to discredit Fascism and Nazism in order to create a distaste for nationalism, last thing they needed were Ukrainians rallying around the Galician SS Lion or the Romanians using the Legionary history to repel Soviet influence.
I'm not a holocaust denier, but Stalin died in 1953. Just wanted to correct it
>l i t e r a l l y using US taxpayer dollars to erect holocaust monoments worldwide
Your understanding of post-war Soviet policy is very limited.
Most Ukrainians joined the Soviets. Only a handful of them were pro-Nazi.
>SS Galizien
>Ukrainians in Red Army
>5 million
Good thing Trump will take care of th-
Khrushchev wasn't exactly a big friend of Israel either. The lie that the Jews weren't the main victim of that war continued until 1990.
Surprised that many existed post Holodomor, much less were willing to fight for their subjugator. More Soviet figures? Maybe I am wrong :^)
De-Staliniziation didn't happen the moment Stalin dies. Nikitas famous "Secret speech" was in 1956.
Yeah user, don't rub it in.
Almost makes you question whether a certain group of people were "rootless cosmopolitans plundering the nation, controlling it's media, politics, and finance".
>distaste for nationalism
If only. Soviet satellites were more nationalist than Western democracies.
This nonsense was pushed hard by the Soviets.
Well, the Nazis murdered and enslaved quite a lot of them, so they weren't exactly happy about their rule.
>Soviet satellites were more nationalist than Western democracies.
Now THIS is revisionist history.
There are many more but I can't be arsed to post them all, goodnight tankie.
But this has nothing to do with nationalism.
>Within this complicated background, the decision to raise the work norms (in short the principle 'more work for the same salary') was perceived as a provocation, which would conceivably lead to the deterioration of living standards. The Central Committee decided to address the economic difficulties with a package of changes, which included higher taxes and higher prices, and—most significantly—an increase of the work quotas by 10%.[3]
>Although national income per capita rose in the first third of the 1950s, the standard of living fell. Huge income deductions to finance industrial investment reduced disposable personal income; mismanagement created chronic shortages in basic foodstuffs resulting in rationing of bread, sugar, flour, and meat.[24] Compulsory subscriptions to state bonds further reduced personal income. The net result was that disposable real income of workers and employees in 1952 was only two-thirds of what it had been in 1938, whereas in 1949, the proportion had been 90%.[25] These policies had a cumulative negative effect and fueled discontent as foreign debt grew and the population experienced shortages of goods.[26]
we were though
just because a country is suddenly a ppls republic it doesnt mean everybody came a socialist
the so called eastern block was full of distrust towards eachother
you have no idea what you are talking about it
Anti-Russian sentiment wasn't allowed, but everything else was encouraged. There were tons of films about heroic soldiers fighting against Nazi regime, films and books about glorious past, 19th century novels were often adapted.
Nice cherrypicked focusing on the economic instigators while ignoring other factors including religious suppresion, but then again you would support that, would't you.
>Czech reforms and de-Stalinization- crushed by the Soviets
>After Joseph Stalin's death, the process of destalinization prompted debates about fundamental issues throughout the entire Eastern Bloc. Nikita Khrushchev's speech On the Personality Cult and its Consequences had wide implications outside the Soviet Union and in other communist countries. In Poland, in addition to the criticism of the cult of personality, popular topics of debate centered on the right to steer a more independent course of 'local, NATIONAL socialism' instead of following the Soviet model down to every little detail; such views were seen in discussion and critique by many Polish United Workers' Party members of Stalin's execution of older Polish communists from Communist Party of Poland during the Great Purge.[4]
>Anti-communist resistance in Poland was also bolstered, and a group of opposition leaders and cultural figures founded the Klub Krzywego Koła (Skewed Wheel Club) in Warsaw. It promoted discussions about Polish independence, questioned the efficiency of the state controlled economy, and government disdain and even persecution of veterans of the Polish Armed Forces in the West and the Armia Krajowa resistance during World War II. While the intelligentsia expressed their dissatisfaction with discussions and publications (bibuła), workers took to the streets. The living conditions in Poland did not improve, contrary to government propaganda, and workers increasingly found that they had little power compared to bureaucracy of the Party (nomenklatura).[4]
People tend to simplify history. But history is often very complex.
When the answer is simple lose yourself in complexity, when the answer is multi-facted simplify it by focusing on a single facet.
But again, it has nothing to do with nationalism. And none of these protests happened because the people missed Nazis.
I never stated that user, quit putting words in my mouth
>multiple protests occurred due to nationalist sentiment rising
>the Soviets were discrediting pre-WW2 nationalism and it's leadership from becoming symbols and figureheads (Codreanu, Sima, Horthy, etc.) by associating them with made up warcrimes
>due to nationalist sentiment rising
No, due to harsh economic conditions, censorship and so on.
>>the Soviets were discrediting pre-WW2 nationalism and it's leadership from becoming symbols and figureheads (Codreanu, Sima, Horthy, etc.) by associating them with made up warcrimes
The Soviets called even Piłsudski a fascist. Hell, they portrayed Willy Brandt as a gestapo agent.
>made up warcrimes
Nationalists from Poland never denied war crimes perpetrated by the Nazis. Poles were the first reporting about Jewish holocaust, not the Soviets.
The aerial images from Auschwitz-Birkenau between Dec 43-Feb 45 show no evidence of fuel depots(coke), chimney smoke, fires, or burning pits.
They actually show smoke from burning pits.
What is this? This is from 23 August 1944.
Nice cherrypicking
polfags dont know history
the camp operators tried alot of shit to get rid of the bodies
from mass graves to burning pits
I like how most people who defend the SS are non white non Europeans
Sandniggers love hitler most non- whites do
pls add something about the spartacus uprising, the stab in the back meme is stronk