August First will be the final nail in the coffin. I look forward to Veeky Forums's mass suicide.
August First will be the final nail in the coffin. I look forward to Veeky Forums's mass suicide
:D almost asked is she anzu ?
damn.... i'm getting blind.
That's a guy
Unemployment rate will be near 0%, because all NEETs are hangin on trees.
So do I, as someone that has been trading internet beans for 3 years these FOMO fucktards piss me off.
>tfw you will never make enough BTC to pay dark market surgeons to transform you into the perfect girl using experimental surgery
Life is suffering.........
You have been brainwashed mentally and physically, remember who you are, you are a man. The GMOs, xenoeatrogens, Hollywood mkultra etc have made you lose your masculine energy. Don't forget it
>there are nocoiners on this board who right now feel vindicated that they didnt get into crypto
>they don't understand this is just a FUD induced correction before BTC and most quality alts surge to new ATH's by November
>I'm still up $14k even after this minor bloodbath
who else /comfy/?
how much do I need to make to be able to have that boy
Go bacck to /r/TRP faggot
He's cute.
>surgeons to transform you into the perfect girl
We still do not know how to make a "correct" vagina that does not closes itself, has tears, hair growing inside and constant infections.
We're still a while away from being able to make "perfect girls".
>currently at $1850
why would you want to cut your balls off so much? its kinda stupid you know.
castrated male with crappy looking hole between legs ... is still genetically male.
Go back to /pol/. This is a progressive /lgbt/ friendly board.
>This is a progressive /lgbt/ friendly board
Mentally ill tranny.
You probably have a testosterone deficiency, lift some weights.
Look at him! Look at him and laugh!
Sounds like you're projecting and have some insecurities festering in you, buddy :3
It's 2017 brah, you don't have to hide anymore.
Go back to your containment board. Nobody will ever accept you truly.
At least, you're so fucked you probably won't reproduce, so it's not that bad for the world.
If you go through with it you will regret it
Fuck off you retard. There is no board that's friendly towards this degeneracy.
is anzu really a dude?
Actually my and my boyfriend adopted 2 kids and we are raising them gay.
You need to be more accepting of other lifestyles.
they say that you trade better when you're crossdressing
have you tried that, user-kun? :3
>Actually my and my boyfriend adopted 2 kids and we are raising them gay.
Thankfully, I do not believe you.
You're a delusional tranny.
>raising them gay
Molestation =! parenthood
kill yourself you degenerate scum
Believe whatever you want. I'm happy with my life and you're the bitter one filled with rage and angst.
Erm, no sweetie. Raising them straight is contributing to the problems of the world - look at how cruel and mean-spirited you are. That's the problem with masculinity. LGBT lifestyle is about love and acceptance, no more bullying or hatefulness. You should try it, we all have gay in us ;)
Thx ms skeleton