>Atheists claim to be rational
>Almost all arguments for atheism are based on emotional appeals
Atheists claim to be rational
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I like to finger the rim of my anus while thinking about jesus.
>Æutists spend their only life shitposting on an imageboard
The tiny minority of arguments aren't almost all, user.
Talk to your average atheist, nine times out of ten it's either "I don't believe because my parents were mean" or "I don't believe because God doesn't make my life easier".
Talk to your average theist, nine times out of ten it's either "I believe because my parents were mean" or "I believe because God makes my life easier".
Nine times out of ten you weren't molested enough.
> I don't believe because God doesn't make my life easier
This is the pragmatic argument, not an emotional one. What is a point of believing in something if it just makes things harder?
regardless it doesn't determine the truth of that belief, which is the issue with emotional arguments
have you considered reading The Early History of God by Mark S. Smith?
Rebut Rowe's inductive argument from evil right now
It does not matter what the majority of people say the rational argument will still be the rational argument. But neither strict theism or atheism is rational because they deal with unknowable things. However, many religions make claims that can falsified or proven to be mistaken which makes them somewhat less rational.
>tfw the concept of god seems to be an imaginary thing invented by early man to quench his fears, but science still doesn't know how the universe came to be or if we are running in a simulation, so apathetic agnosticism is the only logical position
>science doesn't know how universe came to be
>apathetic agnosticism
>my parents were mean to me
>so I'll be the same faith as them
Really made me think user
Because then you have a good life once your body dies
this is pretty much it
nothing like a tasty does of hipocracy
> you have a good life
More like a simulation of your mind could suffer less after you would be dead.
I don't believe in an entity that would have create earth or men intentionally and that would be monitoring us. I keep the doubt in mind, because thats what any reasonable people do. What we know for sure is that we knows today more about the world than any religion or any community in recent history. To believe is OK if it does help you in life to get through hard moment. To let religious people still praticing preach in 2017 is just a step backward in evolution.
Our knowledge can only go so far back we can't say anything really insightfu about the primordial existence that existed prior to the big bang.