>he pronounces it Joo-lee-us See-zer
tell me about your historically illiterate friends, Veeky Forums
He pronounces it Joo-lee-us See-zer
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying it's not You-lie-us Chai-zar
That's correct, though.
If this is what OP means, then it isn't it in true Latin, and would've been: .
Also, "vini vedi vici" is pronounced "weenie weedie weecie" in Latin.
Enligthen me I guess?
It's pronounced rinny, reddy, ricky.
Weh-ni widi wiki
You-lee-oos Kai-Sar (possibly Ca-Esar)
It's pronounced badabingi badabingo
Oh fuck had forgotten about that hard "c". And your way of writting it down makes a lot more sense too.
Actually it would have been more like Hoo-lee-us Gay-zar.
>he has a problem with words being adapted to suit the language
Historically illiterate pleb
Joo-lee-us See-zer is the correct pronunciation when speaking modern English.
These threads are always hilarious. Fucking anglos
Ju li us Ca sar.
Speak his name in Spanish is the most correct pronounce.
you must have gotten a real boner when playing new vegas then.
Fucking anglos with their shitty phonetics
You-lee-oos Kai-zar
WHO-lee-us KAI-Zarr
Anything else is dead wrong.
The hard c really does activate your almonds. It completely changes how names like 'Lucius' are said
>americunts trying to speak latin
way wiktus (that means fuck off in roman)
More like, you-lee-oos Kae-zar
Fellas, anonymvs.
>kai us
>(You) Lee us
It's "Weenie Weedie Weekie"
/'juːliʊs 'kaisar/
my RL friend calls hazaras "afghan" and persians "arabs"
Zhoo-lie-oos Say-sar
You li o ka I sar
>original latin
shit sounds so regal