>Expels jews
>Inmidiatly her kingdom becomes a superpower
Was she into something
Expels jews
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According to G.K. Chesterton, the real advantage to the medieval practice of abolishing Jewry was that you were throwing out all the money lenders and creditors and essentially giving your citizens an economic start-over, liberating them from their debts.
expelling not only mean they are removed from the place but they leave behind their assests, investments, land, houses, business relations
a fresh new ground for the locals, essentially theft
It is not theft.They got back their money from leeches and usurers
yes it is, 2 wrong does not make it right
when you expel someone, they grab what they can get and throw them out
its good business for those staying
uhh buddy i think the guy begging for a loan and then not paying it back is the leech
>Earn profits due excessive interest rates as no one else can loan
> Not illegitimate profit
If the money lent was coming through starving peasants to death yeah they are leeches
the funny thing is the practice stayed the same, only the business operators religion changed
polfags are just jelous of the judens money, as shown in the holocaust
so the jews with property and money are leeches and the starving penniless peasants begging for gibsmedats are not leeches?
Hitler did the exact same thing, and by 1943 german economy was in shambles.
Lately I'm thinking this stuff against jews from people like OP comes down to envy.
>the funny thing is the practice stayed the same, only the business operators religion changed
The christians were not proto-masonic and anti-Spanish plotters.Jews created 3 civil wars in Castile.Agitators deserve nothing but death but Izzy was too merciful
The peasants feed the Jews.The Jews just loaned money without working
>Hitler did the exact same thing, and by 1943 german economy was in shambles.
Maybe because they were in the middle of a world war?
>The Jews just loaned money without working
It's their fucking money. Nobody was forcing them to take a loan.
They were the only ones that could loan so they put massive interest rates which they knew the peasants couldn't pay steal the few properties that they had
Are you a communist or something?
No I just call a leech a leech
"Don't tell me not to take loans tell the jews not to offer them to me"
"God l love starving to death :)"
>Making fraudulent deals against ignorant people is ok
>Scamming is ok
Or you are Nigerian or you are plain generic human garbage
You don't want to pay back the money and that makes them the leech? It makes no sense to me.
>ignorant people
but I thought white people had 300 IQ on average and education is a non-factor. At least that was what /pol/ preaches.
>You don't want to pay back the money
They took animals and land from peasants when they couldn't pay their loans.
No they are not.Specially iliterate peasants
Those expelled jews made Selanik into the second richest city of the ottoman empire after Istanbul.
The Ottoman empire was a backwards shithole.Anything could improve it.
>According to G.K. Chesterton, the real advantage to the medieval practice of abolishing Jewry was that you were throwing out all the money lenders and creditors and essentially giving your citizens an economic start-over, liberating them from their debts.
Jubilee! Comes straight from the Jews themselves!
>The Jubilee (Hebrew יובל yūḇāl) year is the year at the end of seven cycles of shmita (Sabbatical years), and according to Biblical regulations had a special impact on the ownership and management of land in the Land of Israel; there is some debate whether it was the 49th year (the last year of seven sabbatical cycles, referred to as the Sabbath's Sabbath), or whether it was the following (50th) year. Jubilee deals largely with land, property, and property rights. According to Leviticus, slaves and prisoners would be freed, debts would be forgiven, and the mercies of God would be particularly manifest.
>According to Leviticus, slaves and prisoners would be freed, debts would be forgiven, and the mercies of God would be particularly manifest.
>debts would be forgiven
Only Jewish slaves would be freed don't try to remove the ethnic reality behind this verse
>They got back their money from leeches and usurers
Then why did they assign a Court Jew? They enabled everything you bitch about now. Most Jews weren't even moneylenders, the moneylenders would just come with. Most Jews were impoverished scribes and people who did normal ass jobs. It's literally in the names Jews have. Goldstein = Goldsmith, etc.
Did they deserve all that because Europeans decided to assign a "Court Jew" to handle all finances and be moneylenders?
>The peasants feed the Jews.The Jews just loaned money without working
Find me a statistic that shows even a significant number of Jews were moneylenders. You can't. Most Jews did normal ass jobs, however considering Christians were banned from usury the only people who did it were Jews.
This psuedo-history is getting old.
>I'm suffering so gibs me dat.
t.Abraham Levi Goldstein
Keep crying about it. Europeans enabled usury. They should have banned it if they thought it was so immoral. Except they didn't.
Not only did they not ban it, they specifically made positions for Jews and give them equal rights, even when most Jews were restricted from these rights.
Most Jews didn't have these privileges. It's the equivalent of an SJW crying about Bill Gates and pretending that you as a white person benefit from it.
Stormfags really can't come up with an argument
Tons of christians were leeches.All jews were leeches
go find an example of a modern economy that functions without moneylending.
I'll wait
Moneylending=/=usury.Jews are usurers and they caused the last financial crisis.
>Goldstein = Goldsmith
Ackerman = Plowman
Baker = Baker
Einstein = Mason
Kushner = furrier
Kravitz = Tailor
Katzoff = Butcher
Nagler = Nail Maker
Spielman/berg = Musician
Stein = Jeweler
Farber = Painter
Garfinkel = Diamond Dealer
Holtz = Timber Dealer
Kaufman = Merchant
Seidman = Silk Merchant
Wechsler = Money changer
Wollman = Wool Merchant
Zuckerman/berg = Sugar Merchant
Sherman = Tailor
Schneider = Tailor
If you wanna know what a Jew's ancestors did historically, look at their last name. Jews tended to do the same thing their parents did, generation after generation. Might be why you have the nepotism in hollywood.
>All Jews
Prove it then. You can't find any proof even a significant amount of Jews took part in this. Most Jews did normal ass jobs like everyone else but you pretend they didn't.
> Expels Jews
> Creates a highly devout state that eventually devolves into a fucked up quasi-theocratic playground for the Habsburgs after a siglo de oro based on stealing redskin gold, and is eventually eaten up the bourbons anyway, becoming the Russia on Western Europe as it gets fucked over for the next century or so.
"""Catholic"""" Monarchs indeed.
Thanks for this. Now I know (((who))) i'm dealing with.
>Most Jews did normal ass jobs
Not true.They had their own guilds and all worked together around their rabbies which were the wealthiest people in any country.Jews were proto-masonic garbage that only looked for themselves
Spain was the most powerful country in Europe before anyone set foot on Mexico.Isabel did nothing wrong.
>Not true.
You're full of it. Most Jews were impoverished, it's a fact. Stop pulling shit of your ass. The only places Jews had economic freedom was Pre-Inquisition Spain. Jews in Europe were poor villagers. Jews in Asia were poor, Jews in the Middle East were poor.
There were some rich Jewish families, but there were so many more who were just the poorest of the poor doing normal ass jobs and being massacred for what the rich ones did.
>Jews were subject to a wide range of legal disabilities and restrictions throughout the Middle Ages, some of which lasted until the end of the 19th century. Jews were excluded from many trades, the occupations varying with place and time, and determined by the influence of various non-Jewish competing interests. Often Jews were barred from all occupations but money-lending and peddling, with even these at times forbidden. The number of Jews permitted to reside in different places was limited; they were concentrated in ghettos, and were not allowed to own land; they were subject to discriminatory taxes on entering cities or districts other than their own, were forced to swear special Jewish Oaths, and suffered a variety of other measures, including restrictions on dress.
If this happened to me I would stick to my group to. The fact that idiots blame the Jews for sticking together while they are put on so many restrictions is retarded.
Not only that, why would you allow a group which you've restricted from certain rights power economically? Europeans are retarded and deserve everything they've dealt with and more.
>You're full of it. Most Jews were impoverished, it's a fact. Stop pulling shit of your ass. The only places Jews had economic freedom was Pre-Inquisition Spain. Jews in Europe were poor villagers. Jews in Asia were poor, Jews in the Middle East were poor.
Then why rabbies were the wealthies people in Europe? Jews formed organized cartels and used that money to lend it.Leeches and worms.Protomasonic garbage
>Jews tended to do the same thing their parents did, generation after generation.
The same was true for every European ethnicity.
You're a commie in denial.
Jews excluded themselves via their backwards religion which treats goys as haram. Stop acting like they didn't segregate themselves.
Find me an actual source that proves "rabbies were the wealthies people in Europe."
Even if they were, let's pretend for a second you're right. What does that show when most Jews just did normal jobs and were not rich? There are rich African-Americans, but most are poor. I can't pretend Kanye represents someone in Detroit, solely because Kanye has more money than me.
>create ghettos and force jews to live there
>restrict jews from owning land
>have specific jewish taxes and curfews
>restrict them from certain occupations
Rabbies are not merchants or entrepreneurs.They are spiritual leaders.Them being richer than fucking dukes just shows how the jewish mafia worked
That explains why when Napoleon knocked down the walls of the Jewish ghettos, they responded with "No no, we don't want to be equal citizens we like being separate from you filthy goys."
The second Jews had a chance at assimilation, they took it. You're ignoring how strong the religious divide was when Jews first arrived in Europe.
I love how you still can't come up with a source for a single one of your claims. You've just repeated the same bullshit.
>I love how you still can't come up with a source for a single one of your claims. You've just repeated the same bullshit.
The 3 wealthiest people in Castile were Abraham Senior ,Abravanel and Meir Mehamed. 3 Jewish rabbies, that tried to pimp and bribe king Ferdinand into stopping the conversions.Pimps.That is what they were.A mafia
>asks for source
Thanks for the source. I'm convinced now.
>I have money
>OP asks me for my hard earned money
>I give him money
>I ask OP for my money back
You left out the part where she married Ferdinand and united Spain.
What do you want a photo from the book? Just search who this people were Aragon was useless after the black plague.
call me a fruit but I swear I visited this place in a dream
OP you left out the part that pretty much all the Jews in Spain had converted to Christianity and assimilated into Spanish society by the late 15th century and out of the remaining Jews left in 1492, half of them converted.
Don't perpetuate the meme that Bibi's father, a Spanish historian, claims that once a Jew, always a Jew.
No, I wan't actual evidence to back up your claims that in Europe, the richest people were Rabbis. My favorite part of your argument is previously I mentioned the only place in Europe Jews had economic mobility at the time was Spain.
Spain =/= All of Europe
In Italy the wealthiest families were jewish outside of the big families like the Medici.Only backwater regions like England or France didn't have a wealthy jewish mafia
>Was she into something
>taking an obese fascist seriously
Prove it. But even then, when I was mentioning areas where Jews had equal opportunity, Sicily was one of those places.
Also Venice,Genoa,Florence,Pisa and a long list of cities.Only poor backwater regions didn't have wealthy jews at the time like England
Go into more detail
>Jews tended to do the same thing their parents did, generation after generation
this is just a human thing in general user...
Compound interests is usury.
The illegal action or practice of lending money at unreasonably high rates of interest.
They were referring to other Jews during the holiday.
Maybe not so much these days. My dad didn't do what his dad did and i'm not gonna do what my dad did.
Jews are still like that kind of. That's why you have all the nepotism.
Why wasn't it illegal then?
Religious Jews (which was most at the time) didn't like it. Only a minority of seculars did.
Because no one in Europe had a standard mathmatical formula for what constituted too much. Even today its hard to say what is too much interest on a product.
>he thinks it was starving peasants getting loans
Nah, commies are the ones most envious of others having more wealth/luxury. Jew haters are more concerned about the control of the nation's institutions
That doesn't explain why they become a superpower, however. It might cause a bump in GDP but losing population is generally considered a bad thing.
Yes she was into mulatto men.
Communists like you should be sent to venezuela or cuba.
Then why do you care?
>everyone has a problem with you
Really gets the old noggin' joggin'
What is the point of this replies?
find a modern economy that functions without interest
Does you bank account collect interest? you're an accessory to usury dumbass
But the gold can't be circulated to the expelled Jews and Moors which leads to inflation.
>find a modern economy that functions without interest
>Does you bank account collect interest? you're an accessory to usury dumbass
No it doesn't as interest rates are low as fuck. Even then I would be forced to participate in the system that caused the last depression
>But the gold can't be circulated to the expelled leeches and human garbage
>which leads to inflation.
Would have been irrelevant in a XVI century economy
That's called argumentum ad populum my man :)
In those times they were becoming the powerhouse who were going to wreck almost everything.
They started to become backwards from the end of the 17th century.
Maybe you should read into why spain became a shithole.
>In those times they were becoming the powerhouse who were going to wreck almost everything.
>They started to become backwards from the end of the 17th century.
No they were a backwards shithole with tons of people and a big army
Masons and liberalism.Still Spain is better than any muslim country you masonic piece of shit
You need organisation to field such an army also most western european countries were more densely populated than the empire.
Also actual historians shit on your opinions.
I bet it has nothing to with the spanish being retarded and importing shitload of gold which resulted into inflation.
Is portugal a shithole?
>You need organisation to field such an army also most western european countries were more densely populated than the empire.
Yes.The Ottoman empire was still a backwards empire that used bows,arrows and roman tier galleys deep into the XVII century
>I bet it has nothing to with the spanish being retarded and importing shitload of gold which resulted into inflation.
No one knew how inflation worked but even then the inflation crisis was alredy over by the end of Charle's the II reign.You dumb roach
>Also actual historians shit on your opinions.
Your butthurt towards Ottomans is making you deny actual historical facts and consensus you can confirm in 5 minutes of google search
Is this the kind of person you want to be?
>Your butthurt towards Ottomans is making you deny actual historical facts and consensus you can confirm in 5 minutes of google search
>Is this the kind of person you want to be?
The roach empire was backwards.Just going to Roachland will show it to you.Their cities are dull and pathetic (sign of poverty) and they still live in mudhutts.If you go by primary sources the Roach empire and all its territories were backward shitholes since the roach took control of them.The roach army used tomboys with arrows and daggers deep into the XVII century.The Roach empire was a backwards shithole
So it is the kind of person you want to be
Carry on then
If roachland is so great. Why do you live in Germany?
Why would a person agree to abusive interests?
oh yeah, nothing to do with the incoming conquest of an entire continent and millions of people